Gogenes of Solntsev - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Wife Ekaterina Tereshkovich, "Direct Ether" 2021



Gauguin of the Solntsev - an outdoor actor, radio host and star of numerous television shows, Friton, whose name does not come off with the mouth of lovers of a secular chronicle.

Childhood and youth

A man calling himself by Gogen Rodonovich Solntsev, and in life simply Ilya (the name of the showman's real), was born in Moscow at the end of 1980. By nationality, he is Russian, but by the sign of the zodiac Capricorn. Mother Lyudmila Kravtsova - teacher.

Father information available on the network is divergent: he is or the employee of the Greek embassy, ​​or Russian in Greece. For the external well-being of the family, according to Gaugugen, a complex relationship was hidden: the father beat his mother.

At the 10th age of Ilya, at the initiative of the mother, parents divorced. Initially, the boy remained with his father, but this period did not last long. Then the child was taken and brought up her grandmother and aunt.

Grandma paid special attention to the cultural side of life, so from the young age Ilya sang in the choir, he studied the game on piano in a music school, visited theaters and exhibitions, early learned to read and write. The only desire of a boy who could not satisfy her grandmother due to a modest financial situation, - acting studio.

When the Solders became older, he was recognizable and firmly stood on her legs, the mother repeatedly served on her son to court, demanding alimony for content. The scandal was actively discussed on the broadcast broadcast "We speak and show." Gaen publicly complained to Mom-Tiran, accusing it in trying to destroy the only son. Later in the project Dmitry Shepelev "In fact," the Solders and his mother checked each other on a lie detector.

In 2019, Solnteva's father died of intestinal cancer. Gaen told that after the divorce they almost did not communicate. He regrets that he could not establish a dialogue with his parent and be with him next to a difficult period of life.

Personal life

In the network for a long time Issued the issue of the unconventional orientation of the showman, but the confirmation of the fact that the Solders - Gay could not be discovered.

Moreover, in 2011, Gogen participated in the transfer "Let's get married", trying to find my wife in this way. A young man came to the program accompanied by Mom and a friend. The TV show Gogen Solntsev was supported by Larisa Guzeeva and Vasilis Volodin. Rosa Syabitova did not take a long time ago, but by the end of Ether softened the attitude towards him.

As it turned out later, for three years the girl artist was Galina Ivanova. She was relevant to show business, worked in Ostankino, in his free time was fond of or-coat.

In 2017, Galya, returning from training home through the park, died from the hands of the Bittsev maniac. This loving shocked Solntsev. He could not come to himself for a long time. The version with the attack of the criminal was proven in court, but, as the girls's friends suggest, to do this could be another person.

In February 2018, the Internet had news about the next extraordinary act of Gaugugen associated with a personal life. Sites replicated photos on which Gaen was married with a little growth grandmother.

Later, it turned out that almost 70-year-old Ekaterina Tereshkovich became the wife of Frick, who was filmed in films as an actress of extras. According to one rumors, the wife of Gogen Soltnev receives a symbolic amount for a working shift, in others, owns a mansion and accounts in Swiss banks. In any case, the biography of Ekaterina Tereshkovich to a wedding with the Solntian goguene is shut-off secret.

The news that Gauguen contacted a woman is so older than him in age, the fans first counted a joke. A significant part of the public and now believes that such relationships cannot be serious and everything is just for the sake of Phanta and money.

After returning to the homeland from the travel on Dominican Republic, the newlyweds decided to play a real wedding and on March 7 filed an application to the registry office. A scan-copy of the document Gauguen has posted on a page in "Instagram". Personal life Couple does not give rest to compatriots. Solntians and his wife become guests of popular gears, including "live broadcast" and "Let them talk."

In addition, an ex-participant "House-2" Rustam Solntov spoke with criticism to Hogen. According to Rustam, Ilya inflicted a large damage of his reputation, but this can be compensated only by the drawn by the will of Ekaterina Tereshkovich in favor of Gauguen.

Later, the spouse stated that they were going to become parents. They even appealed to the family planning center, where they were advised to resort to surrogate motherhood. The sake of clarification of the situation again visited Andrei Malakhov's studio. The daughter of Catherine Tatyana Davydov, who was offered to endure the child, answered with refusal.

