Vasily Great - Biography, Photo, Icon, Prayer, Temples



Vasily Great is a preacher, church writer and archbishop in Turkish Caesarea, who lived in the 4th century. A man fought violently with heretics, not afraid of punishment from the rulers. The teacher of the church distinguished himself with the sowing of good deeds, which generously devoted to the simple people.

Childhood and youth

The Great Painting was born in the city of Caesarea, who was the administrative center of the Turkish region of Cappadocia, in a very religious, noble and rich family. The year of birth to churchmen was not able to install - about the 330th. Vasily is named after Father, Law Finance and Speaker.

Vasily Great

A boy since childhood grew in an atmosphere of reading the Lord. Grandmother in his youth studied in St. George the Wonderworker, and in his youth, together with her husband, suffered from large-scale opals on Christians, who went down in history as diocletian persecution. Native uncle served as a bishop, like two brothers Grigory Nissky and Peter Sevastiy. Macrina's sister in the future became the magnitude of the monastery.

Little Vasya Father also prepared for the path of the priest. The future teacher of the church received an excellent education - sitting at Caesarea Schools, Constantinople and Athens. At the age of 14, Parent Vasily died, and the young man lived in a country house of grandmother, which later turned into a monastery. And at the age of 17, the young man lost his eldest relative, had to move to his mother in Caesara.

Vasily Great, John Zlatoust, Grigory Theologian

In the capital of Ellen's wissors, Athens Vasily diligently studied and visited the church - focus on the purity of the young man's life. He was so fascinated by science, the process of obtaining knowledge, which, sitting on the day and nights behind the books, forgot even eat. There was a sign of a sign: Vasily met, and later firmly made friends with Gregory Theologian. His classmate was also Julian Apostode, the future emperor and persecutor Christians.

Five years Vasily spent in Athens, and after graduation, I decided that knowledge luggage was quite filled with secular sciences. The young man lacked a religious support, so he went to search for Christian devotees.

Christian ministry

The road led Vasily to Egypt, where Christianity flourished. The man plunged into the reading of theological books, which provided a new acquaintance - Archimandrite Porfiry. In parallel I tried myself in posts. In the country, the desert opened a magnificent opportunity to learn from glorious contemporaries - the devotees of Pahomi, Mari Alexandrian, Fivaid lived nearby.

Statue of Vasily Great

A year later, Vasily went to Palestine, from there in Syria and Mesopotamia, attended holy places, he was getting acquainted with local devotees, he entered the religious disputes with philosophers. Having reached Jerusalem, the future saint wished to be baptized, and during the sacrament, according to legend, the hero first saw the sign. When the saint came to a man to paint, fiery lightning collapsed from the sky, and the pigeon turned out of it and disappeared in Jordan.

Returning to the native Penates, Vasily first wanted to engage in secular affairs, but relatives convinced to start a ascetic life. A man with a bunch of friends and like-minded people went to family possessions on Ponte Island, where he founded the monastic community. But in 357, his biography again enriched in journey - now under the Copt monasteries.

Icons Vasily Great

In 360, in the Motherland, Vasily was dedicated to San Presviter, he became an adviser to his friend Eusevia, who served as a bishop. Caring for believers, affordable preaching of God's words presented respect and the love of the people, and this scale that Eusevei began to envy the minister. He was also not satisfied with too the ascetic life of the presbyter. To reduce the degree of stress in relations, Vasily decided to return to the monastic monastery in the desert, especially such a prospect always selected him.

In the desert, the Great Relief enjoyed the rest and silence, while tightened the living conditions: never washed, did not light fire, sitting on bread and water, and from the clothes only I wore a sacrian and mantle. Strict abstinence was carried out by the body - Vasily lost weight, and almost no strength left.

Vasily Great, Athanasius Alexandrian, Gregory Theologian, John Zlatoust

A little later, Grigory Theologian joined the monk. Comrades together were dedicated to the days of prayers, throwing once beloved worldly books, took up the study of the Holy Scriptures and the creation of the charters of the monocar dormitories, which are still in the go from representatives of the Eastern Church. Gregory as well as Vasily, did not gem, working until the seventh sweat, sharing a dwelling without a roof and gate.

Meanwhile, the Emperor Valent was asked to the Roman throne, with the beginning of his rule of Orthodox began to oppress much. To strengthen the forces, Eusevia called on a diligent and intelligent Vasily, and the deserted monk gladly came to the rescue. Returning in 365 in Caesara, a man took the control of the diocese into his hands.

From under the pen Vasily, three books came out with attacks on Arian heretics, moreover, a man chose a slogan for work - "Three Ipostasis in a Unified Entity", which united different directions of faith.

