Konstantin Balmont - biography, photos, personal life, poems, books



Konstantin Balmont is a Russian poet, translator, prose, critic, essist. Bright silver century representative. He published 35 collections of poetry, 20 books with prose. Translated a large number of works of foreign writers. Konstantin Dmitrievich is the author of literary studies, philological treatises, critical essays. His poems "Snowflake", "Kamyshey", "Autumn", "By winter", "Fairy" and many others are included in the school curriculum.

Childhood and youth

Konstantin Balmont was born and lived up to 10 years in the village of Humnishi Shui County Vladimir Province in a poor, but noble family. His father, Dmitry Konstantinovich, first worked as a judge, later took the post of head of the Zemskie. Mother Vera Nikolaevna was from the family, where they loved and were fond of literature. The woman sat down literary evenings, put the performances and printed in a local newspaper.

Portrait of Konstantin Balmont.

Vera Nikolaevna knew several foreign languages, and she was inherent in the share of "liberal ointment", "unwanted" people were often located in their house. Later, he wrote that his mother not only instilled love for literature, but he inherited his "spiritual system." In the family, in addition to Constantine, there was seven sons. He was the third. Watching the mother teaches the letter of senior brothers, the boy independently learned to read in 5 years.

There lived a family in the house that stood on the banks of the river, surrounded by the gardens. Therefore, when it was time for children to give to school, they moved to seam. Thus, they had to break away from nature. The boy wrote his first poems at 10 years old. But Mom did not approve these undertakings, and he did not write anything for the next 6 years.

Parents Konstantin Balmonta

In 1876, Balmont was enrolled in the Shui gymnasium. At first, Kostya showed himself as a diligent student, but soon he missed all this. He became interested in reading, while some books in German and French he read in the original. From the gymnasium, it was excluded for poor training and revolutionary moods. Already then he consisted in an illegal circle, which distributed leaflets of the Folk Free party.

Konstantin moved to Vladimir and studied there until 1886. While learning in the gymnasium, his poems were published in the metropolitan magazine "Picturesque Review", but this event remained unnoticed. After he entered Moscow University at the Faculty of Law. But here it was not long for a long time.

Konstantin Balmont as a child

He became close to Peter Nikolaev, who was a sixtieth revolutionary. Therefore, it is not surprising that after 2 years it was expelled for participating in student unrest. Immediately after this incident, he was sent from Moscow to see.

In 1889, Balmont decided to recover at the university, but because of the nervous disorder, it was not possible to make it possible to retransly. The same fate heded him and in the Demidov Lying team of legal sciences, where he arrived later. After this attempt, he decided to leave the idea to receive "stateless" education.


The first collection of poems Balmont wrote when was chained to bed after unsuccessful suicide. I published a book in Yaroslavl in 1890, but later the poet himself personally destroyed the main part of the circulation.

Poet Konstantin Balmont

All the starting point in the work of the poet is considered the collection "Under the Northern Sky". He was met by the public with admiration, as the subsequent work - "in the vastness of the darkness" and "silence". His willingly began to print in modern magazines, Balmont became popular, he was considered the most promising from the "decadents".

In the middle of the 1890s, he begins to communicate with Bryusov, Merezhkovsky, Hippius. Soon Balmont becomes the most popular poet symbolist in Russia. In verses, he is enthusiastic in the phenomena of the world, and in some collections openly concerns the "demonic" topics. This is noticeable in "evil chars" whose circulation was confiscated by the authorities for censorship reasons.

Balmont travels a lot, so his work is permeated with images of exotic countries and polyculturity. Readers attracts and delight. The poet adheres to the spontaneous improvisation - he never contributed to the texts, believed that the first creative gust was the most faithful.

The contemporaries "Fairy fairy tales", written by Balmont in 1905, were highly appreciated. This collection of fabulous songs The poet devoted to the daughter of Nina.

Konstantin Dmitrievich Balmont was a revolutionary in spirit and in life. The deduction from the gymnasium and the university did not stop the poet. Once he publicly read the verse "Little Sultan", in which everyone saw Parallel with Nikole II. For this they expelled him from St. Petersburg and for 2 years they were banned from living in university cities.

Profile of Konstantin Balmont

He was an opponent of tsarism, so his participation in the first Russian revolution was expected. At that time, he became friends with Maxim Gorky and poems wrote such that more resembled rhymed leaflets.

During the December 1905 Moscow uprising, Balmont opposes students. But, fearing arrest, forced to leave Russia. From 1906 to 1913 he lives in France in the status of a political emigrant. Being in a kind of link, he continues to write, but critics increasingly began to talk about the decline of Balmont's creativity. In his last works, they noticed some kind of template and self-acting.

Books of Konstantin Balmont

The poet himself considered his best book "Burning buildings. Lyrics of the modern soul. " If, before this collection, his lyrics was filled with longing and melancholy, then the "burning buildings" opened Balmont on the other hand - "solar" and cheerful notes appeared in the work.

