Andrey Promulous - Biography, Photo, Icon, Prayer 2021



The Apostle Andrey is the first-surveyor - the first of the twelve apostles, who became a student of Jesus Christ. On icons is depicted as a man with a small beard in red or green clothes, holds in the hands of a straight or oblique cross, as well as a scroll or book. With his name, the name "Andreevsky Cross" is connected, which meets on flags and other signs. His name is bearing established by Peter I, the highest Russian award - the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called.

The Order of St. Andrew First-Called

It is considered the patron saint of fishermen and seawoz. Andreevsky flag (oblique blue cross on a white background) is a banner of the Navy of the Russian Federation. The Orthodox Church celebrates the Day of the Apostle 13 December. In the temples dedicated to Andrey the First-Called, on this day a festive worship is held. The people of Andreev are celebrated on November 30, this is one of the first holidays for the winter cycle.

Childhood and youth

The Biography of the Apostle fixed in the Bible says that the Andrei and Simon brothers were born and grew up in Wethsaid on the shores of the Galilee Sea, their father was a fisherman named Ion. Young fishermen moved to the neighboring city of Capernaum, from where they sailed from the sea (which is actually a large freshwater lake) on the fishery.

Monument to the apostle Andrei First Called

From the young years, Andrei was looking for a way to God. He refused to marry and led the chaste lifestyle. When John the Baptist began to prophesy about the soon arrival of the Messiah, the young man left the house and came to the saint. Having adopted baptism in Jordan, Andrei was left with John and took a place in a circle of his close disciples, he listened to the sermons and waited for the appearance of the Savior.

According to John's Gospel, Andrei Meeting with Jesus occurred on Jordan. The Savior came to John the Forerunner, who named the Lamb of God in all. After that, Andrei left the Baptist and became the first student of Christ. Later returned to Capernaum and convinced his brother to join the Apostles.

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In the gospel of Matthew, it is written that the teacher himself found future students when they threw the networks for fishing. Jesus called the brothers by promising to turn them into "human catchers." Andrei and Simon were invited and left Jesus, from whom Simon received a new name Peter, and Andrei became referred to the first name.

Unlike Peter, Andrei did not stand out from the apostolic circle with loud words and sharp actions, but entered into writing as an attentive person. Before Easter, when it was necessary to feed the crowd, it was Andrei who saw a boy with five breads and two fish, which were miraculously multiplied and satuned hungry people. He answered the question of the pagans, who were looking for in Jerusalem of this God.

Jesus calls Peter and Andrei

The gospel of Mark tells that Saint Andrei was with the teacher on Mount Eleonskaya and found out the fate of the world from him. A loyal student attended the crucifixion of Christ, his resurrection and ascension. After 50 days after the resurrection, the Apostles decreased the Holy Spirit and they found superhuman abilities. Now they could heal people from deaths and preach in different languages.

Christian ministry

The apostles threw the lot by choosing the direction of the further path. Holy Andrey fell out the road to the lands lying on the Black Sea coast. Almost everywhere, where the preacher brought the good news, he was encountered in unwriting. The authorities were expelled from the saint from the cities, the population offended and did not allow the night. In Sinop, the pagans subjected to an insistent Christian with cruel torture, but the born body of Andrei was healed by the will of God.

Andrei Champion Icon of Andrei

Finally, in the Thracian city of Byzantia, the stories and miracles of the Holy impression of the people. In the future center of Eastern Christianity, the apostle found 70 students and founded the church, which was headed by an ordained by Andrey the first bishop of the stocks. Andrei appointed the presbyters of the Church, instructed them to make sacraments and instruct the people, and he himself went on.

The preacher not only healed his own body, but also resurrected the dead. Four Unnamed Boy and Two Men who died from different reasons are mentioned in the life of Saint. A miracle of resurrection invariably led to the baptism of witnesses of this event. In the Fesaloniki Apostle tried to raise wild beasts, but the leopard instead of the saint strangled the son of Proconsula Virina. Long prayer Andrei returned a child to life.

Temple of the Apostle Andrei First Called on Vuoks

In Patra, the apostle resurrected forty drowns, which were sent to him from Macedonia. The ship with future students of Andrei turned over during the storm, but the sea made all the bodies ashore and thanks to the power of the saint prayer, everything ended well. This legend explains the worship of St. Andrew as a patron of seafarers. In the Georgian city of Azkuri, only one resurrection was enough for the treatment of citizens in Christianity.

Christian historians complemented the evangelical narration with their versions of the further travel preacher. Eusevia Caesarian wrote about the ministry of Andrei in Scythia. In 1116, the Monk Sylvester on the orders of Vladimir Monomakh included the legend of the mission of Andrei and the First-Called in Russia in the "Tale of Byagi Day".

