Group "Time Machine" - History of Creation, Composition, Photo, News, Songs, Discography, Andrey Makarevich 2021



"Time Machine" is a Russian rock band, one of the long-livers on the musical scene. During the years of creativity, the project participants managed to remember fans not only with bright hits, but not less impressive conflicts in the team. Despite the frequent shifts of the composition, the team managed to remain afloat.

The history of creation and composition

The history of the creation of a team is rooted in the 60s of the 20th century. At the turn of 1960-1970, the popularity of youth and student groups were gaining popularity in the USSR, which, as a rule, the British The Beatles and other legendary musicians playing in the rock genre.

Following such a trend, in 1968, in Moscow, students of school No. 19 with an in-depth study of English created a group, which included four senior students: Andrei Makarevich, Mikhail Yashin, Larisa Kashperko and Nina Baranova. Girls sang, and the guys accompanied them on the guitars.

The repertoire of young people who freely owned by English, consisted of foreign famous songs with which they performed in metropolitan schools and youth clubs called The Kids. Once in the institution, where the guys studied, Via from Leningrad "Atlanta" took place. The group had at its disposal high-quality high-class equipment and bass guitar, which was then in the wonder. At the interruption of Atlantov, Andrei Makarevich with comrades performed several own musical works.

In 1969, the first composition of the "Time Machine" was organized, where Andrei Makarevich, Yuri Borzov, Igor Mazaev, Pavel Rubin, Alexander Ivanov and Sergey Kawagoe. The author of the group named then Time Machines, became Yuri Ivanovich Borzov, and Sergey became the initiator of the creation of an exclusively male team - so an inappropriate vocalist turned out to be Andrei on nicknamed Makar.

According to the guys, the appearance of Cavagoe Time Machines helped them succeed. Sergey, whose parents lived in Japan, had real electric guitars, considered short-term in those days in the Soviet Union, and even a small amplifier. So the sound of the project songs was beneficially distinguished from the creativity of other musical groups.

In the men's team, conflicts were arising related to the choice of repertoire: Sergey and Yuri wanted to play Bitles, but Makarevich insisted on the choice of compositions of less famous authors. Andrei argued his position by the fact that it would still be no longer anyway, and Time Machines would have a "pale appearance".

As a result of the dispute arose, the team split: Borzov, Cavagoe and Mazaev came out of the project and began work under the name "Durapon Parroviki", but success did not achieve, in connection with which they returned to Time Machines.

After the release of the debut album, Pavl Rubin guitarists and Alexander Ivanov left the group. By that time, the guys graduated from school and seriously thought no longer about music, but about obtaining higher education. Yuriy and Andrei enrolled in the Architectural Institute in Moscow, where they met Alexey Romanov (later spoke in the Rock group "Resurrection") and Alexander Kutikov.

The latter was soon replaced by Mazaev's armed forces as part of Time Machines, and Borzov went to the Alexey Romanov group. The scriptor became the screenwriter and the writer Maxim Captain, who in a year also left to serve in the USSR armed forces.

At the same time, Sergey Kawagoore began to prepare for entrance exams in Moscow State University, because of what he regularly missed the rehearsal and canceled the speeches, and Makarevich and Kutikov worked in the Best Years group. Resting in 1973, the guys changed the name to the more familiar hearing of the Soviet people "Time Machine", and a year later, Alexey Romanov became a vocalist together with Makarevich.

At the same time, the cutics left the team, Cavagoe and Makar offered to take into the group as a bass guitarist Evgenia Margulisa. Interestingly, the new musician who had a characteristic "blues" voice, until arrived in MV, was not able to play on the proposed tool. But it did not embarrass the young ambitious performer - in a short time, Margulis learned the masterfully to own the bass. This allowed Makarevich to completely go to the solo guitar.

5 years after the conflict associated with the general concept, the composition of the "Time Machine" again changed: Makarevich remained a vocalist, and Alexander Kutikov, Valery Efremov and Peter Podgorodetsky, accompanied him. In 1999, Podgorodetsky due to problems with drugs and disorders of discipline was dismissed, and he replaced him with Andrei Derzhavin. Later, Evgeny Margulis joined them.

In the following years, the team also repeatedly changed. Often, session musicians played in touring tours. In June 2012, MV left Margulis, saying that the departure was caused by non-conflict relationships with the Group's leader, and the desire to engage in solo project.

In February 2015, information on the new discrepancy in Bend appeared in the media associated with the political situation in neighboring Ukraine. True, rumors that the team collapsed was not confirmed. The hype arose due to the position of Andrei Makarevich regarding the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

The leader of the MV accepted the direction of the latter, thereby provoking the inclination of the burning, including the boycott and breaking the speeches, as well as the fake message about his death. The oil in the fire poured the artist himself, in the summer of 2015 he recorded the track "became worms of the former brothers my". At the same time, the musician categorically refutes the political context of the composition.

