Julian Semenov - biography, photo, personal life, books, movies



Julian Semenov is obliged to appear not only by the "main scout of the country" Stirlitz, the writer was a pioneer in journalistic investigations, the founder of the first non-state newspaper "Top Secret." He turned a political detective from the speaker in a serious break, forcing the genre to think.

Childhood and youth

Julian Lyandres (the real name of the writer and journalist) was born in Moscow in October 1931. Father Semyon Alexandrovich is the founder of the publishing in the Soviet Union, the associate of Nikolai Bukharin and Sergo Ordzhonikidze. Mother Galina Nikolaevna taught a history at school. With a high-ranking chapter of the family, the Biography of the boy would have formed quite safely if it were not for the proximity to the "enemies of the people."

Julian Semenov

The same label was hung on Lyandres - Father Juliana fell behind bars. Son, not frightened threats to be in conclusion, wrote in defense of the Father in all sorts of instances. Semenov-younger was excluded from the institute, I had to work as a loader. Saved the Seeds of Lyandres. The death of Stalin.

Julian Semenov in childhood

At the end of the school, Julian entered the Institute of Oriental Studies, where he learned the rare languages ​​by Pashto and Dari, made friends with Evgeny Primakov, the future minister of foreign affairs and the head of the government of Russia.

In 1956, Julian published the first article under the pseudonym of Semenov. The reason served as a visit to the Soviet Union Shah Iran, whom the future writer accompanied as a translator.


Semenov began published in the magazine "Ogonek", in whose state was a journalist. Julian traveled a lot around the country, drove into foreign business trips, on drifting stations in the North Pole. After the trip with his wife to China released the essay book about this country.

Julian Semenov in youth

During work in Afghanistan, the first political detective "Diplomatic agent" was written. The list of persons with whom the journalist met, collecting materials would have envied any: a dancer Serge Lifar, writer Georges Siemeon, General SS Karl Wolf, Senator Edward Kennedy.

The works of the writer were published in popular publications of those years "Banner", "Moscow Komsomolets", "Young Guard", "Youth". In 1960, Julian Semenov was admitted to the Union of Writers of the USSR. A year later, the first film was released on his scenario - "Weekdays and Holidays."

Senator Edward Kennedy and Julian Semenov

Thanks to the uncle-chief of the Mura department, the journalist got an intern in the Moscow criminal office. Seen and heard the police formed the basis of the story "Petrovka, 38". The work and followed after the "Ogarev, 6" served as scenarios of cycles of popular Soviet detectives. Three years later, the first novel "Password is not needed" saw the light, which was withdrawn by the eponymous film with Riona Nakhapetov and Vasily Lanov in high roles. At the same time, a movie on the novel "Major Whirlwind" is coming to the screens.

Writers Julian Semenov and Georges Siemenon

Soon in the magazine "Moscow", where Julian then worked as an editor, a novel was published, with the name of which primarily the surname of the writer is first associated - "Seventeen Moments of Spring". According to the memoirs of contemporaries, in the days when the TV series, shot on the book, was allowed on television, the streets were allowed and crime was reduced.

In the mid-80s, the continuation of the cycle about the reconnaissance of Isaeva - Roman "Expansion" in three parts was published. Finished the spy epic "Despair", who saw the light in the 1990s. But none of them got such popularity as "seventeen moments ...", which, by the way, is the third part of the story about Isaev-Stirlice.

Julian Semenov and Vyacheslav Tikhonov

The directions gladly filmed a movie on the works of Semenov: "Hold on for the clouds!", "Diamonds for the dictatorship of the proletariat", "He killed me under Luang Prabang," Bomb for the Chairman. " Loud events of the steel "TASS is authorized to declare", "ordered to survive", "confrontation".

In the late 80s, Semenov elected by the President of the International Association of Detective and Political Roman, the magazine "Detective and Policy" began to go out. At the same time, Julian established the first private newspaper "Top Secret", which over time turned into the foundation of the whole media holding.

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The newspaper was distinguished by public events and facts previously not affordable to a wide reader. The publication enjoyed rabid popularity, journalists who worked in it turned into media space stars, take at least the same Artem Borovik.

After the death of the founder, there was a queue from the applicants to the main chair. According to the memoirs of the editorial staff, Artem agreed to take a post after a long persuasion. After the tragic death of Borovik, the newspaper has changed. The daughter of Olga Semenov also called the publication by a boulevard, in which only the name remained.

Personal life

In 1955, Julian snapped with Konchalovsky's family. Ekaterina's wife accounted for native daughter Natalia Konchalovskaya, Spouse Sergey Mikhalkov, and the great Russian artist Vasily Surikov. The author of the Anthem of the Soviet Union at one time adopted the child of his wife from the first marriage.

Ekaterina Sergeevna, wife Julian Semenova

According to rumors, the relations of the spouses were not easy, since the famous writer and journalist accompanied the mass of the fans and he did not refuse attention. According to Catherine Sergeyevna, the relationship of her husband and wives was built on sympathy and compassion, but not on love.

Of the 30 years of living together, they lived apart, but did not officially divorce. However, during the life of Julian Semenovich, no one talked about his serious love hobbies. And after the journalist fell ill, only Catherine and cared for him.

Julian Semenov and his daughter Olga

Julian and Catherine had two daughters, both to some extent devoted the life of culture and art. Older Daria became an artist. Olga knows more about younger. A woman is a public figure and a journalist, heads the Father's Charitable Foundation, writes books about him and publishes previously unnecessary essays. Children presented four grandchildren to Semenov.


In the dashing 90th journalistic digging in someone else's lingerie, who liked. The concept of "completely secret" implied the publication of information intended only for the source and the recipient. Therefore, the death of Alexander Pleshkov's first deputy semenova from poisoning was considered at all accidental. Moreover, the opinion was spread that he was attempted at Julian.

Julian Semenov in recent years

The death of a friend turned out to be a strong blow to Julian Semenovich. At this time, the writer led negotiations with the media signal Rupert Murdoch on financing and the withdrawal of the newspaper to the international level. On the way to the meeting, Julian had a stroke. Artem and Heinrich Boroviki attached a lot of efforts so that the chief editor would treat the best doctors of the Neurosurgery Institute and the Austrian Clinic.

But soon the second stroke occurred, the consequences of which were the cause of death in September 1993. Friends and relatives did not exclude the fact that Semenov's disease is provoked by external influence. He was buried master of detectives at the Novodevichy Cemetery.

Tomb of Julian Semenov

After Julian's death, Semenov in the family broke out a scandal with the separation of inheritance. The widow of Ekaterina Sergeyevna accused Olga's daughter in the fact that she was fraudulent by rewriting real estate and the main treasure - the pictures of Peter Konchalovsky, part of which was selling for nothing. When the following canvas left auctions for millions of dollars, according to the widow of the writer, the money brought children crazy. In addition, the daughter would like to be attempted to declare the mother insane and send to a psychiatric hospital.


  • 1960 - "Babylon, Hello!"
  • 1962 - "When performing official duties"
  • 1963 - "Petrovka, 38"
  • 1965 - "Password is not needed"
  • 1969 - "Seventeen Moments of Spring"
  • 1971 - "Bomb for the Chairman"
  • 1973 - "Spanish Option"
  • 1974 - "Alternative"
  • 1979 - "TASS is authorized to declare"
  • 1980 - "Confrontation"
  • 1982 - "ordered to survive"
  • 1984 - "Auction"
  • 1987 - "Expansion"
  • 1988 - "Despair"

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