Victor Astafiev - biography, photo, personal life, books, death



Viktor Astafiev is a famous Soviet and Russian writer. Winner of state premiums of the USSR and the Russian Federation. Member of the Writers Union. His books were transferred to foreign languages ​​and were published by multimillion editions. He is one of the few writers who, during his lifetime, recognized as a classic.

Childhood and youth

Viktor Astafiev was born in the village of Oatsean of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. In the family of Peter Astafieva and Lydia Pylishly, he was a third child. True, his two sisters died back in infancy. When Vita turned 7 years old, his father was put in prison for "wounded". To get to him on a date, the mother had to be transferred by the boat through the Yenisei. Once the boat turned over, but the Lydia could not be saved. She clung to the scythe for an alloy bon. As a result, her body was found only in a few days.

Writer Viktor Astafiev

The boy brought up her grandparents on the maternal line - Katerina Petrovna and Ilya Evgrafovich Pylishlycins. About the years, who lived with them, he recalled with warmth and kindness, later he described his childhood in the grandmother's house in the autobiography "Last Bow".

When Father was freed, he married the second time. Victor took to him. Soon, their family was smoked, and Peter Astafiev, with her new wife, the newborn Son Kole and Vitea were sent to Igark. Together with his father, Victor was engaged in fishing. But after the end of the season, the father seriously fell ill and got into the hospital. The step of Vitya was not needed, it was not going to feed someone else's child.

Viktor Astafiev in childhood

As a result, he found himself on the street, unreserved. Soon he was placed in an orphanage. There he met Ignatia Christmas. The teacher himself wrote poems and managed to consider literary talent in the boy. With it, Viktor Astafieva's literary debut took place. His story "Alive" was published in the school journal. Later, the story was called "Vastekino Lake".

After grade 6 began to study at the factory-factory learning school, after which he worked as a Coupler at the railway station and duty.

Viktor Astafiev in youth

In 1942, Astafiev went to the front volunteer. Training took place in Novosibirsk in the automotive division. Since 1943, the future writer fought in Bryansk, Voronezh and steppe fronts. He was a driver, television and artillery intelligence. In war, Victor was contused and was wounded several times. For the merits of Astafeva, the Order of the Red Star was awarded the Order of the Red Star, and he also awarded the medals "for the courage", "for victory over Germany" and "For the liberation of Poland".


Returning from the war to feed the family, and at that time he was already married who he just had to work. It was also a black-upper, and a mechanic, and a loader. He worked on the meat processing a watch and washer carcass. The man did not get any job. But, despite the post-war life, the desire to write from Astafieva never disappeared.

Writer Viktor Astafiev

In 1951, he signed up in a literary circle. He was so inspired after the meeting that he wrote a story "Civil man" in one night, later he reworked him and published under the name "Sibiryak". Soon Astafieva noticed and offered work in the newspaper "Chusovskaya worker." During this time, he wrote more than 20 stories and a lot of essay articles.

He published his first book in 1953. It was a collection of stories, he was called "to the future spring." Two years later, he published the second compilation - "lights". It includes stories for children. In subsequent years, he continued to write for children - in 1956, the book "Vastekino Lake" was published, in 1957 - "Uncle Kuzya, Fox, Cat", in 1958 - "Warm rain".

Books of Viktor Astafieva

In 1958, his first novel comes out - "melting snow". In the same year, Viktor Petrovich Astafiev became a member of the Writers of the RSFSR. A year later, he was given a direction to Moscow, where he studied at the literary institute on courses for writers. At the end of the 50s, his lyrics became known and popular throughout the country. At that time, he published the story "Starodub", "Pass" and "Starley".

In 1962, Astafeva moved to Perm, during these years the writer creates a miniature cycle that prints in various magazines. He called them "stunned", in 1972 he published the book of the same name. In its stories raises important topics for the Russian people - war, patriotism, rustic life.

Viktor Astafiev

In 1967, Viktor Petrovich wrote a story "shepherd and shepherd. Modern pastoral. He thought of this work for a long time. But it was hard to print her with difficulty, a lot was crossed out for reasons of censorship. As a result, in 1989, he returned to the text in order to restore the former type of story.

In 1975, Viktor Petrovich became the laureate of the State Award of the RSFSR for the works of "Last Bow", "Pass", "Shepherd and Custle", "Theft".

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And next year, it was published, perhaps, the most popular book of the writer - "Tsar-Fish". And again it was subjected to such a "censored" editor that Astafiev even got into the hospital after tested stress. He was so sad that she never concerned the text of this story. In spite of everything, it was for this work, he received the USSR State Prize.

Since 1991, Astafiev worked on the book "Cursed and killed." The book came out only in 1994 and caused a lot of emotions from readers. Of course, it was not without critical comments. Some surprised the courage of the author, but at the same time they recognized his truthfulness. Astafiev wrote a story on an important and terrible topic - he showed the meaninglessness of the repressions of wartime. In 1994, the writer receives the State Prize of Russia.

Personal life

With his future wife, Maria Koryakina Astafyev met at the front. She worked as a nurse. When the war is over, they got married and moved to a small town in the Perm region - Chusovoy. She also began to write.

Victor Astafiev and his wife Maria

In the spring of 1947, Mary and Victor had a daughter Lidiya, but six months later, the girl died from dyspepsia. In her death, Astafiev vinyl doctors, but the wife was sure that Victor himself was the cause. Which earned little, could not feed the family. A year later, they were born daughter Irina, and in 1950 - Son Andrei.

Victor and Maria were very different. If he was a talented man and wrote at the behest of his heart, then she did it to a greater extent for his own self-affirmation.

Victor Astafiev and his wife and children

Astafyev was a man's man, women were always surrounded. It is known that he and extramarital children - two daughters, about the existence of which he did not tell his wife for a long time. Maria him insanely jealously, and not only to women, but even to books.

He did not leave his wife once, but he returned each time. As a result, they lived together for 57 years. In 1984, their daughter Irina died suddenly, and the remaining grandchildren - Vitu and Polina - brought up Viktor Petrovich and Maria Semenovna.


In April 2001, the writer was hospitalized with stroke. Two weeks he lay in intensive care, but as a result, the doctors discharged him, and he returned home. He became better, he even independently read the newspaper. But in the fall of the same year, Astafyev again fell into the hospital. He was diagnosed with diseases of cardiac vessels. In the last week, Viktor Petrovich Olemp. The writer died on November 29, 2001.

Monument on the grave of Viktor Astafieva

I buried him near his native village, a year later, the Museum of the Astafyev family was opened in Ovsyanka.

In 2009, Viktor Astafieva posthumously awarded the Alexander Solzhenitsyn Prize. The diploma and the amount of $ 25 thousand passed the widow of the writer. Maria Stepanovna died in 2011, surviving a spouse for 10 years.


  • 1953 - "To the future spring"
  • 1956 - "Vatukino Lake"
  • 1960 - "Starodub"
  • 1966 - "Theft"
  • 1967 - "War rattling somewhere"
  • 1968 - "Last Bow"
  • 1970 - "Sluckful Autumn"
  • 1976 - "Tsar Fish"
  • 1968 - "Horse with a pink mane"
  • 1980 - "Forgive me"
  • 1984 - "Catching Pescase in Georgia"
  • 1987 - "Sad Detective"
  • 1987 - "Lyudochka"
  • 1995 - "So you want to live"
  • 1998 - "Cheerful Soldier"

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