Olga Slucker - Photo, Biography, News, Personal Life, Businesswoman 2021



Olga Slucker - clever, beauty, pioneer fitness industry, inflexible business woman who built his own empire. On the other hand, a woman deprived of happiness to see children daily, who moved his career to second place and running on everything to not stay alone.

Childhood and youth

Olga was born in January 1965 in Leningrad. Father Sergey Berezovsky - lawyer, honored lawyer of Russia. At the time of dating him, Olga's mother was married to a Czech diplomat, lived and worked abroad.

However, she met on vacation of a young lawyer, according to Olga, "Lovers of a beautiful life, a walk and a sympathetu," and lived with him 50 years. The main thing is what the parents taught the daughter to respect the law and do not betray friends.

Olya studied in an English school, loved to read. The physical education teacher advised the parents of a unfortunate girl to give the child to the sports school. And the father accidentally recorded the daughter in the fencing section, although I thought that I came to the pool. His coach Faina Naumovna Sayevich Slucker calls fantastic.

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The girl soon began to show the results, later he studied at the Moscow sports school, graduated from Peter Lesgaft Physical Culture University, got into the national team of the city and went to competition. As a business woman recognized, the future she tied up with sports. In dreams, the girl saw himself with the Olympic champion.

In an interview with the mid-2000 Slutcker told that the fencer was desperate, went to bruises from shocks. Perseverance in achieving results was justified not only by upbringing, but also the sign of the Zodiac Capricorn. Olga liked that there were many boys around, it was more interesting with them and easier to communicate. She was equal to the Belarusian athlete Elena Belov, which he believed to be the same standard of beauty.

Personal life

At the time of dating Olga with Vladimir Slucker, the latter was considered one of the most successful first businessmen of New Russia. The meeting occurred in Sochi, where the girl came with friends to rest.

Over time, the husband from a big business has moved to a big policy - Senieved on the Council of the Federation, headed the Russian Jewish Congress (Vladimir - Jew by nationality), after moving to Israel, founded the Israeli Jewish Congress.

The fact that the children endured a surrogate mother, Olga does not hide. In 2017, Internet magazine Tatler.ru in the article on the celebrities applied to such reproductive technology, referring to the words of businesswoman, voiced the cost of the procedure - $ 20 thousand. Curious is known only by some details of the selection of a candidate, who endowed the third and fourth child Slutcker, all personal information Lost beyond.

Senior Mikhail and Anna were still born in marriage, the boy took the same American, the girl was born in Russia. Parents divorced in 2009. Almost immediately in the media there was information that shocked the public: Olga selected children, and the woman herself had to leave her husband's house in Silver Bor.

Scandalous details from the personal life of Slutcker, as well as the peculiarities of the upbringing of the heirs, they shared their nanny in an interview with Life.ru. From her words, Olga changed her husband, and in the manifestation of maternal feelings was restrained. Perhaps this is the only time the businesswoman made a privacy public domain.

According to her, she turned to the press so that, first of all, to defend her good name. Secondly, she decided that journalists would be able to impartially cover the bracketing process, in which, as considered, the court initially accepted the side of the former husband under the influence of the deputy status.

Vladimir went to Israel and took the children. On news channels and online for another couple of years, the details of the trial appeared during which Slutcker was not afraid to voice the smallest details. Over time, passions have lighted, Olga admitted that she forgiven her husband, and the daughter and her son occasionally seen in Israel.

In the midst of the court, Paparazzi several times captured the secular lioness in the company Actor Evgenia Mironov. The Internet edition of Spletnik.ru, belonging to the close friend of Polina Deripask, the unnamed sources were quoted, from which the novel owners of World Class and the stars of Russian cinema and caused a divorce.

Along the way, one more shocking information about the past Olga Slucker surfaced with legal proceedings. In his article, a journalist Oleg Lurie said that in his youth, businesswoman was engaged in escort.

The reporter confirmed his words with the evidence of the Sochi Guard of the order, which by the photo allegedly identified Olga. Slutcker without attention did not leave the article - the court took place. Luriate was rapidly responsible for extortion (in order not to publish information). The correspondent of the newspaper "Version" has denied its involvement in the case.

As the tabloids are assumed, perhaps, if Misha and Anya were near, the woman would not have decided on children. Twins Masha and Katya were born in 2013. Father's name Olga did not name, said only that he was "stunning, clever, and the girls were very lucky."

Edition EG.U.ru has put forward a version that Saderker responded about the chairman of the Board of Gazpromneft, Alexander Dyukov. His journalists were recorded in the fathers of the son of Olga, born in 2015. Today, the couple does not hide the relationship, and the media are increasingly referring to Olga Civilian wife Dukov.

