Mustafa Sandal - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Songs 2021



In the homeland, the Turkish singer Mustafa Sandal is a pop star, one of the most vibrant and popular vocalists. The number of Sandal albums sold exceeded 17 million, but this is not the limit: Mustafa continues to delight fans, releasing new collections with hits. Bright clips for songs that have come to the upper lines of charts appear on televisers.

Mustafa Sandal

Know the Turkish vocalist and in Europe: in the repertoire of the pop star dozens of English-speaking compositions. The songs of "All My Life" and "Moonlight", filled with the eastern temperament and the European quality of sound, found the way to the hearts of British and French music lovers.

In Russia, Mustafa Sandal is the second on recognition after the countryman of Tarkan with his hit "Shykydim".

Childhood and youth

The singer was born in January 1970 in the ancient Istanbulsky district of Besiktash, once served by the administrative center for the last Ottoman Sultans. Later, when the sandal has already become a famous artist, he was attributed to the relationship with the Turkish comedian Kamalham Sunal. Alleged actor in his youth threw Master Mustafa, when she was already pregnant with her son. Once hearing this assumption from reporters, the singer regarded him as a joke.

Kemal Komika Sunala called Father Mustafa Sandal

The tendency of a boy to music Parents discovered in early childhood. Mustafa was survived at the first sounds of songs and tried to repeat the rhythm of the drummers with undermines. He had the greatest interest in the instrumental support, especially guitar. But the Mustafa vocal in those years did not show interest.

The parents of the boy considered the passion of the Son Nepherznaya and Temporary: he was seen by a solid businessman or an authoritative banker.

Mustafa Sandal in youth

Mustafa Sandal did not dare to make adults. After graduating from the boarding school in Geneva, he entered American, and then the British lyceum, where they received the basics of economic education. After completion of studies, I returned home to Istanbul. He could no longer confront the children's dream and plunged into the world of music, tied biography with art forever.

Mustafa wrote music and songs, offering Turkish performers. A young poet and the composer did not solve the copyright compositions.

Who knows, as if the career of Mustafa Sandal, if it were not for the dispute with the friends of Khakan Beer and Hello Orthach. Young people argued who would first get to the top of the musical Olympus.

Mustafa Sandal on stage

Won and first reached popularity in Hacan Pecker's homeland. Today is a performer famous in Turkey. Heger Ortachu got "Bronze". Well, the sovereign turned out to be in the middle: the dispute spurned him to go on the stage and take his niche in the pop business.


The first steps in Mustafa's music Sandal did, cooperating as a songwriter with famous Turkish performers. His compositions enjoyed success at the listeners, went to the tops of the charts and became hits. Soon the sandal was one of the most sought-after authors whose songs came to the repertoire of pop stars.

In the early 1990s, Mustafa Sandal "ripe" before going to the scene as a performer and recorded a debut album. He came out in 1994 called "Suc Bende" ("My Wines"). In the first months, 1.5 million cassettes and 200 thousand disks were sold, which became a record of the year. Sandals learned and accepted as an independent performer. He had an army of fans and fan clubs around the world.

3 months after the start of the musical biography, Mustafa Sandal went to the tour of the country. For the year, the singer gave 140 concerts in the major cities of Turkey and 30 - in the cities of Europe, becoming a record holder among fellow countrymen.

Author and artist Mustafa Sandal

At the reached, the sandal was not stopped: next year, focused on the arrangement of the songs and equipped the house of his own recording studio. In 1995, he became an arrangers of the Album "Adam" singer Sibel Alash, writing all songs for him.

Next year, Mustafa Sandal was pleased with the fans, submitting the second album, which called "Gölgede Aynı" ("Same as the shadow"). And again a deafening success: 2 million cassettes and 600 thousand disks repented Melomanna. In support of the collection, the performer went to the touring tour, giving 140 concerts.

Mustafa Sandal on Television

The second collection of Sandal recorded on his own studio. And the singer and arranger tried the strength as a director, removing the clips on the best songs. Videos became leaders of charts. Soon he declared itself as a talented producer. Mustafa Sandal lit on stage two new stars - Izel and Reyahan Karaca.

A beautiful feature under the 1990 singer was summed up by the third album "Detay" ("Detail"). In the same 1999, Mustafa put a signature under the contract with the European Studio "Sony Music France", on which he recorded the album of hits for music album "Araba" ("Machine").

The album "Akışına Bırak" ("Let it happen"), presented in 2000, turned out to be failed and replenished was a modest circulation. But the only hit of the collection "Hatırla Beni", recorded in a duet with a singer from Greece Natalie, taken to the permanent repertoire of the Sandal.

Return to the top of popularity The Contractor helped the albums "KOP" ("broke"), "Seven" ("Seven") and "İste" ("Feed"). In the last English-Turkish collection included the hits "All My Life" and "Story", multiplying the popularity of the Turkish star in Europe.

