Marge Simpson - biography, growth, image and character, quotes


Character History

Marge Simpson, the mother of three children, knows the secret, how to stay sexual even in adulthood. This is confirmed by numerous awards and photosessia of the heroine. In 2009, the famous housewife was decorated with the cover of the provocative magazine "Playboy" and even got a turn in a mentioned gloss. But this is only one side of the cartooner heroine. In the daily life of Martja pious, polite with neighbors and patient with children. Yes, Gomer Simpson got the perfect woman.

History of creation

In real life, the name Marge belongs to the mother of the creator of the series - Matt Grandge. The multiplier created the basic cartoon characters in 15 minutes, which promoted in the receiving producer James Brook. The man did not think about the name for a long time and simply borrowed them from his own relatives. At this, the similarity of the Multgeroi with Marge Graining ends.

Marge Simpson

The first appearance of a colorful housewife took place in the GOOD NIGHT short filtle, shown in the entertainment show of Tracy Ulman. Spouses tell fairy tales to their own children, but so fond of cute stories turn into horror stories.

After the transition of "Simpsons" from the category of two-minute rollers in a full-fledged animation series, the appearance of Marge changed noticeably. The woman gained a higher hairstyle, replaced jewelry on a pearl necklace and began to wear tight dresses.

Julia Kavner voiced Marge Simpson

Voices a popular character actress Julia Kavner. For work on the voice of a housewife from Springfield, the artist was awarded the Prize "Prime-Time Emmy" and the title "The most popular mother on television."

Marge Simpson in the animated series

Marjori is the youngest daughter of Bouvier's spouses. Girl's parents moved to Springfield from France even before the birth of children. Older Buvier consider themselves aristocrats, while Father Marge worked as a steward on local airlines for a long time. The heroine grew up with the senior twin sisters to Patty and Salma. The girls did not get laid, and Marge often undeservedly offended.

In his youth, the heroine was distinguished from the usual viewers of the image. The girl studied at Springfield high school, was engaged in ballet (she threw the dancing because of the uneven grown chest) and constantly walked with loose hair. To create such an image, schoolgirl had to smooth out his own curls iron.

Before marriage with Homer Simpson, Marge led an active social life. The girl led the school newspaper, fond of drawing and often participated in rallies dedicated to women's rights. Because of one of the similar shares, Marge was left after lessons in the point of punishment. There is a girl and met a hooligan Homer Simpson.

In fact, the first meeting of future spouses took place before. Marge and Homer rested in one children's camp, where they twisted the teenage romance. But both heroes do not remember such distant events.

After graduating from school, Marge got a job on a roadside cafe. The girl rolled down the hall on roller skates, planned to see the world, build a career and even break with Homer. Everything changed the goosecologist, who announced that Marge was pregnant.

Marge Simpson and Homer Simpson

Young people got married in the local church, and in a couple of months, the spouses were born firstborn - Bart. Two years later, a replenishment was replenished in the family of Simpsons, Martja gave birth to a girl who, happy parents called Liza. Baby Maggie became the third child in the Simpsons family.

Marge deployed ambitious plans to the far corner of consciousness and devoted himself to household and raising children. A woman is angry with the irresponsibility of her husband, but still forgives the Homer even humiliating actions and words.

Marge Simpson and Bart Simpson

But sometimes Martja itself does unreasonably and falls into ridiculous situations. For example, a woman accidentally increased his chest. During liposuction at a plastic surgeon, heroin mistakenly inserted breast implants.

Thanks to the new forms of the Simpson's spouse, it becomes a local celebrity, makes a career model and saves Bart from a mad elephant (for this, a woman had to bargain a little). But after the episode with an elephant, the woman makes the decision to return the forms.

Marge Simpson and Lisa Simpson

The humble parishioner of the church and the exemplary mother sometimes releases his own creative component. Martja draws a portrait of Mr. Burns, who is placed in the newly built wing of the Art Museum. In the picture, a man is depicted nude. This is a revenge of the patron of the insult that Mr. Burns inflicted Homer. No matter how angry Martja on her husband, a woman will not allow anyone to offend family members.

Among other things, Marge is endowed with writing talent. The heroine writes a love romance that instantly becomes a bestseller. Some quotes from the work pushing the city's residents to the thought that Simpson's wife secretly meets with a neighbor. A similar turn brings Marge a lot of trouble, so the wrist career of the heroine decides to complete.

Writer Marge Simpson

Interesting Facts

  • Growth margin together with the hairstyle is 2.59 m. By the way, the woman has seen at the age of 17, so it paints the hair in bright blue.
  • In the school years, Marge twisted the novel with a friend of Lenny's husband, so the heroes are full of awkwardness and inexpensive. Once Homer found a photo of Lenny in his wife's hair. However, in the hairstyle, Martja hid many strange things.
  • If the heroine is picked up, it growls. And laughter from Marge is very specific.
  • Homer's spouse defends the interests of the family. Therefore, after the statement of Barbara Bush that "the series Simpsons - a stupid thing", the heroine wrote a letter to the president's wife. The first lady answered Marge's message and apologized for what was said.


"I knew that you would forget to buy a gift to me, so my gift to you is your gift to me." "Sometimes it seems to me that we are the worst family in the city." "The Day of the Day is a family holiday." "Teremp, Lisa, we are women, which means that we can endure forever!" "Homer, I do not mind what you write in the shower, but only if you take a shower!"

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