Elvira Yakhyaeva - biography, photo, personal life, news, songs 2021



Elvira Yakhyaev - the young star of the project "You're super"! For children with a difficult fate coming out on the channel "NTV". At such a young age, the girl possesses not only an excellent voice, but also very artistic and without the slightest visible excitement holds on stage.

Childhood and youth

The biography of young artist began with sad moments. Elvira was born in 2006 in the village of Imerek Rutul district Dagestan. Father girl never saw, he only knows that he lives in the city of Oil, he has a different family, and she has two step sisters. Elvira dreams of looking at relatives, since paternal photographs have not survived.

Elvira Yakhyev

When the girl was fulfilled a year, Mom again married and left abroad. According to local customs, and Elvira by nationality is half Azerbaijan and half a rutula, children from previous marriages are not accepted into a new family. But in the Caucasus to the old men and children, the attitude of the attitude, so the baby took to her mother's sister. The Tethine of the family of Elvira considers his native and very grateful that he grew up in love.

Now Elvira lives in Makhachkala, studying in Lyceum number 30, from the eight years he is engaged in a music school - according to some Internet portals and the statement of the lead, in that very, and the finalist of the first season "You're super!" Karina Ismailova.


Among the hobbies of the young singer, music is in the first place. Elvira performs works by a wide genre palette - from folk songs to jazz, and, according to those around others, it feels and looks organic. Do not take the girl and the experience of public speeches, on the scene, artistic Elvira came out in the first year of study. At the same time, according to teachers, the song The young actress does not just perform, but plays.

Elvira Yakhyaev on stage

In her account, participation and victory in the folklore competition "Soul Dagestan", the festival of children's and youth creativity "Arena Glory", in the All-Russian competition of young talents "Blue Bird", the international festival-competition of scenic art "Saving century-old traditions". For the execution of folk songs in the native language Elvira twice won the Young Star Competition Makhachkala, which is held among students of music schools in order to identify gifted children and their professional orientation.

Elvira Yakhyaeva loves folk songs

According to Elvira, she was remembered at the opening of the monument to the first secretary of the Dagestan Committee of the Party Aziz Aliyev, who also accounts for grandfather to the current president of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev. At a solemn event, a singer and composer was attended, and now the Ambassador of Azerbaijan in Russia Polad Bulbul-oglu, which highly appreciated the vocal abilities of a beginner singer.

In addition, the young artist sings in the children's philharmonic of the capital of Dagestan and therefore participates in events dedicated to the festive and significant dates.

Personal life

Elvira is saddened by the fact that in the new mother family she did not find a place and they are rarely seen, but understands that the traditions have become centuries and difficult to change them. The aunt surrounded the young singer care and love, created the necessary conditions so that the niece was engaged in a favorite thing.

In an interview, the girl says that he cannot call artists who would like to imitate. But there are loved songs: "Do not be proud" performed by Muslim Magomayev and People's Azerbaijani "Sarah Gyalin" ("Bride in Yellow" or "Zlatovaya Bride"), which is widely popular in the Caucasus. Most Elvira like to sing in Rutulsky and Azerbaijani, but present in the repertoire and modern Russian pop

Elvira Yakhyaev in 2018

In addition to singing, the girl is fond of crochet. In the future, Elvira plans to devote the life to professional singing, to relieve in the music school. If the music does not work, the young artist would like to enroll in the military school in Ryazan.

On the official website of the contest "You're super!" It is noted that Elvira Yakhyaev is a creative girl "and very confident, a purposeful person, not afraid of difficulties." One of the desires of the young singer is to get to the project - already come true. In Elvira's dreams - to defeat and go on a journey, to see the world.

Elvira Yakhyaev now

At the All-Russian competition "You are super!" A student of the music school came on the initiative of the teacher on the vocal vocal Gulnara Bahavdinova. At first they sent an amateur post, then in two days completed a test task than heavily surprised the qualifying committee, and then went to Moscow to full-time casting.

Elvira Yakhyaev in the show

For the first round, Elvira chose the song "Little Prince" from the movie "Older Sister", which Elena Kamburova sang in the picture. From the very first rows, a strong and heartfelt performance, not expected from the young girl, conquered members of the jury - recognized by the authorities of the musical world Igor Cool and Victor Drobysh. They are first and pressed on the cherished green buttons. Other judges were left aside and other judges - Julianna Karaulov pop artists and Sergey Lazarev.

Elvira received unanimous "yes" and skipping in the second round of the competition. The judges liked both a delicate image of singer and warm and penetration performance. The girl, according to his own confession, was counted for a maximum of three voices.

The Internet broke out enthusiastic reviews, the speech of a resident of Makhachkala was dubbed by the demonstration of Supergolos, and Elvira himself was named a decent representative of Dagestan. The newly formed army of fans expressed the hope that a small schoolgirl would be able to conquer Moscow.

At the end of the speech, the jury members turned to a contestant with wishes and instructions. Igor Cool expressed the desire to repeat the song about a small Prince, this time - a duet with Elvira. The remaining members of the jury, as well as Karina Ismailov, acceded to speakers.

Igor Cool and Elvira Yakhyaev

The finalist of the first season came to support the countryman and, in addition, shared the events that occurred in her life after participating in the competition: Karina entered the Moscow Music School of Pop and Jazz Art.

Ahead of Elvira is another tour of the project "Super!", All the strength, participation in other competitions, teacher and talented student have not planned to participate in other competitions.


  • 2018 - "Little Prince"

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