Olga collects works of art: Russian artists of the 19th century, paintings and photos Andy Warhol, Rauf Mamedov, Manana Ray and other Western authors of the second half of the 20th century. Fitness Queen First of Russians began to buy the work of the famous classic of the photo of Helmut Newton. Many works Olga demonstrates in their microblog in "Instagram".

At the same time, the acquisitions are not dusting behind the walls of mansions, but decorate clubs and are set in expositions. Having bought once for serious money for fakes, Olga decided not to contact the services of Russian dealers and consult with the gallery of Aidan Salahova.

Business and Sport

Olga Slucker - almost the first woman, in which fitness is not just a way to maintain physical form, but a part of a business biography, and an international scale. Photo of beautiful, brunette taut - visual business advertising.

The idea of ​​creating a network of fitness clubs, which is now known at the CIS's expanses under the World Class brand, originated in Italy. On the trip, Olga got to the Aerobics class and realized that in front of her Golden lived.

Starting capital of $ 700 thousand. Legged by the spouse Vladimir. At first, the familiar did not appreciate the business zeal of Slutcker: how it is to sell physical education. But Olga was guided by the principle that people want to resemble celebrities, and over time, this approach was fruitful.

Shortly before that, the spouse of Senator met Yuri Aisenshpis, who introduced a woman in the secular capital circles. Now in friends Olga - frequenter of the secular chronicles Stepan Mikhalkov, Svetlana Bondarchuk, Ksenia Sobchak, Albina Nazimova.

Partners of Vladimir, as well as the Moscow Bomond became the first customers. The husband subsequently pulled away from affairs and said that all questions lay on Olga's shoulders. Therefore, she graduated from the State University of Management, became a regulance of international fitness seminars.

After 15 years, when the scandal broke out in the family, a divorce and determination of the place of residence of children, Slutcker said that he was actually convinced of the correctness of the proverb "I do not have a hundred rubles, and have a hundred friends." In a secular part, it is considered a good tone to maintain itself in a tone in the walls of Olga clubs. By 2007, this network was already a Russian Fitness Group Corporation, which includes the fitness networks "Ribok" and "Maxi-Sport".

In addition to sports projects, Olga opened the Women's Health Center "Heirs", whose main profile is an extracorporeal fertilization. Slutcker, who became the mother of five children in this way, well understands women who want to know the motherhood.

According to Rospres.org, in the early 2000s Olga on Paia with Oleg Deripskaya and Maxim Vorobyev owned the Glavstroy SPb company, which was engaged in building St. Petersburg. Allegedly through affiliate firms, businessmen received a contract for the construction of semi-tech Parking and renovation of 22 microdistrics of the Northern Capital and suburbs.

The name of the President of Fitness Aerobics Federation is among those who made the idea of ​​improving physical education lessons in secondary schools. Since 2005 Olga Slucker - head coach of Russian participants of the show of the first channel "Large Racing", since 2007 - a member of the Executive Committee of the International Federation of Sports, Aerobics and Fitness, since 2012 - Chairman of the Public Council with the Commissioner for the Rights of the Child under the President of Russia .

In March 2018, the project "Active longevity" started at the initiative of Mayor Sergei Sobyanin. It was organized free leisure for pensioners on the basis of cultural, sports, education institutions.

Olga Slucker entered the Public Council for the Implementation of the Program and made an initiative to introduce a large-scale health program, including physical culture, Scandinavian walking, dancing, yoga.

In addition, Olga Sergeyevna participates in charity, consists in the Board of Trustees of Foundations "We Together" and "Northern Crown", for which the Russian Orthodox Church handed it to her the Holy Equal-Apostolic Great Princess Olga 3rd degree.

Olga Slucker now

Now Olga Slucker continues to develop his business. In the fall of 2019, she became a Guest of the transfer of Big Money Evgeny Chernyak, where he told about many years of experience. The release was called "Fragile Mistress of Iron Business".

In the spring of 2020, a show of the release of the Youtyub-show "Light around the World" took place, in which his leading Svetlana Bondarchuk raised the topic of discrimination against women by age. The guests of the studio, in addition to Slutcker, Steel Alena Akhmadullina, Aydan Salahova, Yana Rudkovskaya and others.

The quarantine period introduced in the country due to the spread of coronavirus infection, has negatively affected Olga. Empire fitness clubs froze indefinitely. The opening of the halls took place at the beginning of summer. At the same time, Rospotrebnadzor gave clear recommendations, under what conditions the work of organizations should undergo. The fact that all the conditions are fulfilled and do not represent for employees of significant inconvenience clubs, Olga Slucker told on Radio-1 air.


  • Federation of Fitness Aerobics of Russia
  • Network of fitness clubs "Fizkult"
  • "Big races"
  • "Bug" (bakery, coffee shop, bread shop)

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