Album "İsyankar", which is translated from Turkish as "prone to run", was released in 2004 and received the status of gold in Germany.

Announces that the singer's career completes, Mustafa Sandal is unpleasantly surprised by fans waiting for the star new hits. Therefore, music lovers were delighted when the favorite in 2007 and 2009 presented the albums "Devamı Var" ("continuing") and "Karizma" ("Charisma").

A year later, the fans waited for a meeting with his favorite, this time with television screens. Mustafa played the main role of the Turkish police akar in the full-length militant "Five Minarets in New York". Together with the partner Firate (Makhsun Kirimzigul), the hero of the Sandala participates in the joint Turkish-American anti-terrorist operation. Already in 2012, the artist declared his new work - the album "Organik" ("Organiza").

In Russia, the Turkish singer became known with the light hand of Philip Kirkorov, who, having acquainted with Mustafa in London, invited a colleague on tour to Moscow and starred in the clip on one of the stensel songs.

In 2015 and 2016, the pop star pleased the fans, giving the albums "Ben Olsaydım" ("If I were") and "Dön Dünya" ("Return to the World").

Personal life

In the personal life of Mustafa Sandala, as in creativity, there was a place to take off and drops. The first novel vocalist with a beauty model, Italian by nationality, ended sadly. The mannequin, whose career gained momentum, did not want to throw the podium and move to her beloved to Istanbul.

Mustafa Sandal and his wife Emin Yakhovich

After the sad partition, the sandalie met real love - Serbian model, actress and singer Emine Yakhovich. The second half of Mustafa played a role in the Turkish melodrame "time of tulips", and in 2013 it was a judge in the Serbian TV show "X Factor", repeatedly participated in the national selection of the Eurovision International Competition. Emina was 12 years younger than the beloved that did not prevent the feelings of lovers.

Mustafa Sandal with Wife and Children

Two stars began to live together in 2004, and got married in early 2008. In the same year, Emin gave the wife of the firstborn, which Yaman was named. In February 2012, the singer became the father of the second child - the boy of Javuza.

For 10 years, the Mustafa and Eminem family was an example of an ideal marriage for fans, but in early 2018, the spouses decided to put a point in relationships. The first divorce informed his fans the singer's wife. On a personal page in "Instagram", she changed the name on Maiden.

Mustafa Sandal with sons

Subsequently, the news confirmed the sandal. Both artists performed at a press conference, where they officially announced a break of relationships. The musicians did not comment on the causes of separation, but judging by the photo Mustafa on a personal page in "Instagram", he still actively participates in the education of sons.

Mustafa Sandal now

In November 2017, the Turkish singer gave a concert to Russian fans in the Moscow Crocus City Hall. The leading event was the ex-participant of the TV show "Dom-2" Evgenia Feofilaktova. .

Mustafa Sandal and Eugene Feofilaktova

Mustafa pleases the fans not only with honed vocals, but also a sports figure. When height 173 cm weight sandalwood is 66 kg

According to unconfirmed information, soon the Contractor is going to replenish his discography with a new job. Now, in addition to creativity, Mustafa participates in two trials. One concerns the divorce with his wife Yakhovich, the second - with the BP oil company (British Petroleum), which throughout the year illegally used the image of the singer in the advertising campaign. Initially, Mustafa lawsuit was 65 thousand Turkish lira (about $ 10 thousand), then the singer increased the amount of up to 3 million (almost $ 500 thousand).

In July 2018, Mustafa presented to the public a new clip to the Single "Reset", which created with the Turkish rapper Eypio. Song speech about modern technologies and virtual reality capabilities. The video, which in two months watched 20 million users, was criticized by the Turkish Ministry of Health. Officials outraged the image of a frivolous nurse submitted in the clip, which does not correspond to the generally accepted idea of ​​medical professionals. The musician had to cut the scenes with the actress, dressed in a savory suit. For filming in the video, the sandalwi attracted the eldest son of Yaman.


  • 1994 - Suç bende ("My Wine")
  • 1996 - Gölgede Aynı ("The same as the shadow")
  • 1998 - Detay ("Detail")
  • 2000 - Araba ("Machine")
  • 2000 - Akışına Bırak ("Let it happen")
  • 2002 - KOP ("broke")
  • 2003 - Seven ("Seven")
  • 2004 - İste ("Acceptance")
  • 2004 - "İsyankar" ("prone to run")
  • 2005 - Yamalı ("Spotted")
  • 2007 - Devamı Var ("Continuing")
  • 2009 - Karizma ("Charisma")
  • 2012 - ORGANIK ("Organic")
  • 2015 - Ben Olsaydım ("If I were")
  • 2016 - Dön Dünya ("Return to Peace")

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