Saint Patrick - Biography, Photo, Prayer, Saint Temples 2021



Saint Patricks love in every corner of the world, but most in Ireland. The people of this country considers a man from deep antiquity to their patron. In the history of Christianity, it is difficult to find another of the same real person whose life represents dense thickets legends, bass and fabulous legends.

Childhood and youth

The early biography of St. Patrick is migrated and foggy, based on his own memoirs, as well as consists of assumptions and speculation of historians. The exact place of birth, however, like a year, could not be established (years of life comes to the middle of the V century). In "Confessions", a man mentions the place of Bannaut and Ventre.

Saint Patrick

English scientist Charles Thomas suggested that this is a British settlement on the lands colonized by the Romans. It is known that the father of Patrick Calpurni - a Roman official officer, part-time deacon. The grandfather will also serve as a priest.

The guy under the name Magon was born in a wealthy family that had a country manor and even slaves. Ros with two sisters. The memoirs are recognized in their own uneducation, however, according to the abundance of mistakes in works written in Latin, and so it is understandable. But in some places, the man suddenly talks about the brilliant education obtained in the father's house.

Holy Patrick in youth

At 16, the young man divided the slave share with thousands of compatriots. Patrick was stolen from his native home and taken to Ireland, where they made the mouth of the flock of sheep. Who exactly kidnapped the child is also a mystery: perhaps the robbers who went under the flags of the Irish King Nialla, or the immigrants from Scotland and Scott, representatives of the Celtic tribes.

The owner gave the future priest's nickname, calling that Patricius, which means "noble person, patricium." Since then, a man has no longer remembered the previous name, all his life he has a "stamp" humiliation of captivity, which is quite explained. In captivity she believed in the true God, rewarded praise with the Most High Days and Nights Night - allegedly read 100 prayers for the day. The name has become a starting point on the way to religion.

Holy Patrick with children

One day a young man dreamed of a dream, in which the voice was survived against the Motherland. Here, the spiritual biography of Saint echoes the motifs from the adventures of the Old Testament Moses. Patrick decided to escape, coming to the sea, saw the ship. With difficulty, but the captain agreed to take on board the launched traveler and did not regret it - on the way, thanks to sincere prayers, God sent the crew feeding from the herd of pigs and honey.

For unknown reasons, Patrick again fell into slavery to the tribes of the desert, now only 60 days. With considerable difficulty, the young man got to the house, where in a dream he called for a certain angel back to Ireland:

"Holy Brother, we begging you, come and refund us."

Christian ministry

From the moment of sleep, Patrick's life illuminated the sacred service, which the "confession" describes extremely scoop. A man took over to the service to the church in San Deacon, and the plans were to become a bishop. Traveled a lot in the light, studying in the monasteries. In 432, Patrick in the robe and with the powers of the bishop returned to Ireland, as an angel asked. The mission of the priest was to preach the gospel of the pagans and Christianize the country.

Holy Patrick with a clover leaf

On the account of Patrick thousands of baptism and confession. People from the lower sections of society reached the church, the flock mainly consisted of slaves, young people and women. In the list of holy achievements from 300 to 600 temples, which he founded throughout Ireland.

A man rolls in a handwritten biography of bribes in the form of gifts, which raped as out of the horns of abundance to the legs of rulers and judges in those places where we managed to visit the missionary. And MZD himself did not take. Not everywhere the priest took hospitality, one day, together with like-minded people, he was in prison and sat in the shackles.

Saint Patrick icon

Patrick's life is enveloped by legends. One of the legends states that during a missionary campaign near the lake, the priest met the royal heiress Etna and Felhem. Hearing details about God, the girls wanted to be baptized, and after the rite immediately wished to come together - so great was the desire to see the Almighty. However, as soon as Patrick held a rite, the king's daughter fell dead. Later, sisters were canonized.

In another, ledge tells that Patrick cleared Ireland from snakes. Historians are confident that the legend should be interpreted as an allegory - under the gadams are meant the fans of paganism. An integral part of the image of Saint became clover, and also due to legend: on the example of the tribal Patrick explained the idea of ​​the Holy Trinity by the people.

Saint Patrick expels snakes

Saint Patrick respect for many acts that he committed in the name of the strengthening of Christianity in Ireland, but the man does not consider a missionary-pioneer. Before this priest, other Christians were made to the country, even an early age earlier. Moreover, from the south, and not from the north, like Patrick. For example, the Roman bishop of Palladium was visited here, who was not lucky enough to turn out enough people into a true faith - heavily fell ill and hastily left home.

Historians suggest that the teachings of Patrick affected the Christianization of Russia, the church of this saint reached the Russian lands through Varyagov.


The mysterious Christian hero, of course, died with obscure circumstances. Legends say that the priest, the sickness of death, climbed to the top of the mountain of Croch and sat there 40 days and the same night. During the day before the death of Patrick confessed from the bishop, and at the same time he threw a bell from the mountain with prayers to strengthen on the Irish land of Christian faith. Calls heard angels and picked up the bell.

Stone on the alleged grave of St. Patrick

Some admirers are confident that Patrick is buried in the city of Downpatrick in the north of Ireland. Others believe that the grave is worth looking for Soul or Arma villages. However, the difference in positions is due to the tradition: supposedly after the death of the saint's relics folded in the cart, hardened with mad bulls, and where animals will decide to stop, and there is a grave. The first night of the angels guarded the burial, and soon for the possession of Patrick's replenishments, two some people launched. However, the war ended in a draw, because God defended the saint who went on peace.

St.Patrick 's Day

St. Patrick's Day is celebrated almost all over the world - in Argentina, Great Britain, Malaysia, Switzerland, Japan and other countries. And, of course, the celebrations with a scope are held in Ireland. The holiday is celebrated on March 17.

On this day, the city is transformed. Walking down the street, be sure to meet a green man, in an unexpected place suddenly there is a clover, a flavor is added to the general atmosphere with puller sounds. Beer is poured by the river, concerts are held in every corner, and in the cathedrals festive worship.

Celebration of St. Patrick's Day

People selflessly seek a four-leaf clover stem. The one who finds it on March 17, is waiting for luck in any case, because on this day the magic divine powers double.

In Russia, the day of St. Patrick is also celebrated. So, every year on March 30 in the temple of Peter and Paul at the university. Herzen (St. Petersburg) hosts a conference of the Company of the Russian-Irish Friendship. In the church, prayers are held in front of the icon of a glorious missionary.


  • Until the XVIII century, in Liverpool, a special cross celebrated a place where Patrick preached before the mission to Ireland.
  • In the Irish city, Kashel in honor of Patrick called the rock.
  • The middle of the VII century - "The first Synod of St. Patrick. "
  • VII century - "Life of St. Patrick" under the authorship of Murh.
  • 1191 - Built the Cathedral of St. Patrick in Dublin (Ireland).
  • 1762 - First parade in honor of St. Patrick's Day, held in America.
  • 1931 - the first parade of March 17, which took place in Dublin.

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