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Later, the living was supplemented by a detailed story about the journey of the holy of Crimea in Rome through Ladoga. According to this version, Andrei rose up the Dnieper and, having skipped on the picturesque hills, saw a large city with churches in a dream. The next morning told about this dream to his companions, predicting the foundation in the place of Kiev, blessed the hills and hoisted the cross on one of them.

Further, the tired in the way the apostle was shaped in the baths of Novgorod, which later told his friends in Rome. In the Middle Ages, the legend overtook details: about the erection of a wooden cross near the village of Georgian on the banks of the Volkhov and the stone on the island of Valaam, about the destruction of the Kapping Veles and Perun and the circulation of former priests into Christianity. Be that as it may, the inhabitants of Ukraine and Russia will honor the Holy Andrew of the First Called by their patron.


The apostle accepted the martyrdom in the Greek city of Patras around 67 of the first century. In this city, St. Andrei lived several years, preaching and leading the Christian community. The Grador Egeat considered that the activity of Christians undermines his power, and ordered the execution of an obsessive preacher on the cross. Taking into account the wishes of the saint that considered himself unworthy to imitate the death of Jesus, the gun was chosen to the tool, subsequently called Andreevsky.

The martyrdom of St. Andrew the First Called

Andrei of the First Called did not knocked off to the cross, but tied their hands and legs to the crossbar. Two days the apostle preached to his disciples from the cross. The listeners demanded to stop torture, threatening the riot, and Egeat ordered the guard to untie the martyr. However, the Holy has already configured to die and the nodes did not succumb to the efforts of the soldiers. When the soul of the Holy Apostle left the body, the cross brightly shone, and then a source scored at this place.

The relics of St. Andrew and the cross, on which he died, was first kept in the Pathers, but in 357, by order of the Roman emperor, Constance II were transported to Constantinople and put them in the Church of the Holy Apostles. In the 9th century, the head and remnants of the cross separated from the relics and returned to patters. After the capture of Palemists in 1460, Foma Paleologist saved the head of the holy and particles of the cross from desecration and transferred the shrine to Roman Pope II.

Andreevsky flag

In 1964, the shrine returned to the patterns due to the agreement between Pap Paul VI and representatives of the Elaladic Orthodox Church. The Holy Head is kept in the Cathedral of Andrei the First-Called, built in 1974 near the source. In the largest Orthodox church of Greece, the oblique cross-reliquary was also installed, in which particles of the very cross, which served as the weapon of death of the saint.

In the old temple of the Apostle Andrei, located next to the cathedral, is stored part of the finger of the apostle. The shrine presented the Patram in 1847 by the Russian nobleman Andrei Muravyev, who received it with monks on Mount Athos. The rest of the power is scattered and stored with honor in different European cities.

The relics of Andrey is the First-Called

According to the legend, the Greek monk regult to indicate an angel took the relics of St. Andrew to Scotland. The village where the monk ship moored, turned into the city of Saint Andrus, who became the church capital of the kingdom. Relics are stored in the Cathedral of the city, and the apostle Andrei is honored as a patron of Scotland.

Another legend says that in 1208, the Crusaders took the power to the Italian city of Amalfi, where they are stored in the local Cathedral of St. Andrew, built in the rarest Norman-Byzantine style. In Germany, Sandal and Nail from the Cross of the Holy Cross are kept in Germany in the Trier Cathedral. Part of the relics of St. Andrew was in the Cathedral of the Italian city of Mantua.

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In Russia, there is a Foundation of the Holy All-Walled Apostle Andrei First Called - a public organization that is engaged in the delivery of parishioners of the Russian Orthodox Church of the main Christian relics. The Foundation annually delivers fertile fire from Jerusalem, coming from the sky during the Easter service. In 2011, the organization brought to Russia the Belt of the Blessed Virgin Mary.


  • 1698 - Peter I was established by the Order of St. Andrew First Called
  • 1754 - Built Andreevsk Church in Kiev
  • 1865-1940 - Church of St. Andrei of the First Called and St. Mary Magdalene in the village of Palkala
  • 1899 - A steamer "Andrei Varozvannaya" launched on the water, the first specially built research vessel of the Russian Empire
  • 1906 - Opened Football Stadium "Saint-Andrews" in Birmingham
  • 1906 - Launched on the water Drawn-Andrey Varozvanny
  • 1974 - Built Andrei Cathedral of the First Called in the city of Patras on the Peloponnese Peninsula
  • 1991 - recorded song "Walking on the water" groups of Nautilus Pompilius
  • 1992 - founded the Foundation of the Saint All-Walled Apostle Andrei First Called
  • 2003 - Monument in Bataysk
  • 2006 - Opened Monument in Moscow
  • 2007 - Consecrated Andreev Church in Kaliningrad
  • 2008 - Raid of the Charitable Medical and Enlightenment Orthodox Ship-Church "Andrey Varozvannaya" according to the remote villages of the Novosibirsk region

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