Returning to Russia in 1913, he published a 10-Tomny complete writings. It is working on translations and lectures in the country. The February revolution Balmont perceived enthusiastically, like the whole Russian intelligentsia. But soon came to the horror of the ongoing anarchy in the country.

Konstantin Balmont.

When the October Revolution began, he was in St. Petersburg, he said, it was a "hurricane of madness" and "chaos". In 1920, the poet moved to Moscow, but soon because of the weak health of the spouse and daughter moved to France with them. In Russia, he no longer returned.

In 1923, Balmont issued two autobiographies - "Under the new Sherp" and "Air Way". Until the first half of the 1930s, he drove all over Europe, his speeches had success. But here the Russian diaspora has not enjoyed recognition.

The sunset of his creativity fell in 1937, then he published his last collection of poems "Light Service."

Personal life

In 1889, Konstantin Balmont married the daughter of Ivanovo-Voznesensky merchant - Larisa Mikhailovna Malina. I introduced their mother, but when he announced his intention to marry, spoke out against this marriage. Konstantin showed his inflexibility and even went for his beloved for a gap with his family.

Konstantin Balmont and Larisa Malin

As it turned out, his young spouse was prone to unjustified jealousy. They always quarreled, the woman did not support him in any literary, nor in revolutionary endeavors. Some researchers note that it was she who added Balmont to the guilt.

On March 13, 1890, the poet decided to suicide - he jumped into a bridge from the third floor of his own apartment. But the attempt failed - he lay down in bed, and from the injured injuries remained chrome.

Konstantin Balmont with the second wife Catherine Andreva and her daughter Nina

In marriage with Larisa, they had two children. Their first child died in infancy, the second - the son of Nikolai - was sick of a nervous disorder. As a result, Konstantin and Larisa diverged, she married a journalist and writer Engeldt.

In 1896, Balmont married the second time. His wife became Ekaterina Alekseevna Andreeva. The girl was from a wealthy family - smart, educated and beautiful. Immediately after the wedding, the lovers went to France. In 1901, they had a daughter Nina. In many ways, they were united by literary activities, together they worked on translations.

Konstantin Balmont and Elena Tvetkovskaya

Ekaterina Alekseevna was not a powerful special, but the lifestyle of his spouses dictated. And everything would be fine, if I had not met Balmont in Paris Elena Konstantinovna Tvetkovskaya. The girl was fascinated by the poet, looked like him on God. From now on he lived with his family, then a couple of months left for foreign journeys with Catherine.

His family life was finally confused when the Tsvetkovsky gave birth to Merru's daughter. This event finally tied Constantine to Elena, but at the same time he did not want to divert with Andreva. Sincere torment again led Balmont to suicide. He jumped out of the window, but, as the last time, remained alive.

Konstantin Balmont and Dagmar Shakhovskaya

As a result, he began to live in St. Petersburg with Flower and Mirra and occasionally visited Moscow to Andreva and daughter Nina. Later they immigrated to France. There, Balmont began to meet with Dagmar Shakhovskaya. He did not leave the family, but met with a woman regularly, every day wrote her letters. As a result, she gave birth to him two children - the Son of George and daughter Svetlana.

But in the most difficult years of his life with him, there was still a flowering. She was so predicted that he did not live after his death, went after him.


Having moved to France, he won in Russia. But his health has deteriorated, there were financial problems, so there was no speech about the return. He lived in a cheap apartment with a broken window.

The grave of Konstantin Balmonta

In 1937, the poet discovered a mental illness. From now on, he no longer wrote poems.

On December 23, 1942, he died in the "Russian House" shelter, not far from Paris, in Nyazi-le-Gran. The cause of his death was inflammation of the lungs. The poet in poverty and oblivion.


  • 1894 - "Under the Northern Sky (Elegia, Stans, Sonnets)"
  • 1895 - "In the vastness of the Mraka"
  • 1898 - "Silence. Lyrical poems "
  • 1900 - "Last minute buildings. Lyrics of the modern soul "
  • 1903 - "We will be like the sun. Character Book »
  • 1903 - "Only love. Seiscle
  • 1905 - "Liturgy of beauty. Spontaneous hymns »
  • 1905 - "Faine fairy tales (children's songs)"
  • 1906 - "Evil spells (book of climbing)"
  • 1906 - "Poem"
  • 1907 - "Avenger Songs"
  • 1908 - "Birds in the air (rows of singing)"
  • 1909 - "Green Vertograd (words of the kiss)"
  • 1917 - "Sonnets of the Sun, Honey and Moon"
  • 1920 - "Ranger"
  • 1920 - "Seven poems"
  • 1922 - "Song of the work hammer"
  • 1929 - "Dali (poem about Russia)"
  • 1930 - "Summary of Shower"
  • 1937 - "Lighthouse"

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