In September 2017, Makarevich told reporters that the team intends to unite the "golden" composition again to record a new album. But, unfortunately, fans, this did not happen. After the ill-fated song, rumors appeared that Makarevich broke out conflict with Margulis. Soon, Eugene said: He did not quarrel with Andrei Vadimovich, but the creativity of the latter is far from him far that he is not ready to comment.

2017 marked not only long touring, but also, again, scandals with a political background. So, Andrei Derzhavin supported the official position of the Kremlin in the Crimea, and in connection with which it was on the list of artists who are denied entry into Ukraine. Makarevich himself considered the accession of Crimea Annexia, which was repeatedly expressed in his interview.

In Ukraine, "Time Machine" toured in incomplete composition. At the same time, the musicians conducted a number of concerts in Ukrainian cities, and her leader Andrei Makarevich refused to comment on the distinction in the political views of the musicians. By the way, the producer of the group Vladimir Borisovich Sapunov also supported the position of the Russian Federation. However, judging by the questionnaires and photos on the site "Machine of time", personnel permutations in connection with the political worldview at that time did not follow.

So it lasted until the fall of 2017. Director and Producer Vladimir Sapunov after 23 years of work in the team was dismissed from his post. He explained that they had a conversation with Andrei Makarevich, in which he said to him: "We no longer work with you." At the same time, Sapunov noted that he was grateful to the team: working with him, he managed to forget about his ailment and senses himself happy. At the same time, the news appeared in the network that Makarevich dismissed and Derzhavin, but this information was not confirmed at that time.

On May 5, 2018, Sapunov died due to prolonged illness, oncology was diagnosed for the ex-director of the Time Machine. In early 2018, it became known that the group was still left Andrei Derzhavin, and since the topic has long been emerged by the media, this news fans did not surprise. In an interview that the musician gave in March, he said that the intersection was the intersection of touring charts. The fact is that Derzhavin decided to revive his team - the legendary group of the 90s "Stalker".

As a result, for 2018, three participants were left as part of the Time Machine Group - Soloist Andrei Makarevich, Gitarist Alexander Kutikov and Drummer Valery Efremov. At first, Alexander Leochkin, known to fans of the Russian rock as an ex-musician Nuance, came to the keyboard player, however, the performer lasted in the legendary group.


The debut album of the band who operated then called Time Machines, came out in 1969 and wore a similar name. It entered 11 English-speaking songs, which significantly resembled the creativity of The Beatles. The record was recorded at home: in the center of the room stood a vocalist Makarevich with a coil tape recorder with a recording function and a microphone, musicians were located around the perimeter of the room. Bobbin with recorded songs The guys spread among friends and acquaintances.

The official release did not take place, but later the musicians occasionally performed the composition from Time Machines, called this happened to me. She entered the album "unmanned", released in 1996.

By 1973, when the structure of the collective has undergone significant changes, and the name began to sound like a "time machine", formally performances and folk love musicians had to wait long. In 1973, a collection of "Melody" was released, where Bend was a musical accompaniment.

The period of 1973-1975 became the most difficult in the history of the group: there were practically no speeches, the guys often sang for accommodation and food, more than once had to look for a new base for rehearsals, and the leader of the "Machine of Time" was excluded from the university, and he settled on the service in Hyprovetr. At the same time, the participants were offered to play a number of compositions in the film "Afonya", for which they received a decent fee. However, in the final version of the film remained to sound only one song "You or I", but the name "VM" flashed in the credits.

In 1974, the "Machine of Time" recorded the composition "Who is to blame", created by Alexei Romanov, who, unfortunately, was perceived by critics as dissident. Although, according to the author, the song did not carry any secret meaning and, moreover, political appeals.

In 1976, the team spoke at the Music Festival "Tallinn Songs of Youth", and soon their songs were sang in all corners of the Soviet Union. But after 2 years, a scandalous incident occurred: at the famous musical festival, the team was called politically unreliable, and the guys were removed from further concerts.

Since then, the speeches of the musicians became illegal, but according to Cavagoe, they brought a good income. However, Andrei Makarevich always sought to bring a group to the All-Russian stage from closed performances in the semi-basement, which was the reason for the next conflict with Sergey Kavagoe.

By changing the composition of the group, Makarevich with the help of a specially appointed party curator still managed to bring the "Time Machine" on the stage, and by the beginning of the 1980s the group was fully officially officially. At concerts held in the crowded halls, the hits "Rotate" sounded, "while the candle burns" and others who have not lost popularity now.

Soon the band was waiting for an unpleasant surprise from the USSR authorities: the work of musicians was sharply criticized by officials, but, to universal surprise, fans defended the right "Machine of Time" to carry out further concert activities. Only 250 thousand letters from fans came to the editor of Komsomolskaya Pravda in support of musicians.

