Tanos - character history, strength and ability, character, actor


Character History

The character of the fictional universe comic book "Marvel", the villain with superpowers, mutant, belongs to the race of Titans. At times occupies a neutral position. The owner of the divine power, ingenious intelligence and invulnerability.

History of creation

Character Creator - Jim Stalline, Writer and Artist. The first phenomenon of Tanos of the public occurs in 1973 in the issue of the comic book about the Iron Man. The name of the villain - Tanos - comes on behalf of the Greek God of Tanatos, the personification of death.

Jim Stalline - Creator Tanos

In the mythology of the ancient Greeks, Tanatos is depicted as a winged young man with an iron heart, which the only among the gods does not like when she bring her gifts. The rest of the gods hate the god of death, which lives apart from them - on the edge of the world.

The villain Tanos from the fictional Universe "Marvel" is not God, but has opportunities equal to Divine, and is closely connected with death.

God Tanatos.

Jim Starlin was invented by Tanos after the army when he went to college on psychology. Then Stalline has not worked in the comic book industry. With these developments, a young screenwriter declared to Marvel's publishing house, and there was an allegone to make one edition about the Iron Man. So older, and with him and Tanos, joined the universe "Marvel".

Tanos in comic books

Tanos Biography is full of dramatic turns. The character belongs to the race of super supervision, which is called the eternal, but not knowing why a mutant was born. In the DNA of Tanos, there is a gene hostile perpetual race of devians, which was reflected in the appearance of the character. Tanos in his own will, in childhood, isolated himself from society and communicated exclusively with his brother. I was interested in death issues and eventually praised passion for Lady death in her material anthropomorphic incarnation. Tanos studied all sorts of sciences and even magic and used it all to become among the tribesmen of the most powerful.

Lady death

Motherland Zlodaoya - Saturna Titan Satellite. The character subjected this satellite atomic bombardment and destroyed the race to himself similar to make a disadvantaged after her beloved Lady death.

The Tanos then arrived on the planet Earth to find a space cube there - the source of the Great Universal Force. When the cube turns out in the hands of the villain, the lady death finally draws attention to him. Later, the joint forces of the Avengers and Supercomputer team called "Isaac" Tanos can be defeated, and the cube is neutralized.

Tanos in comic books

Later, Tanos tries to combine the stones of infinity to create one of them super-arrangement that destroys the stars. For this, the villain concludes a false alliance with Adam Warlock, which owns one of the stones. Tanos deprives Warlock of Life, but as a result, the spirit of Warlock wins Tanos and turns the villain into a stone.

After some time, Taman is resurrected, again paints the stones to the hands and creates a glove of infinity. With such an equipment, Tanos acquires omnipotence and immediately turns into dust half of life on spaces of space in order to please the beloved death.

Adam Warlock

In this embodiment, Tanos faces Adam Warlock with which it combines to help solve a number of tasks. For example, cure a thorah covered by combat madness.

Tanos is also headed by a gang of superslodes, famous called "Black Order", she is "Tasos Children". With their help, Tanos destroys the worlds and hunt behind the stones of infinity. Then the Tanos fight against the team of the Avengers and the Guardians of the Galaxy, it turns out to be defeated by the united forces of the latter and imprisoned the elders of the Universe.

Forces and abilities

Tanos is completely invulnerable. The villain is able to go into the combustion chamber of the spacecraft, where any living organism will immediately contact ashes, and get out of there with a whole and unharmed. Tansa's father constructed a superorary designed specifically to eliminate a terrible offset. Tanos made a shot of this weapon in his own temple and once again demonstrated invulnerability, because the shot did not cause any damage to the villain.


Tanos fought with the strongest opponents. The villain spoke against Torah and Odin - the gods of Asgard. Among the enemies of Tanos was the invincible Hulk and the clone of the Tanos itself named Omega - and none of them could cause the villain any damage.

Viruses and toxins also do not act on the body of Tansos. The character is able to boil the space expanses without protection. Beloved Tansos - death itself. Such "links" make a character almost immortal. When the heroes of incredible efforts, the price of their own lives still succeeds in destroying the Tanos, he is reborn again and continues as if nothing had happened.

silver Surfer

The physical strength of Tanos is huge, even the hammer of Torah is nothing for him. With Tanos, the strongest characters of the fictional universe "Marvel" - a creature, Jaggernaut and Silver Surfer - and the villain easily defeated those.

The body of the Tanos is able to radiate the waves of cosmic energy, which instantly incite the living organisms that have fallen into the action zone. Even Galactus is a terrible and powerful cosmic essence that existed even to a large explosion - and he flew off a few hundred meters when Tanos attacked him.


Tanos is able to influence interatomic connections and turn one things into others. For example, living creatures in stone. And also knows how to become invisible, to fly at a speed close to the speed of light, use the power fields to protect against other attacks. Tanos is able to telepathically control someone else's mind and force others to do what the villain is needed. Once Tanos took control over Hulk.

The villain himself is protected from other people's penetrations into his own mind. Tanos knows how to communicate at a distance. This ability of the villain used to establish a connection with a silver surfer, which at that moment was for many light years from Tanos.

Tanos and Hulk

At the same time, Tanos has a brilliant intelligence and studied the universe in the smallest detail. Since childhood, the villains were especially occupied by the issues of genetic anomalies and genetic engineering. To deal with some superheroes, Tanos created its own gennomified clones, whose DNA was combined with superhero DNA. Tanos showed himself as an engineer, creating a lot of spacecraft, including entire stations.

At the same time, Tanos is interested in magic. The villain spoke against Deadpool, which imposed a curse of eternal life.

Tanos and Dadpool

Tanos is a born leader. The villain quickly converts followers and retinue. At the disposal of Tanos, there was a whole army of cosmic pirates, which the villain gathered, starting from one ship. This army was able to completely destroy life on the planet for one fall. Many space races obeyed the will of Tanos.


In the fantastic militant "Avengers" 2012 in the episodic role of Tanosa, Actor Damion Poitiers came out. The character appears after the end of the film, in the first scene after the titles. Tanos is a hidden force that stands for what creates in Loki films. Marvel Studios demanded from the director Joss Udon, so that the portal attended the plot, which opens the space cube. Through this portal, the aliens army was supposed to get to New York. The director himself could decide what the role of these aliens will be in the plot and what exactly those will be, and Wyton wanted to introduce Tanos to the plot.

Damion Pota in the role of Tanos

In 2014, the fantastic film "Guardians of the Galaxy", where the role of Tanos is performing actor Josh Brolin. The same actor will appear in this role in the films "Avengers: Era Altron", "Avengers: the war of infinity," as well as in the film "Avengers 4", whose release is expected in 2019. In Altrona, Tanos appears again after the titles. The character pulls the glove of infinity and says a promising phrase: "Okay, I will do it myself."

The film "Avengers: War of Infinity" will be released on the screens on May 3, 2018. In this picture, Tanos will finally become actively acting by the main villain and the audience will be able to diploma to him.

Josh Brolin as Tanosa

Tanos will grant to assemble six powerful infinity stones, which in conjunction with glove will give the villain force to change reality at their own request. To prevent the Tanos in this, the avengers will have to unite with the guards of the Galaxy and the magician Dr. Strend. According to the director, Tanos must become a powerful character, which surpasses previous villains and weave the intrigue of a universal scale.

Tanos without a helmet

In the trailer for the film "Avengers: the infinity war" Tanos beats against a man-spider and crushes that fist's blow. At the same time, the audience will learn what the Tanos looks like without a helmet and armor.

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