Carey Mulling - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Cary Mullyigan thanks to a typical British appearance gained fame, removing in historical paintings and filmms of classical novels. The purposefulness and dedication in the profession contributed to the implementation of a children's dream - playing on the stage.

Childhood and youth

Carey was born on May 28, 1985, under the sign of the Zodiac Twins. Hometown actress - London. However, in Westminster, where Mulling's parents lived in the 80s, she only held the first years of life. Father has Irish roots, but grew up in Liverpool. Mother come from Wales. Stephen Malligan in 1988 received the position of the manager of the hotel in Hanover, and therefore the family lived for some time in Germany. Here Carey, like her elder brother, received secondary education.

Among the relatives of the future actress there were no actors or directors. Nevertheless, theatrical art of Carey became interested in childhood. Brother actresses participated in school productions.

Carey became frequenter of theatrical rehearsals, participated in performances and musicals, fulfilling the role of the director's assistant. The girl, of course, did not become an indispensable theater specialist. In such a job, Carei itself was interested in such a job, by the age of 16 no longer imagining the scene.

Mulligan saw somehow Kenneth Barman on the play "Heinrich V". In the late 80s, a film was released, in which the actor fulfilled the role of royal personnel. But Brane in the image of Heinrich V went to the theater scene and before, and after the premiere of the historical drama. Carey made a strong impression the game of the actor. And when the girl declared her parents about her plans and did not meet an understanding, asked for the Council to Bran.

To speak with the famous actor, the girl did not dare. She sent a letter. There were such words: "I told my parents that I want to become an actress and feel that this is my vocation, but they are categorically against."

Probably Brana did not have a free time. The letter answered the sister of the actor. "If you are sure that you have sufficient strength in order to become an actress, you must become it," there was an answer.

Thus, the decision of the future actress influenced Kenneth Brahn. Or his sister.

It is noteworthy that Oeun - Brother Actresses - about the theater quickly forgot. He inspired her sister on the theater career, he himself became a military. Owen graduated from the university, then served in Afghanistan and Iraq. Meanwhile, the parents tried to accept the choice of daughter. Stephen Mulligan and his spouse dreamed that the daughter would also graduate from the university, would acquire a reliable, respected profession. Neon understanding from the natives complicated the path of Carey, which was already a thorny.

Carey was rewritten not only from Brana, but also with Julian Whelloze. Actor and director The girl saw for the first time in 2002. Felloose read a lecture on cinema in the school, which came the Carey. At the age of 17, the girl appealed to him for advice, asked how to start an acting career. He tried to dissuade the naive, enthusiastic high school. And advised to "marry a lawyer." Mulling did not take advantage of the Council, but sent a letter to the fellose.

"I am convinced that the acting is my vocation," wrote Carey.

Confidence in the words of Young Lady Tronul Felloous. Carey was invited to an event conducted for beginner actors. At that evening, Malligan met with the assistant director Joe Wright. He invited her to the casting, which she successfully passed, having received the role of Kitty Bennet in the painting "Pride and Prejudice".


Miloid, sophisticated Mulling is perfectly given by the images of heroines from classical literature. Growth and weight of cary - 170 cm and 54 kg, respectively. On the screen actress seems even more fragile, air. However, for visible defenselessness, sometimes egoism is hidden, indifference. A vivid example is a heroine of Mallarigan in the "Great Gatsby".

Sometimes Carey is compared with her American counterpart - Michel Williams. But the similarity is only in hairstyle and style. In addition, Mulligan regularly changes the hair color. Williams is an incorrigible blonde. Not in vain, it is considered one of the best performers of Marilyn Monroe. From the Russian stars on the actress, a similar blonde is considered to be similar - Oksana Akinshina.

The first role of Malligan performed in the film according to the famous work of Jane Austin. Carey played one of the younger sisters Bennet - beautiful, but capricious and frivolous.

In the same year, when Carey appeared on the screen in the image of Kitty, the filming of the "Cold House" began - the film on the novel by Charles Dickens. Mallargan approved for the role of the cousin of the main character. Critics paid attention to the "Cold House", as evidenced by the BAFTA award. Carey began receiving offers from directors. By 2010, 19 work in the film and television was included in the film surface.

Carey is removed not only in the costume cinema, although he glanced as an actress creating images of the old days.

Filmography Mulling is quite rich. Only in 2007, the actress performed six roles in the cinema. Two of them are in the episodes of the series, another one - in the film, telling the Son Red Diarga during the war during the war. In the film-biographies "My boy Jack" Carey played a daughter of a writer.

4 years after the Karya Cary Mulling played in the film, who almost brought her Oscar. The events of the 60s of the last century are shown in the "Education of Sovements". Peter Sarsgaard became a partner of Malligan on the set. The film was nominated for the highest kinonagra in three categories, including for the best female role in the execution of Carey.