In August 2018, a photo of Tereshkovich appeared on the network with a swollen face-bound person. Catherine looked like a plastic facial suspended operation. The plastic of Hogen's wife is violently discussed on the net: the fans agreed on the fact that she could not give his chosen look.

In the fall, Gogen complained about the disorder in the family after the operation was performed. According to Solneva, the "updated" spouse began to conduct a rampant lifestyle, not appearing for a long time at home. The showman was forced once to put an elderly woman for the threshold of his own house along with her things. The news that Frica threw his wife instantly scattered over the Internet.

In November 2018, Ekaterina Tereshkovich beat his daughter in the literal ether of the next show, because she allegedly tries to lead her husband. Gogen tried to spread women, but the "stepdaughter" of Showman was still injured.

Nevertheless, Gaen did not turn away from Catherine, and returned to his wife. Family scandals led to the fact that the couple began to visit a psychologist. Spouses filled the diaries of anger, after which Tereshkovich asked for forgiveness from his daughter.

The news of 2019 was wore for a married couple disappointing. Gaugugen admitted to the public that Catherine did not leave a detrimental habit: Daily Rips in their house continued. Solntsev had to tolerate not only the scandalous behavior of his wife, but also permanent thefts that took her guests. In addition, Health Tereshkovich began to deteriorate rapidly. Gogen admitted that he was forced to buy a coffin for his wife, and also offered her to make a testament.

In the document, Catherine pointed out the main heir of his state of the spouse. In the event of her death, Hohen had to move its 2-bedroom apartment in Moscow and the Dacha near Moscow. Daughters on the will only relied on the release of the 1998 release.

Without coping with alcohol addiction, Solntsev's wife appealed to the rehabilitation center. Later, the network appeared a photo on which Tereshkovich appeared with a shaved head. Rumors about the deadly disease of the woman, who Gaen reinforced the new cupping: the showman went to look for a suitable place for a family crypt. Later it turned out that Catherine got rid of hair due to pediculosis.

Hogenes of the Solders cooled to the spouse and was even noticed in the company of other women. With some Lydia Alifirenko, he spent several hot weeks in Vietnam. The Solders did not hide that with a living spouse began to look for a new companion. Later, the scandalist even suggested Lolita Milyavskaya to conclude a marriage contract by calling himself an ideal contender for her husband's role.

Catherine also did not lose time with free. The 87-year-old pensioner Vladimir Ilyich began to take care of her. But on the candy-bought period, the case did not go: the legitimate spouse intervened.

In 2020, a man reconciled his wife. Today they think about the continuation of the kind. Gaugugen surprised fans with a new statement: the spouses decided to give birth to a child alone. It turned out that a woman who offered to become a donor of the uterus was contacted. She planned to get rid of the female core organ before the sex change operation. Gogen and Catherine took this news with joy, as the transplant of the uterus gives them a chance to resort to the services of a surrogate mother.

And later in an interview with Alain Zhigalova in the show "Alena, damn!" A man confessed that he already has a child. According to Sunshev, after a long-time fleeting of him, the girl became pregnant. Hogen himself was categorically opposed to becoming a father, so insisted on abortion and broke all connections with this lady. Now Gogen does not take part in the life of a child and does not even know his gender.

Creativity and scandals

At the end of the school, the artistic young man went to the theater university, in which competitive tests were held with glitter. But at the acting faculty of the Solders did not get, as the course was already recruited, and teachers were offered to learn on a commercial basis.

The creative career of a young man began by chance. Former teacher opened a children's theater circle, remembered the talented student and invited Solntsev to the master class. In this circle, Gogen worked for 5 years, during which time managed to participate in children's television shows, collaborated with the Children's Academy of Television.

In Sunshev's dreams, the youth center of the friendship of the peoples was created. At the same time, in attempts to make money on study, he spoke in clubs with original compositions and won a wide audience. At this time, the guy refuses the present name and begins to use the alias.

The second attempt to become an actor was not crowned with success, and Ilya went to the director. Due to quick-tempered nature and disagreements with teachers soon took an academic leave, during which he studied at the Academy of Strasberg in America.

