Nebula - character biography, name, film adaptation, actress


Character History

The robber of nebul from childhood struggled for his own place in the galaxy. Therefore, no one surprises that the girl grew brutal and cynical. The main life principle of the heroine is not to trust anyone, because anyone can betray. For the sake of their own salvation, the villain can easily kill his own subordinates. Because the main thing in the life of Nebules is she herself.

History of creation

Superwelt and mercenary first appeared on the pages of Marvel Comics in 1985. In the release of Avengers No. 257, the girl enters into a serious fight with the legendary squad of fighters for justice - with Avengers.


Invented the image of Nebula Roger Stern and John Bush. Initially, the heroine was introduced into the universe comics as a bright feministic antagonist of the already mentioned Avengers and Silver Surfer. Over time, the creators of the character opposed her fiery Lord and Tanos.

Alas, the colorful image remained secondary, the heroine did not get his own series. But the mercenary was firmly settled in computer games. You can compete with sugary-positive characters from the face of Nebuly in the "Battle of Champions" and "Chronicles of Chaos".

Nebule in the Universe "Marvel"

When and from where the nebule appeared - unknown. The biography of the girl is traced in detail with already conscious age. None of the surroundings of the villainage does not represent where the Space Warrior and who is the parents of the heroine. Nebula herself claims that she is a granddaughter (on other sources - daughter) Tanos.

However, the first meeting of relatives has passed unfriendly. Nebula kidnamed Tanos's combat ship. A man returned from non-existence to the newfound daughter / granddaughter skeptical. For the abduction of the ship, Tanos turned nebula into a virtual semi-core creature.

Nebula and Tanos

The girl lost an attractive appearance and began to test a regular physical pain. Safety the Infinity Glove helped against Agony. Tanos, enthusiastic conquered by the Galaxy, ceased to pay attention to the captive. Forceing pain, the heroine reached the artifact and healed herself.

But the effect of the glove was stronger than nebula. The girl who does not cope with the outgoing energy began to destroy the surrounding stars and planets. Only the "Space Pantheon" team could cope with the swollen pirate, and then after the help of Tanos, who decided to regain the artifact.

Nabula in comics

Nebula, who had not yet mastered the new weapon, was distracted from opponents, which allowed the silver sepher to twist the villain. Superheroes sent a girl on the planet Titan, where the nebula was placed in a strictly guarded prison. The own team with which nebule robbed for a long time was saved from imprisonment.

The first assistant delivered a not restored girl to Dr. Mandibus. The scientist rehabilitates the consciousness of the girl and replaced the part of the body spoiled by the Tanos on spare parts from the cyborg.

After a complete recovery, Nebula decided to gather a pirate team again. Intelligence showed that most comrades of the girl are sharpened to the "Annov 14" prison. The heroine organized a riot, but the intervened silver surfer wounded pirate's associates. To get out of the redirection, Nebula finished his own crew and escaped from prison alone.

Nebule in the film

The new goal of the villain was the endless union - a special device that converted energy and directed all the power to the owner. But this time the heroine did not calculate the power of the weapon. The liberated energy almost destroyed the universe. Avengers set off the smoying heroine. The fierce snack did not lose, but managed to escape.

Having shot a bit after the prediction and restoring strength, the girl went to search for a new one, also known as Richard Rider. During the search for an endless union, the heroine found out that Zorr - a killed man's opponent - a native father of the robber. Suddenly, nebul swept his relatives, so the villain decided to take revenge. The feud ended as suddenly as it began. The opponents have equal abilities and could not find out who is stronger.

Nebula and Gamora

It seeks your own place in the galaxy and wanting to conquer recognition, Nebula joins the grouping of "Graces", which leads the gamora - one of the most dangerous women of the Galaxy. However, no one knows how long cooperation will last. Nebula is not distinguished by constancy and does not experience affections.


The most famous appearance of nebules on the television screens took place in 2014. In the film "Guardians of the Galaxy" The character's history is noticeably different from the comic version. A girl since childhood will fight with Gamor and really raised by Tanos.

In the "Guards of the Galaxy 2" nebula, whose quotes are full of bitterness and hatred, finds peace of mind. Although little cotton can hardly believe it, because the mercency deceived a good-natured plant.

Karen Gillan in nebula

Actor and film director James Gunn stated that he plans to develop the storyline of the character. Perhaps nebula will receive his own film. The image of a syncing of the villain in both parts embodied the actress Karen Gillan.

Nebula is a frequent guest of cartoons dedicated to superhero. In the drawn series "Silver Surfer", the mercency plays a minor role. The girl appears only in two series. Heocked heroine Jennifer Dale.

Nabule in cartoon

The cartoon series "Detachment Superheroev" reveals an image in more detail. Nebula takes place one of the main opponents of wrestlers for good. By the way, in the cartoon, the biography of Merchants again underwent changes - this time Nebule became the oldest sister of Tanos.

In the animation series "Guardians of the Galaxy", the villain comes into confrontation with Gamor. Girl-selection tries to capture the world and destroy the guards. The voice of Nebule gave the Cree Summer.

Nebula and sad

Interesting Facts

  • The meaning of the Nabule is the nebula.
  • According to unconfirmed information, nebula was born on the planet Luff. Therefore, the racial of the galactic villain is Lufonian.
  • Due to the misty past, the fans of the heroine put forward the theory that nebula is the daughter of Drax of the destroyer.


"When I paint with my sister, I will buy a ship with the arsenal of deadly weapons, the chapter of my father as a beast and slowly rupt him into parts, with his own hands." "All this time I just needed my sister." "You are just doing what they are yelling at each other. You are not friends. "

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