In the drama "Shame" actress played sister Michael Fassbender hero. Work on the film lasted 25 days. On the shooting of the scene, in which the main character, Eotoman and a successful seducer, listens to the singing of his sister, took three hours. Fassbender did not have to play. The actor is really for the first time during the filming of the scene in the restaurant heard, as Mulling sings.

In Neonouar, "Drive" about the modern knight on a powerful car instead of a lick horse, a vividly executed by Ryan Gosling, Carey got the role of an excellent lady of the heart, who, however, there is a child and a husband who has just returned from prison.

The following successful work in Carey filmography is the role of Gatsby's beloved Games. It is already difficult to submit another actress in the image of Daisy Buchen. However, Mulling was a lot surprised when the director chose her. Carey is the owner of a classic British image, but American actresses were claimed to the main female role, which, unlike Mulling, at least read Roman Fitzgerald. Carey read the work after the director rang her and said the phrase "Hello, Daisy!".

With Leonardo di Caprio, it turned out to work easily. Malligan later told that ease between them arose after the first screen kiss. It was easy and to enter the image of a rich spoiled American, living in the "roaring twenties".

While working on the screening of the Roman Thomas Hardy "Away from the distraught crowd" Carey made bothering her partner Mattias Schaonarts, more than once fell from the horse. At the actress's site, the brain shake was obtained, because of which it can not even restore the process of filming.

Mulling is subject to different images. She played feminine and spoiled Daisy. In the same year, the role of Watts mod activists - participants of the movement of the soul fusionist. And in 2017, "Farm Madbound" appeared on the screen in the image of a modest resident of the countryside.

The familiar viewers on the role of Pierre Duzhova in the film and the "War and Peace" floor was made to debut as a director also with a tape based on a book. Floor invited Mulling and Jake Gillanhol to the film about the collapsed relationships.

Personal life

Actress sometimes attributed love relationships with celebrities. The more I got the filmography, the more extensive list of fictional workers. Carey claims that it is raised in a strict English manner and is not prone to fleeting hobbies and attract attention to candid outfits or photos in a swimsuit.

At the set "Wall Street", Carey met Shay Labuff. During the year, a photo of Mulligan appeared in the media in the company with the executor of the role of Jacob Mura. Relationships continued not long.

Soon, Marcus Mamford appeared in the personal life of the British actress. With a musician Cary I have known for a long time, long before he became the leader of Mumford & Sons, but before 2011 they were associated friendly relations. In 2012, Carey and Marcus became her husband and wife.

Mulling and Mamford have two children. Yvlin's daughter was born in 2015, the son was born in August 2017, the boy was called Wilfred. Parents do not post photos of children in "Instagram" and other social networks, however, in the press, thanks to the persistent paparazzi, the pictures still appeared.

In his youth, Carey had middle-length hair, for the first time the actress decided on an experiment with a short haircut in 2008. Her hairstyle was so followed that the star image was for a long time.

Mulligan consists in several charitable organizations and advocates the protection of victims. Together with Tom Hiddleston and Kira Knightley, she joined the Justice and Equality Fund Foundation, organized by Emma Watson in 2018.

Cary Malligan now

Today, the actress continues to stay on a good account from directors. What is evidenced by the main role of Kassandra, the slave for the violence, in the criminal drama "Girl, and Hope" in the criminal drama "Girl. Carey company made up Burnem, Chris Lowell and Adam Brodi. The film was nominated for the "Golden Globe - 2021" in 4 categories, but in no one became a laureate.

The actress became the culprit of a professional scandal than attracted attention to both his person and to the sharp issue in the film industry. Speaking about the Oscar premium, Mallarian noted that in 2020 no woman was included in the list of nominees for the title of the best director of the year.

In 2021, the premiere of the Drama "Excavation" took place, in which the actress replaced the refusal of Nicole Kidman. In Tandem with Raff Fains, Mulling reproduced on the screen of the detection of historical value - Kurgan Necropolis Sutton-Hu.


  • 2005 - "Pride and Prejudice"
  • 2007 - "Resecting the Dead"
  • 2007 - "Doctor Who"
  • 2007 - "Northern Gabety"
  • 2009 - "Education of Sovers"
  • 2009 - "Best"
  • 2010 - "Wall Street: money is not sleeping"
  • 2011 - "Shame"
  • 2013 - "Great Gatsby"
  • 2015 - "Suflower"
  • 2017 - "Farm" Madbound ""
  • 2018 - "Partner"
  • 2020 - "Girl, Suppressing Hope"
  • 2021 - "excavations"

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