In the late 2000s, Gaen opened the horror theater, which was given the name of the Moscow theater of the absurd. In 2008, Gaen also founded the International Fritont Factory Festival, which since then is held annually in Moscow.

On the bright, shocking geogen fell out proposals to be held in the programs "Dangerous Zone", "called dinner", "Skill", "Fashion sentence". The releases of the show with his participation are available on Yutubeub. Fritca visited the Dom-2 project. The arrival of Solhshev on telestroyka took place in the second half of the 2000s. Gogen subsequently responded negatively about this experience. He was not satisfied with life under the sight of the camcorder. The artist even stated a persecution mania that appeared after his departure from the project.

Participation in "House-2", according to Hogen, had a negative impact on his creative reputation. But Frick saved the fact that often people confused him with another participant in the telestroy Rustam Solntsev, who was considered the brother of Showman. Gogen clarified that they were only namesakes.

Later, the Polyana was repeatedly remembered by the name of Frca due to the fact that the participant of Anastasia Balinskaya after unsuccessful rhinoplasty appeared looks like a shower show. The girl upset this fact, and she was thinking about a new operation to change appearance.

Despite the loud statements in the interview, Gogen later returned to Telestroyka again. The second arrival of the Showman on the program took place in 2018. However, this time he did not hold out long and after several scandals and the fight again left the project.

There are sun and on the central canals in the scandalous show. Frames from the transfer of Andrei Malakhov "Let them say", on which Gogen screams "lawyer!", Divided the Internet in the form of numerous memes.

Gogenes of Solntsev and Anastasia BALINSKAYA (similarity)

The artist took part in the shooting of the show "Minute Glory". The company was a group of older actipers, presented as a creative team of "grandmother-respect". The content of the room and the vocal data of the Hogen became the subject of sharp criticism of the jury. The next stage of the contest was not allowed.

Gaugugen took the shocking images, openly intentional incitement of conflicts and fights not only with media personalities, such as Vlad Kadoni or Stas Barretsky, but also with ordinary people. Solnev's bitch with the saleswoman of underwear hit the ether of the program "We speak and show". In addition, the bright image of the artist was repeatedly used in the Show parodies, such as the "big difference" and "Once in Russia".

In March 2020, it became known that the Solders once again died with their wife, and the case reached the fight: Catherine scratched his arms and legs and squeezed to blood, so so that Gauguen had to cause doctors for processing wounds. The scandal occurred after the filming of the "direct ether", in which the Solders admitted that he drove into the reproductive center not only his wife, but also another woman.

Style and appearance

Gogenes of the Solntsev - visual proof of what they meet by clothes. In his youth, the showman appeared blond and red, almost lys and with long dreadlines, with false eyelashes and purple lipstick. The bright makeup remained unchanged, which he paid a special importance in the formation of his image. The artist carefully monitors his figure. When height 177 cm (on other information, 180 cm) the weight of a man does not exceed 66 kg.

At one time, Gogen wore female clothes and shoes on heels, decorative colored lenses and wigs. However, in this case, according to the fans, the showman's mind does not occupy, for the word in his pocket, Ilya does not climb.

In 2012, a man captured the emerging from the center of plastic surgery in a mask. As Frick's fans assumed, Gauguen had to adjust appendage after beating, but the Solders himself denies the fact of the fight. According to him, with the help of plastics, he simply wanted to fix the shape of the lips, but for the first time they turned out to be too big, according to his comment, like Masha Malinovskaya. The second operation of the showman was satisfied.

Gaugugen Solntsev now

Now the name of Gogen Solntsev does not disappear from the first pages of the tabloid about the private life of Celibriti. Showman said he was ready to submit Russia at the Eurovision 2020 competition. He presented a new musical track "Gardener" to his public. Song showman dedicated to his wife.

In March 2021, the Solders appeared again in the Studio of the Malakhov program "Direct Ether", this time in a wheelchair. The TV presenter told that Gauguen in recent months was treated in a paid clinic, where his wife was placed. On the air he spoke to his wife that a divorce would achieve through the court.

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