Vasily Great

True Vasily launched activities after the death of Eusevia in 370. The Church took the position of Metropolitan Cappadocyan and began to fiercely destroy the Arianism in Malaya Asia. Of course, the Roman ruler did not squeeze such arrogance and went to extreme measures, dividing capadokia into two autonomous territories.

Vasily remained without the lion's share of students and followers, and his authority in the church fell. However, the advocate of true faith still put bishops to the main cities of the regions of like-minded people - Grigory Theologian, Grigoria Nis and Brother Peter. And then the fate presented the gift of Vasily: in battle with Adrianopol, the emperor Valent was poured, which was a change in the balance of power in the church and the state as a whole. But for Vasily was too late.

Wonders and good deeds

The life of Vasily the Great He overgrown with legends. Orthodox believe that the man witnessed and the performer of several miracles. Once a woman applied to Saint, who heard the boss. But on a letter written by Vasily, the offender replied rudely. Then the Great Relief focused on him that he would soon escape from the anger of higher persons. And indeed, after a time, the boss got into opal to the king.

Good affairs Vasily Great

During the Persian war, Vasily selflessly prayed before the icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary, whose legs were portrayed the Great Mercury Mercury - a warrior with a spear. The man asked the Saints to not allow Returns alive from the war Julian apostate. Suddenly Mercury disappeared, and when it appeared, he dripped his blood from a spear. Later, the messengers brought the news that Julian was seriously injured in war.

Vasily possessed an unusual gift: during the liturgy, the golden pigeon hanging over the holy throne was shocked three times, testifying to the appearance of the Holy Spirit. But once the bird did not give a sign, and Vasily thought and realized that the reason in Deonone, who dreamed of watching a beautiful woman in a strand.

Golden Pigeon Vasily Great

The priest was planted by a deacon on rigid opitimia, and before the altar commanded the partition to build a partition so that women could not look at him during worship. Since then, the pigeon has never ceased to announce the descent of the Holy Spirit.

Another legend says that Vasily managed to avoid expulsion from Divine Providence. On the day of the Epiphany of the Lord to the Church, where he served, the king of Valent appeared. Seeing the beauty of the decoration and order in the temple, he admired so much that he was imbued with the location of the Holy Hedrogen.

However, having left home, Vasily's enemies bowed the ruler to expel the fighter with Ariana. During the signing of the relevant Decree under Valente, a chair was loaded and the cane broke down, which put a signature. After the third cane cracked, the emperor was frightened and destroyed the sentence.

Vasily Great and Pigeon

Vasily won the glory of a kind man, ready to come to the rescue in need, even if he was heard by the sentence. A story is known about the salvation of young and rich widow the news, which Epari Essiew tried to marry one dignitarily. The girl did not want to lose his purity widow and rushed with plenty of help to Vasily.

The bishop managed to send a poor man into the maiden monastery, as Eusevia's messengers immediately flew with the requirements of dismissed fake. Then Vasily was caught in adultery and searched a wrap. The angry dapars promised the saint to send the great torment. Restricting that Vasily want to punish, the people with a weapon rushed to the Palace of Eusevia. As a result, Saint returned to his own insidency alive and unharmed.


By the time the opportunity to take advantage of political changes in the state, the ascetic lifestyle was completely exhausted by the body of Vasily. A man died on the first day of 379, giving the ministry in the temple of 8.5 years.

The relics of Vasily the Great

According to the legend, before the death of Vasily, the new year-Jew was baptized, then he turned to the disciples and the flock with the edification words not to leave the church until 9 o'clock yesterday. He prayed to God, reward praise for such a rich and righteous life, and emptied the Spirit. Representatives of different confessions - both Christians and Jews, and even pagans were noticed at the funeral. Vasily was canonized shortly after death.


Day of memory of Vasily the Great in the Russian Orthodox Church - January 14. The holy praise are assessed on January 30, on this day the feast of the Cathedral of the three saint - Vasily, Grigory Theologian and John of Zlatoust was installed.

Holy has several icons. He became a patron of monks, musicians and gardeners. The image is treated for help in the teaching, educational, the beginning of a new case and the entrance to the new home.

Church of Vasily Great in Pskov

10 times a year in churches are held by the Liturgy of Vasily the Great. This chinocution was the Archbishop of Caesarea himself.

In 1999, for the blessing of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, Alexy II, the first stone of the Tsite Temple of St. Basil the Great was laid at the VDNH in Moscow. In the autumn of 2001, the ready chapel was consecrated.

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