The team began regularly touring the country, which brought him all-union popularity. The delight of fans and an excitement that born at concerts was compared with the fact that it was characteristic of Bitlomania. Tickets were bought instantly, and those who did not have time to buy them, laid out the doors of concert halls. In 1982, in the States released the album "Good luck hunters."

Several songs on the record turned out to be renamed ("three windows", "Lira" cafe). Later, a trial took place for violation of copyright. In the same year and over the next two years, a campaign for the prohibition of amateur music teams was carried out in the USSR. "Machiners" included in the list of "unreliable".

The press published critical articles that giving a negative assessment of MV creativity. Such events could lead to a division of cooperation with Rosoncert, however, the public was fully supported by favorite musicians - without consequences.

In 1986, a foreign speech in the history of the Group was held at the Music Festival in Japan. In 1986, the "First Real Album" "Time Machines" was published. As indicated on the official website of the group, it was a woven from concert phonograms, and the musicians themselves themselves did not accept. But even in this form, the presentation of the album "In Good Hour" became a big step forward for the team.

In 1991, the "Time Machine", together with other Russian rock teams, gave the "Rock on Barricade" concert, demonstrating the support of the new government of the country. After 3 years, the team, in addition to other speeches, made the anniversary show to the 25th anniversary of MV on Red Square. Their colleagues on the creative workshop came to congratulate the musicians: "Resurrection", Nautilus Pompilius, "untouchables" and others.

In 1998, "Machinists" appeared the official website on which fans could get acquainted with the news of the team, the discography project and the photo. Next year, Makarevich with the participants went to the Gastro Tour "XXX Years", ended with a bright enchanting show in the Olympic. In addition to the group fans, famous political figures were present in the hall: Boris Nemtsov, Anatoly Chubais, Vladimir Putin.

After a decade, after a series of successful performances in different parts of the globe, "machinists" showed fans as in the 35th birthday of the project full of creative forces and energy. In the same 2004, the album "Machine" appeared. In 2007, an important event was held in the biographies "MV" - the release of the Time Machine disk, which was created in the studio "Ebby Road".

A series of jubilee tours continued in 2009. To this event, the musicians prepared tours in 40 cities of Russia. In addition, the performers published a collection of "Machines not to park". And after another 5 years, the group broke his own record, setting up a large charitable show in Luzhniki, on which 45 of their songs performed in 3 hours.

In 2018, the team performed at the Music Festival "Khmelnov Fest" in Minsk. Also for the first time in 5 years, they visited Tyumen, where they gave the concert "Leave themselves" in Philharmonic. And in November, the project participated in the play "Quartet and". Earlier, Andrei Makarevich no longer participated in "letters and songs ...", but solo.

This time the whole composition appeared on the theatrical scene. In 2019, the group was 50 years old. In honor of the anniversary, the musicians decided to invite the famous Russian directors to remove the Machine [Outside Day. " He consisted of short-drawn star sketches, combined with one topic: songs of time. The fans saw idols in the Evening Urgant show, where those shared with the audience creative plans and the details of the upcoming anniversary concert.

Group "Time Machine" now

In 2020, the team continued creativity. In June to the Day of the Sailor, the musicians released the video for the song "All ships today will return home." In July, the press appeared information that "machinists" work on a new record. In the fall, fans heard a track called "in the meter". Also, a clip appeared on the song "We're near". In addition, news about the work of participants continued to appear in the "Time Machine" account in "Instagram".


  • 1986 - "In Good Hour"
  • 1987 - "Ten years later"
  • 1987 - "Rivers and Bridges"
  • 1988 - "In the circle of light"
  • 1991 - "Slow good music"
  • 1992 - "It was so long ago ... 1978"
  • 1993 - "Freelance commander. Blues El Mokambo »
  • 1996 - "Cardboard Wings of Love"
  • 1997 - "Overlooking"
  • 1999 - "Watches and Signs"
  • 2001 - "Place where light"
  • 2004 - "Machine"
  • 2007 - "Timemachine"
  • 2009 - "Machines not to park"
  • 2016 - "You"
  • 2020 - "in the meter"


  • 1983 - "In the Nikitsky Botanical Garden"
  • 1986 - "In Good Hour"
  • 1988 - "Heroes of yesterday's Days"
  • 1988 - "ALL I CAN SAY IS Hello"
  • 1989 - "Marine Law"
  • 1991 - "She wishes (dump from the USSR)"
  • 1993 - "My friend is best played blues"
  • 1996 - "Rotate"
  • 1997 - "He was older than her"
  • 1997 - "Once the world will drive under us"
  • 1999 - "The Epoch of Big Nelyubvi"
  • 2001 - "Place where light"
  • 2012 - "Rats"
  • 2016 - "Once"
  • 2017 - "Sing"
  • 2018 - "Leave yourself"
  • 2019 - "What is always with you"
  • 2019 - "Wakes up the wind"
  • 2020 - "All ships will return home today"

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