Yuri Senkevich - biography, photo, personal life, cause of death



Yuri Senkevich is a unique person for both Russian science and television. Yuri Alexandrovich stood at the origins of Soviet television, became the discoverer of the Russian north, participated in the preparation of Soviet cosmonauts to enter the orbit, conquered Everest, wrote exciting books about travel and nature, who opened the world to the residents of the Soviet Union. But the scientist is famous, the candidate of medical sciences has become like a traveler and TV presenter of the first Soviet television transfer "Traveler Club".

Childhood and youth

Sekekevich Yuriy Alexandrovich was born on March 4, 1937 in Bayan Tumen (now Choibalsan, the territory of modern Mongolia). The parents of the future traveler Alexander Osipovich and Anna Kuraiovna worked then in this small Mongolian town by a doctor and a medical sister.

Yuri Senkevich

Parents met in Leningrad, where Alexander Osipovich, Veteran of the Great Patriotic War, worked as Deputy Head of the Military Medical Academy named after S. M. Kirov, and Anna Kuradanovna Machulskaya (before marriage) served as an operating nurse in the same institution. Soon after the wedding and the birth of the son of Senkevichi returned from the bayan tumem to Leningrad, where the boy went to school number 107.

In childhood, Yuri did not differ from the peers, the poverty read the books of Alexander Duma about the adventures of musketeers and walnings of Count Monte Cristo. He could not dream of tie their lives with travel. Yuri Alexandrovich told somehow that in his youth the family went to rest on the Black Sea coast of Abkhazia. Senkevich recalls what delighted his first meeting with the warm southern sea was led, and in the evening he sat on the shore, when the waves carried a piece of marble of a strange form to his footsteps.

Later it turned out that this is part of the ancient column, which is now kept in the State Museum in Abkhazia. Then, in the head of Yuri, the dreams of travel on the whole globe were crying for the first time.

Yury SENKEVICH in childhood

However, when choosing a future profession, a young man adhered to family traditions and entered the S. M. Kirov Military Medical Academy in Leningrad. Another student Yuri, read and passionate medicine, began to engage in scientific work. Solemnally handed over in 1960 a doctor's degree in the specialty "Therapeutic business", the young Senkevich appointed the head of the medical center and sent to serve in the military unit to the Tver region.

But the inquisitive mind and dreams of distant wanders did not give peace to Yuri, and the party figures from all angles shouted about the space travels of the Soviet Union, which will soon become the same real as a simple trip to Sochi. And already in 1962, Senkevich achieved a translation to Moscow, where he was credited to the Ministry of Defense of the Institute of Aviation and Space Medicine.

To study the influence of overloads and weightlessness to Living Organisms Yuri began with the position of a junior researcher, but soon he achieved an increase and became the head of the training and training specialized center for medical and biological training of astronauts. The development of the USSR Space Seach Yury Skekevich gave 30 years.

Yuri Senkevich in youth

During this time, the scientist participated in the organization and biological support of controlled flights into space, both with people and animals, worked on solving the fundamental and applied problems of aerospace biology and medicine.

Under the leadership of Yuri Alexandrovich, a number of scientific works devoted to the study of the mechanisms of violation of the physiological functions of living organisms in the conditions of weightlessness were developed, the methods of selection and training of astronauts were developed.

At the same time, Yuri Alexandrovich participated in the preparation of a researcher's doctor to the space flight and was a similar course itself. In 1966, Yuri has slightly changed the direction of scientific activities, engaged in the study of the peculiarities of human behavior and psychophysiology in extreme conditions.

Military doctor Yury SENKEVICH

Senkevich vigorously prepared for his first flight into space when he received an offer to go to the Antarctic as part of a research expedition to study the functioning of living organisms in the extreme climatic conditions of the North.

In the expedition in the depths of Antarctica, Senkevich spent almost a year. A group of researchers consisted exclusively of harsh men, a female society, according to Yuri Aleksandrovich, they replaced the girls from the covers of the magazine "Pleyboy". Printing publications Soviet scientists received from the American group of researchers of the nature of the Antarctic region in exchange for banks with caviar and warm fur hats.

