Jamie Oliver - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Recipes, Restaurants 2021



Briton Jamie Oliver, he is just Jamie, he is a bare cook - the famous leading culinary show, the author of a dozen books with step-by-step recipes of delicious dishes, owner of the network of restaurants of Italian cuisine. The culinary genius of the chef is combined with the charm and humor of a talented showman, won millions of fans in different parts of the world.

Cook Jamie Oliver

The acquired influence of Oliver uses not only for enrichment. It works with young people, fascinating even difficult teenagers with culinary art. The cook fights for child obesity, promotes healthy food and introduces useful dishes in the menu of school canteens. He was awarded the Order of the British Empire from the hands of Queen Elizabeth II and since then officially referred to as Sir James Oliver.

Childhood and youth

James Trevor Oliver was born on May 27, 1975 in the village of Clavering, Essex County, United Kingdom. Grew up in Cambridge, where his parents, Trevor and Sally, own the paste and restaurant The Cricketers (Cricators). The institution was built in the XVI century, belongs to the family of Oliverov since 1976. Eight-year-old Jamie and his sister Anna-Marie helped parents in a pub.

Jamie Oliver in childhood and youth

At the age of 11, the boy could chop vegetables, as well as perform all the duties of kitchen staff. In addition to cooking, there were other interests of the future television. In 1989, a teenager, together with a musician and composer, Haggerwood founded the Scarlet Division group, where he plays a shock installation. In October 2000, their single Sundial got to 42 lines in the British Music Chart.

At 16, James began learning in the Westminster Catering College. Continued education in France.


Professional career Jamie Oliver began in the role of a confectioner in the Neal Street Restaurant Restaurant of the famous Chef Antonio Karoughcho. There Jamie fell in love with Italian cuisine and met Jennaro Konaldo, who had learned how to prepare traditional Italian dishes.

Later, the young cook went to London the River Cafe, where he took the place of Su-Chef and worked for three and a half years. Here he learned to masterfully prepare tuna and joined healthy nutrition. After in 1997, Oliver starred in the documentary film of the BBC TV channel "Christmas at the River Cafe", the biography of the cook was the biography of a television star.

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In 1999, a culinary show "Naked cook", which glorified Jamie and brought him a BAFTA Award reward. The intriguing name of the show has nothing to do with erotica. Directed by Patricia Llevelin, who gave the project name The Naked Chef, meant that the cook was completely frank with the audience, without hiding. By the way, later the producers offered Jamie to pose naked, but he invariably refused.

Millions of lovers responded with Jamie Oliver's call: from housewives and adolescents to Kate Middleton and Duchess of Cornish Camilla. On a comic culinary duel in London with the Duchess Camille Sir James prepared the dough, decorated the cupcakes and gathered money for charity picnics.

Cornle Cornolskaya and Jamie Oliver

Charity Jamie has been engaged in 2002, when he opened the restaurant "Fifteen", where fifteen young people took a job without experience in cooking, but with the criminal past. This idea was successful and led to the creation of the Fifteen network in England and Australia.

In 2005, he initiated a campaign "Feed me better", aimed at teaching British schoolchildren to healthy nutrition. With the support of the government, Oliver has changed the standards of school breakfasts and contributed to the introduction of the tax on sweet drinks.

Books Jamie Oliver

The famous cook has an official website, including in Russian. There will be new books chefs, projects with his participation, add links to rollers from its channel on YouTube. Short rollers of the culinary channel Jamie are combined into cycles on the main product used or the type of dish.

On Jamie Oliver's Food Tube there are cycles of video discs on the preparation of chicken or shrimp in different ways. Thanks to the original sauces, borrowed by the author of recipes in national kitchens of the peoples of the world, the usual piece of beef or fish acquires a new taste, becoming the basis of family lunch or a solemn dinner.

Fun and pleasure oliver teaches lovers of delicious food by making a quick filling for pizza or pies from what remains in the refrigerator after yesterday's dinner. Traditional English pudding is also invented by economy housewives and brought to perfection by the hands of a professional.

Personal life

The cook is married to the charming model of Juliet Norton, better known as Julce. Future spouses met in the distant 1993, when Jamie was not famous yet. Young married in 2000, when he could adequately provide a family. The couple bought a house and settled in the native village of Oliver. On March 18, 2002, the Senior Daughter Poppy Hani Rosie was born in the family, and on April 10, 2003 - the second, Daisy Bu Pamela.

Jamie Oliver and Family

After six years, April 3, 2009, Julce gave birth to the younger daughter Petal Blossa Reynbow. After the son appears on September 15, 2010, which Buddy Bir Maurice was named, a happy father said that was completely happy and ready to make a vasectomy. But on August 8, 2016, Jamie became the father of another boy, called River Rocket.

Meet a wife and newborn son from the Portland clinic Oliver arrived with all the older children. The photo of the family was touched by Sir James fans. Juliet tastes new dishes of her husband and tests his recipes. In one of the books, the cook wrote:

"Julce's opinion helps simplify recipes so that they are available to each lover. If she can cope with them, then you can and you. "

Jamie Oliver now

New Year's gift to Russian fans has become a good translation of Oliver's book "5 ingredients: fast and simple food" (Five Ingredients: Quick and Easy Food). Each of the hundreds of dishes consists of only five components that quickly and easily connect, giving a delicious result. These are not balanced dinners, but salads, paste and rice with vegetables and greens, rich meat dishes. A separate chapter is devoted to desserts: there are no complex cakes, but there are tasty cookies recipes.

Jamie Oliver in 2017

Sir James Oliver does not leave the struggle for the health of schoolchildren. In January 2018, he called on the Government of the United Kingdom to prohibit the sale of energy drinks to children. Jamie believes that drinks with caffeine turn children in drug addicts, interfering with them to focus on classes and absorb knowledge at school.

A regular energy jar contains a dose of caffeine to a half, or even twice the permissible daily rate for children of junior classes. Despite the fact that the jars with power engineers are marked up as non-children's products, bright packaging and lines of tastes lead to the fact that a quarter of consumers are precisely children. Waitrose shops and Nasuwt trade union supported Jamie's initiative.

Restaurant Jamie Oliver

The famous culinary manages the semicondress of Italian restaurants Jamie's Italian, two of which work in Russia. They are located in St. Petersburg and Moscow. It is not easy to manage with such an extensive network of institutions. In 2018, Jamie plans to close 12 out of 35 restaurants in the UK. In 2017, he had to close the branch in Istanbul and six institutions in the homeland.

The fate of the remaining restaurants has not yet been solved. If the landlords agree to reduce the rent, and managers will become better to serve customers, then perhaps the business will remain afloat. Now Jamie must suppliers and employees seventy million pounds, and losses last year amounted to thirteen million pounds.


  • 1999-2001 - "Naked cook"
  • 2002 - "Kitchen Jamie"
  • 2002-2004 - "Live tasty with Jamie Oliver"
  • 2005 - "School dinners Jamie"
  • 2005 - "Italian holidays with Jamie Oliver"
  • 2006 - "Kitchen Jamie. Australia"
  • 2009 - "Traveling in America with Jamie Oliver"
  • 2010 - "Culinary Travel Jamie Oliver"
  • 2011 - "United Kingdom Jamie"
  • 2012 - "Culinary duel with Jamie Oliver"
  • 2013 - "Preparing tasty and cheap"
  • 2013-2016 - "Jamie Oliver. Culinary Channel "
  • 2014-2015 - "Culinary duel with Jamie Oliver. Season 2 »
  • 2014 - "Homemade dishes with Jamie Oliver"
  • 2015 - "Sugar Fever"

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