Ivan Goncharov - biography, photos, personal life, books, novels



Russian writer Ivan Goncharov created three novels. It was they who brought the writer the fame of the Word Master. It is noteworthy that the names of three books begin with the letters "OB".

The future classic was born in the summer, June 6, 1812, in Simbirsk. The family has already raised the eldest son Nikolai. The parents of the child - Alexander Ivanovich and Avdota Matveyevna - belonged to the merchant class. A few years after the birth of Ivan, two daughters appeared in the potion family. Goncharov with warmth recalled childhood in autobiographic essays.

Ivan Goncharov in childhood

When the child was seven years old, Father Alexander Ivanovich passed away. Then Nikolay Nikolayevich Tregubov took up the upbringing of a little Ivan. He replaced Ivan Father. And although the family lost the breadwinner, Avdoti Matveyevna had enough funds to not infringe upon the formation of children.

The first teacher for the child was Tregubov. Then Ivan was sent to a private pension. At the age of ten years, the boy was transferred to the school where brother had already been. There Goncharov stayed to eighteen years old, although I didn't like the future writer. The name of Ivan Alexandrovich was often concerned on the "Red Board". In those years, the young men awakened love for literature and writing. He paid a lot of reading books.

Potted House in Simbirsk

An example for the imitation of Goncharov considered the poet of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. The novel "Evgeny Onegin" became for Ivan a real revelation. Help to Pushkin, the writer jested throughout life. One day, Goncharov was lucky to see the idol. The meeting left rainbow memories.

In 1830, Goncharov was excluded from the list of boarders at the request of the mother. Favorite business led to the future Creator to the desire to receive education at Moscow University. In 1831, Ivan Alexandrovich passed the entrance exams and became a student of the university. Three years in the walls of the institution brought significant contribution to the biography of the writer. At one time, Mikhail Lermontov, Konstantin Aksakov, Vissarion Belinsky, Ivan Turgenev received at the university at the same time with a young man at the university.

Ivan Goncharov in youth

In 1834, studies stayed behind, and Goncharov went to Simbirsk to see the mother and sisters. The young man even during his studies decided that he would not remain in his native boring city. The writer attracted the metropolitan life. But upon arrival in Native Penate, Ivan Alexandrovich was offered the position of secretary. He thought and agreed.

However, the work was so boring that after eleven months of Goncharov went to St. Petersburg, where he got a translator of correspondence from foreign languages. The case turned out to be unfounded and left time for writing. Then Goncharov entered the family of Nikolai Apollonovich Majkova. He taught the sons of the painter Latin language and Russian literature. The Miken estate was considered a cultural center of North Palmyra. Here Ivan Alexandrovich plunged into the world of Bohemia.


In 1838, Goncharov created "Lychyaya Coup." A year later, the second work of the Creator appeared - "happy mistake". Both essays entered the manuscript almanacies "Moon Nights" and "Snowdrop", which were published in the Maikov family. The signature of Goncharov was not standing under the works. Editions came anonymously.

Portrait of Ivan Goncharov

Over time, the work of the writer was gaining momentum. He met Belinsky, visited the house of writers. In 1846, the novice author read the criticism of the "ordinary story", from which he remained delighted. In 1847, the work was published in the "contemporary".

The appearance of Belinsky in the life of Goncharov greatly influenced the last. In "Notes on the Personality of Belinsky", the author with warmth recalls the councils and tips of criticism. But they did not become comrades. Goncharov doubtedly treated the hobby of Belinsky by French revolutionary ideas, and the critic in response called the writer man with a bottleneck.

Books Ivan Goncharov

In 1848, in the magazine "Sovremennik" came out the essay "Ivan Savvich Pzharabrin".

Four years later, Goncharov went to Japan with Admiral Efimy Vasilyevich Putyathin on the Fregate "Pallada" in the role of the secretary. The expedition lasted two and a half years and was interrupted due to the beginning of the Eastern War.

During the navigation, the writer led the detailed records that were based on the book "Pallada frigate". The cat's cycle saw the light in 1858 and became a new phenomenon in literary circles. Readers perceived a book as a window to a new unskilled world, which traveler told.

Ivan Goncharov - biography, photos, personal life, books, novels 15722_6

Returning from swimming, Goncharov soon left work. The writer was offered a censorship position in the North Mail newspaper, and he agreed. In 1859, the famous "obcomments" came out, having had a great success. The book was viewed by philosophical views. Soon the term "Oblomovshchina" appeared in the people.

In 1862, the writer was headed by Northern Mail. In 1865, he entered the membership in prior arts, and in 1867 he retired with the general rank. The writer accepted such a decision, because the trouble prevented the work.

Ivan Goncharov

In 1869, he completed the third novel "Obrax". Over the last brainchild of Goncharov worked twenty years, but the book did not have success with readers. Having finished the "opening", the Creator put the point in the trilogy created by him. In the three works of Goncharov, consecutive stages of Russia's development took place. Without a final book, the trace of the author would remain not so bright.

Personal life

Personal life Classic failed. He never was married and did not know the joy of fatherhood. For a long time Goncharov loved the Yefremov Dmitrievna, the niece Evgenia Petrovna Makova. But the girl knits himself as marriage with another man.

Ivan Goncharov and Elizabeth thick

In 1855, the writer overtook a new feeling. He met Elizabeth Vasilyevna Tolstoy, close to the house of Mikey. The message of the writer to Tolstoy can be considered separate lyrical creation, so much love and sadness in them. But in 1857 she was combined with a marriage with Alexey Ivanovich Musin-Pushkin. This broke the writer heart.

Goncharov was friends with Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev. But after in 1860, Goncharov read a line from the "cliff" in the composition of Turgenev, the relationship of the great authors was cut off. Ivan Alexandrovich even caused Turgenev to a duel, but then the former friends were dissuading from this venture.


In the last years of the life of the writer defeated depression. He felt lonely and helpless. At one time I wanted to sit at the new novel, but I threw it, because I composed slowly. Goncharov continued to produce critical articles to books.

Ivan Goncharov on mortal odds

On September 12, 1891, the writer was cold. The disease developed rapidly and after three days the writer died of inflammation of the lungs. The inheritance Ivan Alexandrovich bequeathed the family of the servant.

In honor of the classic, the streets in Moscow, Penza, Saransk, Cheboksary, Simferopol and other cities are named. In Ulyanovsk and Dimitrovgrad, the writer was put on monuments, and a memorial plaque was installed in Mariansk-Lazne. The name of the critic is called museums, square, library, theater and holiday. The premium on the literature named after Goncharov was established.

Monument to Ivan Goncharov in Ulyanovsk

In 2012, a coin was released with a portrait of Goncharov in honor of the 200th anniversary of the writer. The circulation was 5,000 copies.

In 2012, the manga was published under the name "the Great of Stray Pots." One of the Heroes of the comic is the name Ivan Goncharov. In the photo the character is depicted with long blond hair to the belt, narrow eyes, a smoky nose and a big mouth. The top of the head covers bandages. Ivan has a "open" super supervisory.


  • 1838 - "Lyhai Coup"
  • 1839 - "Happy mistake"
  • 1842 - "Ivan Savvich Podzharbin"
  • 1846 - "Ordinary History"
  • 1858 - "Fregat" Pallada "
  • 1859 - "Oblomov"
  • 1869 - "Open"
  • 1872 - "Million Torzani"
  • 1874 - "Notes on the Personality of Belinsky"
  • 1875 - "Again" Hamlet "in the Russian scene"
  • 1891 - "The turning of fate"

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