Yuri Senkevich as part of the expedition to Antarctic

Being in the conditions of permafrost, the inquisitive mind of the Soviet scientist reminded him of the fact that helled at extremely low temperatures is freezing, without having time to fly to the Earth. Yuri, asking a colleague to assist in the experiment, climbed onto the roof of the van, where a group of scientists lived, and pissed down, posing in fantasies, as whaling icicles fall on the ground.

However, they unexpectedly found that in the conditions of a rarefied atmosphere, this rule does not work, and scientists were at the East station, located at an altitude of 4 thousand meters above sea level.

Doctor Yuri Senkevich in the laboratory

At the work of the Soviet scientist group at the Vostok station in Antarctic, without exaggeration, the whole world. Materials received by Yuri Senkevich in the Polar Expedition, later formed the basis of his dissertation for the degree of candidate of medical sciences.

Returning home, Yuri Alexandrovich hardly managed to disassemble the suitcases, as he received an amazing offer from the archaeologist, traveler and writer from Norway Tour Heyerdal. Back in the late 1960s, the tour developed the theory that the sailing vessel could cross the Atlantic, using the Canary Turn.

Yuri Senkevich and Tour Heyerdal

The proposal to take part in the expedition reached Senkevich very bizarre. Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev was with a diplomatic visit to Norway, where he met Heyerdal's tour, who at that time picked up crew members for "RA". Soviet politician presented the Norwegian barrel of delicious black caviar, and the tour as a sign of gratitude sent a request for a member of the expedition from the Soviet Union.

An obligatory requirement for a member of the International Expedition was the ownership of English. Yuri Alexandrovich was perfectly owned by English, because in the post-war period his mother Anna Kuraiovna led home to the woman who fell into fainting on the street. The woman turned out to be an intelligent lady who knew several foreign languages, and in gratitude for the help of Little Yuriye English.


In 1969, Yuri Aleksandrovich SENKEVICH came out into the sea on the boat called "RA", designed in the ancient Egyptian drawings in the Republic of Chad from Ethiopian papyrus. The team, which included Senkevich as a doctor, also included the American pilot of Norman Baker, the builder from the Republic of Chad Abdullah Gibrina, the Italian video operator Carlo Mauri, a photographer from the United Arab Emirates of George Surila, the Mexican anthropologist Santiago Henoves and Safi monkeys.

Team of the Papiral Boat, Crossed Ocean

Tour Heyerdal deliberately selected a multinational and multi-confessional team to prove to the whole world that people with various cultural traditions, religious views and political beliefs, being on a tiny floating island in the ocean, can rally and create a single friendly team.

On May 25, 1969, the team on board "Ra" moved from the coast of Morocco. Already returning to the Motherland, Senkevich recalled that before the start of the expedition, the tour urgently advised Yuri to write a bid. This is a strange, at first glance, the proposal was based on the fact that the team was published in the Atlantic Ocean on a practically paper boat, and most of the way did on a semi-filled ship. Yuri Alexandrovich told that she tied empty plastic containers to the body, so as not to drown in a dream.

Yuri Senkevich in the expedition

And in the evenings, a multinational team, which was united only by the desire for adventure and knowledge of the English language, was going to have a common table. For the success of the expedition, the desperate travelers saw a diluted alcohol, and the beverage concentration always corresponded to the geographic latitude on which the papyrus vessel was located.

However, achieving the goal this time, travelers were not destined: the vessel was crashed because of the constructive flaws, and the team was evacuated. But next year, the tireless researcher Tour Heyerdal became the initiator of the re-expedition to "RA-II".

Yuri Senkevich with a papyrus layout

This time the ship was built in Bolivia and took into account all the shortcomings of the first design. The composition of the expedition was practically not different from the initial, except that Abdullah Gibrin could not reach the sea, and instead, a video operator from Japan Kay Ohara and Moroccan chemist-ecologist Madani Ait Wuhanni was present on board.

