Bart Simpson - character biography, character and image, growth and zodiac sign


Character History

Who would have thought that a 10-year-old boy would be recognized as the most influential person of the century? This status received Bart Simpson in 1998. And this is not the only title of hooligan. The juvenile criminal fascinated the audience around the world with the immediacy, humor and inexhaustible thirst for adventure.

History of creation

Bart's debut took place in April 1987. The hero appeared to a short film, where the family of Simpsons is shown only schematically. Matt Greining, the author of the animated series, painted the draft character of the characters, hoping that the illustrators would add add-ons. But the artists simply copied the sketches of the multiplier.

Later, "Simpsons" from the two-minute roller rose into an adult half-hour cartoon series. Bart got an extravagant haircut (by the way, spikes on the head of the boy smoothly nine) and changed the T-shirt with blue on the screaming-orange.

It is well known that Matt Graining gave an animation family names, consonant with the names of loved ones. Such a fate did not touch only Barta. The Hero's own name received from the English word "BRAT", which is translated as "mischief, an uncomfortable child."

Bart Simpson

Fans decided that the strange character name was veiled hinting that the Bart's prototype was the author of the animated series. Greining also claims that in real life does not look like a hooligan hero. Much more common features of Bart with a native multiplier brother.

And the inspiration for the image was Kinopersonge from the film "Dennis-Fidget". The protagonist chief hero seemed to Matt Graining not enough, so the illustrator created his own "Dennis".

Bart Simpson in prison

Bart Simpson in the animated series

Bartolomew Joe Joe (or simply Jay is unknown) - the eldest son of the spouses Marge and Gomer Simpsons. Bart has two younger sisters - smart Lisa and still crawling in Maggie's diapers. The boy from the moment of conception delivered trouble. During the ultrasound, the child was constantly turning to Akuster with buttocks. And immediately after birth - we settled the favorite tie Father.

Two years later, when Lisa appeared on the light, the Bart's tricks became more serious. The attention of the parents was riveted to the girl, so a small hero tried to stand out against the background of a cute sister. The antics only delivered the trouble to parents, so the goal of the boy did not reach.

Bart and Director Seymour Skinner

The grown-up child was given to Springfield primary school, and there Bart unfolded serious fighting. The teacher of Edna Krabapple became opponents of the boy, director of School Skinner (one day Bart even blew up a man's car) and school hooligan Nelson Manz.

But Bob Anderdank Tervillieger is considered a serious and dangerous enemy of Bart. Assistant clown of Krasti looked at the boys, who constantly revealed the criminal plans of a man. Since then, Bob, who is in prison for quite a long time, is obsessed with the idea to kill little computers.

It would seem that such a hooligan haddives should be under the one, but Barta's best friend is a graceful excellent student Milhouse. A cowardly classmate accompanies the younger Simpson in hazardous seals and leprosy, but nothing is asleep independently.

Bart Simpson and his friend Milhouse

In the free from school classes (and punishment for bad behavior) Time Bart plays the drums. The second passion of the boy became graffiti. Hooligan paints the walls of houses, signing the own creativity of El Barto.

Despite the younger years, a large list of love victories: classmate Nikki McKenna, the daughter of famous actor Mary Spaque, the daughter of the priest Jessica Lavjoy and Laura Powers, Nanny Lisa and Maggie. Each time Bart loses his head and truly falls in love, and if his girl breaks relations, he quickly finds consolation in the arms of a new girlfriend.

Bart Simpson plays the drums

The character of Bart Simpson is full of opposites. Hooligan often helps in difficult situations as close and strangers (once a boy helped the school director solve problems with his mistress). The juvenile criminal takes care of animals at least Lisa Simpson (a mischief takes under the custody of chicks after the death of their mother).

For a long time, a strong emotional affection of the boy to Homer is hiding behind a long-time hostility with his native father. The image of the desperate Sorvigolov tait is clean, good and open soul.

Bart Simpson and Homer Simpson

Interesting Facts

  • Bart was born on April 1, 1980 (according to other sources - 1985), that is, the sign of the Zodiac Hero - Aries. At the time of launching a cartoon series, the boy turned 10 years old.
  • Bart's growth is 1.2 m, and weight - 38.5 kg.
  • Once at Halloween Barth dressed up in Alex's suit - Character Stanley Kubrick from the movie "Clockwork Orange".
  • Bart Simpson is voiced by american comedian and actress Nancy Cartwright.
  • One of the series of the cartoon says that in the future Bart will be married three times and takes a demolition of buildings for money.


"Jesus knew that one day would look in his face to his enemy and say:" I sent you to hell! " "Beer in a package of milk does not become milk." "The souls are not really not. She, like Leshego, and Michael Jackson, came up to scare the kids. " "Eat my shorts!" "Imagine that you are a very good person, but you got into a terrible alteration ... And you have a gangrene on your foot, and now you have to amputate the leg. Will she wait for you in heaven? "

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