Maxim Aksenov - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Former Husband Dana Borisova, "Instagram", Businessman 2021



The scandals between Dana Borisovoy and its ex-spouse Maxim Aksenov do not subside. The businessman does not like how the TV presenter raises them with a common daughter Polina. Details of family disassembly regularly become the subject of discussion in studios of all sorts of shows and on the pages of tabloid.

Childhood and youth

Maxim prefers not to spread about the details of the biography of Maxim. The only thing that managed to find out the press is, he was born in 1980. Parents Aksenova - wealthy people live in two countries.

Personal life

Aksenov and continued to maintain incognito if it were not for the circumstances of his personal life. In 2005, a young man met the popular TV presenter of Dana Borisova.

Lovers lived in the businessman's apartment, but the official wife was given and did not. In 2007, the blonde gave her a daughter to her husband, which Nicole's name would first be called, but then stopped at the Polina.

The years did not pass, like the Father and the mother of the girl broke up. The reason for the rupture served as the impossibility for Maxim combining work and family. At the time, he fell out of the life of the ex-wife and daughter, did not visit Polina and did not help financially. Borisov sought in depression was looking for consolation in alcohol.

In 2009, Dana filed to Aksenov about the payment of alimony and won the case. Businessman agreed to give money, and in return demanded that the mother refuses the child. Borisov did not go to such a transaction, only two years later the couple settled the relationship.

Maxim participated in the upbringing of the daughter of Polina, paid his studies in an expensive gymnasium. The TV presenter at this time built relations with other men and periodically fell into loud scandals.

Rest to marry Dane succeeded in 2015. Her chosen was the neighbor in the country - the entrepreneur Andrei Tishchenko, but the marriage broke up 8 months later. TV presenter stated that his spouse deceived her - it turned out to be in fact not so wealthy, as she told.

This did not concern Aksenov, until in 2017 did not emerge the news about the drug addiction Borisova. TV presenter sent for treatment on Samui, and Polina remained with his father. Then the mother of Yekaterina Ivanovna came to the transfer "Let them say" and announced to the whole country that her daughter is a drug addict, and Maxim does not give to his granddaughter, plans to pick up Polina from the ex-wife and deprive her parental rights.

Maxim assured that he did not intend to deprive the Parental Rights. Such an act is simply legal formality to determine the place of residence of the child. Maxim's daughter and Dana posted a video in "Instagram", where she said that she liked the dad and everything is fine, but they are tired of the constant attention of journalists.

In the studio Andrei Malakhov, the fact of the presence of the Aksenov of his mistress was revealed. Some Valery Margolis reported that it was pregnant from Maxim. He allegedly refused to help Ey with a child and demanded to make an abortion. The news that Polina will have a sister or brother, Dana perceived with joy, and Valeria was not going to get rid of the baby.

Waving to return the TV presenter with Samui, Maxim appealed to the court demanding to oblige that to pay a quarter of the monthly income on the rest of the daughter, which at that time lived with him. The entrepreneur did not stop the fact that Borisov was unemployed. Dane had to be published in the "Instagram" post with a call to contact her about advertising, "because every penny is important."

After the scandal about the drug addiction, the Polina began problems in school with classmates. Aksenov took the girl to England for a while, where she studied and was engaged in tennis. Dana placed posts in the social network, where he said that she was proud of the success of his daughter and would be the best mom in the world for her, assured subscribers that she had excellent relationships with Polina.

TV presenter in his microblog at the end of December 2017 reported that Maxim allowed her daughter to spend two weeks with her. After, making sure that Borisov finished with the last life, the businessman was given to Polina at all.

However, soon in the media began to appear reports that the family was not a cloudless atmosphere. As TV presenter stated, the child never uttered the word "mother", periodically spoiled her things. Borisova declared that this is a former husband affects her daughter and sets up against her.

A year later, Polina returned to his father after another quarrel. She began to speak regardless of people in response, in response, Dana limited her internet access and pocket expenses. By the way, Aksenov supported the ex-spouse that children should not spend a lot of time per gadgets.

New 2020 Polina met in the father's house. A quiet life in the family Borisova again ended: In December 2019, Maxim gave himself to a former wife with an outfit police and an ambulance brigade, put her in the hospital and took his daughter. Finally, he called Danu addict.

In response, the woman expressed his willingness to pass special tests to prove that she does not take anything. The attending physician stated that the TV presenter suffers from a bipolar disorder, not always copes with emotions. Perhaps, therefore, it seemed inadequate to Aksenov.


A businessman does not like publicity and does not interview. At the beginning of Zero Maxim held a high post in the oil company and did not need money. Then he changed the scope of activity. Now Aksenov is engaged in jewelry.

Maxim Aksenov Now

Now Aksenova Junior lives with his mother. The next scandal between the former spouses broke out after visiting Maxim Polynament. A few months old grandparents, as well as a father who lives with his parents, did not speak with the girl because of too frank avatars in the social network. After the daughter changed the image, the hearts of relatives were excited. A joyful teenager together with his four-legged pets - Michel's dog hurried to visit.

But the pleasant meeting did not work: after the dog overturned in the hallway, Maxim led himself rudely with Polina, which her grandparents did not prevent her grandparents. Having learned about the beating of my daughter, Dana posted a heartbreaking post with a picture of bruises on the hands of a girl on a page in "Instagram".

The reason for the behavior of the former husband was given by Borisovaya spectators, they found out in the summer of 2021 on the air of the program "In fact". Before that ill-fated meeting, the TV presenter hinted maxima, which gave birth to a daughter not from him. Potential Father Alexander Podlavnaya appeared in front of the camera and confirmed the novel with the TV presenter in 2006, on the eve of her pregnancy. The wife of Margarita denied this connection categorically.

In the studio, test DNA was conducted, which was refuted by Polyna and Alexander's relationship. The daughter that appeared in the studio explained to the public that the story of beating was embedded with her mother. The host posted photos of another girl on the Internet. Acsenov herself believes that the behavior of the father does not threaten her life and health.

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