From the second attempt, travelers reached the coast of Barbados, thereby proving that the ancient Egyptians had the opportunity to travel to the shores of South America. In addition, the presence on board the ecologist Madani Ait Wuhanni allowed the team to fix the fact of pollution of the Water Ocean, information about the later submitted at the conference in the United Nations.

Yuri Senkevich passes a medical board before traveling

Already later, in 1972-1973, Yuri Senkevich again took part in the Tour of Heyerdal: on the Tigris reed boat, travelers sailed from the shores of Iraq through the Persian Bay in Pakistan, and from there to the shores of Africa to the Red Sea. The plans prevented the political armed conflict in the Somalia district.

Returned from the risky international expeditions Yuri is completely different: tanned, with romance in tracked eyes, courage in thoughts and an inexhaustible margin of stories and ladies for loved ones and friends.

Yuri Senkevich

Upon return, Senkevich took the position of head of the department of scientific and medical and technical information at the Institute of Medical and Biological Problems and almost simultaneously received an invitation to become the leading TV program "Club of Travelers", having changed Professor-biologist Andrei Grigorievich Bannikov at this post.

The releases of the program under the leadership of Senkevich were energetic, the presenter told not only about the nature of other countries and continents, but also history from his own life.

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Visiting Yuri Alexandrovich was visited by foreign travelers-colleagues on expeditions on boats "RA" and "RA-II" Tour Heyerdal and Carlo Mauri, traveler and writer Fyodor Konyukhov and even the famous Ocean Researcher Jacques-Yves Kusto. With the new TV presenter Yuri Senkevich "Traveler Club" received a number of prestigious international awards, including "Teffi" and "Crystal Globe".

In 1979, the scientist and traveler Senkevich again took part in the preparation of the expedition sent to the North Pole, and a year later, in the composition of the Soviet expedition, it was set off to conquer Everest. Based on the travels committed by Yury Alexandrovich, 3 books of writings and memoirs "Travel Long Travel" were published.

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In 1990, Yuri Alexandrovich passed the election and became a deputy of the Mossovet (the current Moscow City Duma). By that time, residents are not only Moscow, but also the entire Soviet Union has already known well in the face of Yuri Alexandrovich and respected him as a TV host and outstanding scientist. A year later, the premiere of the filler of Vladimir Bragin "Lumi", where Yuri Senkevich played himself.

1997 was the peak of Glory in the TV presenter's biography: the program "Traveler Club" received the cherished "Teffi", and Senkevich himself became an academician of the Russian Television Academy.

Personal life

Despite the permanent travel and life in the road, Yuri Alexandrovich managed to build and personal life. After Senkevich became a nationwide favorite, his house holds lovers of fans at home.

One day, resting in Sochi, the young still Senkevich fell to the speech of the dance ensemble "Birch". In the heart of the traveler smelled a pretty girl named Galina Petrov. However, soon young people broke up, since Senkevich was not yet ready for the creation of a family.

Yuri Senkevich and his wife Ksenia

At the same time, he met Galina's colleague Irma Alexandrovna Glarovaya, who became his first wife. In marriage, young people were born daughter Daria, who later became a cardiologist. The daughter of the traveler gave birth to two children - Daria and Andrei.

Due to the permanent tour of Irma Alexandrovna with a dance team and work, Yuri Alexandrovich, the marriage soon collapsed. Later, Yuri Senkevich married Ksenia Nikolaevna Mikhailova, who worked as a linguist in the Union of Theater Workers. From the first marriage Ksenia had the son of Nicholas, who went in the footsteps of the stepfather, becoming a doctor, and later the general director of the NTV television company.

Death of Yuri Senkevich

In 2002, Yuri Alexandrovich Senkevich suffered a heart attack and clinical death, and a year later, it died. The cause of death was heart failure. Most of the nationwide favorite in Moscow at the Novodevichy Cemetery.

Grave Yuri Senkevich

In memory of the TV presenter, the Aeroflot aircraft is called, the ship "Sovcomflot", created a museum in Moscow. The Museum of the Widow of the famous scientist and traveler often organizes the evening of Memolavich's memory and meeting his followers and fans.

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