Lisa Simpson - character biography, character and image, relationship


Character History

The cartoon "Simpsons", consisting of 30 seasons, describes the exciting adventures of a typical American family living in provincial Springfield. Thanks to the fantasy of the creators, the project became megapopular. In some series, we see prophetic motives, because in the series, demonstrated since 1987, not only fictional, but also real characters are described. For the existence of the animated series, characters, characters and images remained unchanged. Little Lisa became a bright personality in the Simpson family.

History of creation

Full name of the girl - Lisa Marie Simpson. She is eight years old, and this is the middle child of eccentric parents. The appearance of the child is attractive, but the main personality features are disappointing and mind uncharacteristic for its age.

Matt Graying

Creating a character did not require a lot of time. Matt Graining paid a memorable image in anticipation of the meeting with representatives of Fox. Lisa is the first member of the family, which appeared and influenced the idea of ​​the project. In 1987 presented a pilot series of the project. Initially, the heroine was Dubl Bart Simpson, an older brother, but over time the line has gained development.

Lisa was called in honor of the sister of the creator. The voice of the character gave the yardley Smith. The heroine was Kumir Smith due to the multi-faceted character, which was awarded by the authors of the project. James Brooke and David Cohen responded about Lisa as the most curious representative of the Simpson family.

Lisa Simpson and Homer Simpson

Although the little Miss Simpson is fictional, its animated biography has not been without attention to the public. Lisa is mentioned in the "encyclopedia of fictional people" as a musician and a gifted child. In 2002, the character took 11th place in the ranking of famous cartoon characters, according to the magazine "TV Guide".

Lisa Simpson in the animated series

Lisa appears on the screen in the form of a yellow little man in red sandals, the dress of the same color and white beads. Clothes are decorated with cloth, second elements hairstyles. Like other heroes, depending on the situation, Lisa changes the outfit on the appropriate in one or another atmosphere.

The description of the biography of the girl is found in the first cartoon of the multi-sized cycle. Her homeland is Los Angeles. Lisa was born in 1984 and became the second child in the family of Simpsons. The relationship of children did not develop. Zama is the bad character of Bart and jealousy to the attention of parents. The girl was special from early childhood. Being a baby, she independently changed the diaper, and in three years already knew how to read. Noticing the talents of the girls, teachers were recommended to give it to school for gifted children, but for the absence of funds, parents decided to refuse. But as a gift, Lisa received a saxophone and learned to masterfully perform musical parties.

Lisa Sipson Krit.

Because of the outstanding level of intellectual development, the girl has no friends at school, and in the family it is not understood. Despite the external ideality, Lisa is not so simple, as it seems. Her interests are specific. The child loves to watch the sadistic cartoon "tank and scratch" and play with a doll with Malibu; Afraid boogian. In the arsenal babes - knowledge in several languages. The girl shows abilities in creativity, loves jazz and, in addition to saxophone, plays the organ, guitar, accordion and winds. Lisa also writes poems, releases a newspaper, a dance dances and even can bake a cake or appear in Mikasa's image.

Lisa Simpson is a positive character. The girl does not smoke, follows the punishment of the parents and tries to be guided by the measure of justice. She is idealist, vegetarian and activist.

The nature of the child changed from the season for the season. At first, she appeared in the form of the Lenivians, who, like the elder brother, loves skate, tv and pranks. Over time, the individuality of Lisa has become a multifaceted one. A kind, hardworking and understanding girl has disadvantages, among which perfectionism, envy and maximalism.

Lisa Simpson and Bart Simpson

Lisa Simpson Communicable, despite the fact that the peers hold out of it. She had a few beloved, among which Nelson Manz, Ralph Wiggam and Milhouse Wang Choven. Among the people with whom she is capable of finding a common language is even Freddie Krugoger, but the girl does not get along with their homework. Father is not close to her, unlike the mother, who always tries to give advice and dispel doubts the child. Lisa perceives Bart and Maggie as rivals and jealous when they pay attention.


Numerous series of multiplication project is full of Lisa quotes, allowing to assess the depth of its spiritual world and the level of intelligence. Loneliness and misunderstanding, with which it is difficult to accept a talented heroine often drive it into the limits of his own room, where it does not have to explain the wrongness of others.

Replica: "If you need me - I'm in my room!", One of Lisa Simpson is one of the popular in Lexicon.

Lisa is always open to communication and easily comes to contact, but due to the non-smallestness of others, the interaction is not easy.

Therefore, it complains: "It is easier to be friends with many people on the Internet than with one in reality."

No over the years, the wise child feels the social environment and political intensity, knowledge of most living areas. The advantage and at the same time the disadvantage of Lisa Simpson are straightness and honesty. The girl understands that they do not need anyone, but life principles and nature do not allow you to change the look at things.

"In my opinion, grandfather, no one loves the truth," the child is crushed in a dialogue with a relative.

Despite the numerous difficulties of life, through which Lisa has to go through, it easily takes success and failure, considering them a normal phenomenon that makes up the usual course of life:

"Life is full of pain and tests, but the whole thing is to enjoy several perfect moments that we have," she assures and enjoys life as possible in Springfield.

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