Daniel Granin - biography, photos, personal life, books, death



Daniel Granin is a writer whose books are still loved by many fans of literature. And this is not by chance, because the works of Daniel Alexandrovich describe the life of a simple person: his little problems and joy, searching for your own way, fighting everyday problems and temptations.

Daniel Granan.

For his work, the writer was awarded the State Prize of the USSR, the President of the President of the Russian Federation, in addition, Daniel Granin was a member of the Great Patriotic War and the Hero of the Socytrud.

Childhood and youth

Daniel Alexandrovich Herman (Such is the real name of Prosaik) was born on January 1, 1917. Information about the place of the writer's birth will vary: According to one information, this is the city of Volsk, which in the Saratov region, according to other data, the garnis was born in the village of Volyn (Kursk region).

Writer Daniel Granin

Father of the future Prosaika - Alexander Herman - worked as a forester in different private farms. Mother granne was a housewife. In his own memoirs, Daniel Garin will write later that the mother and father became an example of an ideal loving family. Mother, on the memories of the writer, loved to sing. Childhood itself, Garin associated with the voice of his mother, her favorite romance.

After some time, the family of Little Daniel moved to Leningrad - his father offered a new job. Mom boy took this trip with joy - young woman in the village was bored. Revived to move and Daniel - a new city captured the boy. However, soon family happiness turned out to be destroyed: Alexander Herman was exiled to Siberia, his wife had to start working to keep himself and son.

Daniel Garin in youth

Daniel went to school on Mokhovoy. In the autobiography, Garin with warmth recalls this time. Especially the boy liked physics and literature. Teacher literature taught children to compose poems. Poetry was not given to Daniel Alexandrovich, and since then the Grain got used to poetry as to the highest art, affordable only to unique people.

When it was time to choose a profession, it was decided on the family council that Daniel would go to study the engineering business. Before the war, Grain graduated from the Polytechnic Institute, becoming a certified electrician engineer. However, to work in the specialty Daniel Alexandrovich did not have to: in the biography of the writer, as in the life of all citizens of the country, the Great Patriotic War intervened.

Daniel Garin in youth

The writer passed the war from beginning to end. The Grain fought on the Baltic and Leningrad fronts, fought in the tank troops and in the infantry, received several combat orders. At the end of the war, Daniel Alexandrovich had the title of a tank company commander. For a long time, Granin did not tell anyone about what had to be survived on the front. Yes, and I decided not to write about it immediately.

After the war, the Granan entered the graduate school and settled to work in Lenenergo.


The first samples of the feather of the brank dated the second half of the 1930s. For the first time, the writings of Daniel Alexandrovich published in 1937 in the magazine called "Cutter". We are talking about the stories of the "Motherland" and "Return of Ruja". The writer himself considered the beginning of professional literary activities. Publication of the story "Option Second" in 1949. In the same year, Daniel Alexandrovich began to subscribe to the name Garin: a well-known prose of the novice writer also asked for a novice writer.

Writer Daniel Granin

Two years later, the writer released two full-fledged novels - "dispute across the ocean" and "Yaroslav Dombrovsky". However, famous Daniel Gorran made a "seekers", released in 1955. This is the story of a scientist Andrei Lobanov, the meaning of the life of which has become science. However, the genius of thought has to deal with bureaucracy and official fiber on the way to discoveries and research.

In the future, Daniel Alexandrovich was repeatedly returned to the topic of scientists, graduate students, inventors and attitude towards them from other people and bosses. It is devoted to the novels and the story "I go on a thunderstorm", "Unknown person", "Own opinion", "someone should". Also, the writer released several historical works - "Reflections in front of the portrait, which is not", "The Tale of one scientist and one emperor."

Daniel Granan.

Daniel Alexandrovich and the fate of talented people were interested. The writer conducted a study and wrote the biographies of the biologist Alexander Lyubistheva (the story "this strange life"), the genetics of Nikolai Timofeeva-Resovsky (the work of the "bison"), as well as physics Igor Kurchatov (Roman "Choosing a Goal"). In the novel "Flight to Russia", published in 1994, Daniel Granin revealed for readers from the new side. Proser returned to the favorite theme of the fate of scientists, but revealed it in the form of an adventure detective.

It is impossible not to mention the military theme in the works of Daniel Alexandrovich. The most bright works, perhaps, the collection of stories called "still noticeable a mark" and "Blockade Book", written by the grannies together with Ales Adamovich. This book is devoted to Leningrad's blockade and is based on documentary sources, blockade of blocks and memories of front-line.

Books of Daniel Granna

This is not the only documentary work of Daniel Gorbon. Interesting essays, stories and excerpts from the writer's diaries dedicated to traveling in Japan, Australia and European countries: "Garden of stones", "unexpected morning" and others. In addition, Prosais wrote a number of essays and essays about Lev Tolstoy, Alexander Pushkin, Fyodore Dostoevsky.

In recent years, Daniel Alexandrovich preferred to write in the genre of memoirs. These are the works "My Lieutenant", "Magnificent My Memory", "everything was not at all", issued in early 2000.

Daniel Granin in recent years

In 2013, the "Blockade Book" is reprinted. The work was added by the photographs of military time from the collection of the St. Petersburg Historical Museum and the Personal Archive of the Writer. And a year later, Daniel's speech was held in the German Bundestage at an event dedicated to the memory of the victims of the National Socialist regime and the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz. Many listeners did not hold down tears. The 95-year-old writer applauded standing - it turned out so emotional.

For the works of Daniel Alexandrovich, several films were shot. The first in 1957 was specialized by the Roman "Seekers". Director of Pictures - Mikhail Shapiro. Later, the pictures "Choosing a Goal", "Rain in a foreign city", "after the wedding" and others.

Personal life

Life life of Daniel Gorbon has developed happily. At the beginning of the war, the writer married Majorov's Rimma. In the autobiography, Daniel Alexandrovich wrote that family life began with several hours spent with his wife in bomb shelter. And after a few days, Garnan went to the front.

Daniel Granin and his wife Rimma

However, they did not reduce the feelings of spouses - Daniel Aleksandrovich and Rimma Mikhailovna lived together. In 1945, the writer was born a daughter Marina.


Last years of life, Daniel Gorbon's health became weaker and weaker: the writer's honored age has affected. In 2017, Daniel Alexandrovich quite weakened, felt bad. At the beginning of the summer, the brank was hospitalized. He could no longer breathe, I had to connect the device of artificial ventilation of the lungs. June 4, 2017 Daniel Gorbon did not. He was 99 years old.

Funeral Daniel Granna

The death of the writer, although he did not become a surprise, shook the fans of the work of prose and simply not indifferent people. The grave of Daniel Gorbon is located at the Komarovsky cemetery (near St. Petersburg).


  • 1949 - "Spore through the ocean"
  • 1949 - "Option Second"
  • 1951 - "Yaroslav Dombrovsky"
  • 1954 - "Seekers"
  • 1956 - "Own Opinion"
  • 1958 - "After the wedding"
  • 1962 - "I go on a thunderstorm"
  • 1962 - "Unexpected Morning"
  • 1967 - "House on Fontanka"
  • 1968 - "Our Combat"
  • 1968 - "Two Liquors"
  • 1974 - "This strange life"
  • 1976 - "Claudia Vilor"
  • 1990 - "Unknown Man"
  • 1994 - "Flight to Russia"
  • 2000 - "Troubled Track"

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