Sailor Moon - the history of creation, main characters and characteristics


Character History

A blond teenage girl, who joined the fight with the forces of evil, became one of the most popular characters Manga. With the help of magic attributes and faith in a good brave heroine saved many people and overcame their own fears. However, Sailor Moon has been and sad moments. And who said that the superdays do not cry?

History of creation

Sailor Moore and a team of noble warriors are guarding land since 1993. Najo Taheti, the author of the legendary character, since childhood he dreamed to come up with his own comic.

The first attempt to create an unusual character became manga "Codename: Sailor V", published in 1991. The resulting plot, despite the interest of readers, did not satisfy the author.

Naoco Tayti came up with Sailor Moon

The second attempt - manga "Sailor Moon" - came to the soul and the creator, and the fans of the work of Taketi. This time Naoko put more personal in the comic heroes. For example, native Sailor Moon received the names of the real relatives of the author. Nicknames of most characters are borrowed from astronomy, which the girl was fond of his youth.

A month after the launch of the manga, the Tey Studio proposed to launch anime, based on comics about the warrior. The cartoon followed the musicals, playing TV show and computer games. The popularity of the franchise dedicated to the warriors in sailors seems to be not going to weaken.


Usagi Tsukino and Sailor Moon

Usagi Zucino (in some translations - Bunny Tsukino) - an ordinary 14-year-old schoolgirl. The girl lives in Tokyo with parents and younger brother. Every day the heroine goes to school, helps the mother on the housework and dreams of ever marrying the prince.

However, studies, home assistance and even dreams do not save the heroine from regular whining and laziness. The girl does not like to make decisions on their own and often hides from reality in its own room. Life Usagi is changing at one moment.

Usagi Zucino and Moon

Reluctantly walking to school, the girl takes the neighboring children who do a cat. Cruelty perturbed the heroine, so the boys get a catching up, and a beautiful animal with the moon in the forehead is fleeing. The same evening already familiar cat is closer to the room to Usagi and opens the girl the truth.

In fact, the schoolgirl is the conducted warrior named Sailor Moon, whose duties enters the guard from the power of evil. Many centuries ago, civilization existed on the moon - a silver millennium. The civilians did not claim to land, so two races calmly lived. Princess Moon Serenity fell in love with the Prince of Earth. Happiness and the Board of the young did not prevent anything.

Turning Usagi Zucino to Sailor Moon

But one day the dark kingdom attacked the moon and destroyed the peaceful people. Found only to several soldiers and princesses. The heroines were reborn in the new people of another era. Now the task of Sailor Moon is to find a serreniti and girlfriends on arms. Help in search and save from the danger of Usagi should new abilities.

Turn into Sailor Moon a girl helps a brooch that the moon gave - a cat, who became a heroine mentor. In addition to transformation, the accessory helps the schoolgirl to find other defenders of the Earth. The first weapon of the warriors became a diadem. Decoration radiates light that neutralizes demons. A no less important role in the equipment Sailor Moon plays the Lunar Rod, able to cope with any manifestations of evil.

Magic Brooch and Moon Wand

The first battles in the form of superheroid for Sailor Mun were failed. The girl was afraid of any danger and tried not to join, preferring to run away. But with each new test, the heroine was becoming more confident and decisive. The unpleasant characteristic, which was endowed with Usagi at the beginning of the life path, gave way to the title - the wonderful warrior of Sailor Moon.

In addition to the vocation and abilities, Usaga acquires a lover. A static stranger in the mask appears at the most dangerous moments of battle and helps Sailor Moon defeat the enemy. The only thing that remains at the heroine after meetings with the brave-named Taksedo Mask is the blossomed rose.

Usagi Zucino and her beloved

In the fight against the Dark Kingdom, Sailor Moon will open another mystery - the girl is not at all a simple warrior. Usagi and there is a new embodiment of the princess of the Moon Serenity. Moreover, the Top Mask, as many times saved the heroine from the misfortune, - the revived prince of the Earth, with whom the girl was separated by the dark forces. Lovers reunite again in the twentieth century.

But the relationship of young people is not cloudless. Demons of the entire planet dream of destroying the heroes. Sailor Moon and Taksedo Mask will have to overcome many barriers: the prince will become an incarnation of evil forces, the princess will lose his family during battles, the relationship of young people will survive a love triangle.

Sailor Moon and Taxedo Mask

Prince Almaz, unrequitedly in love with Sailor Moon, kidnapped the girl with the help of hypnosis. True, the magical tricks did not affect and only heavened the warrior. In addition, the former girl of the prince, distraught from jealousy, tried to kill the heroine. Stop Emerald (in the Kingdom of Prince Diamond, the residents wore names-jewels) was only a Takedo Mask.

Friends and enemies

In the fight against evil Sailor Moon helps warriors in sailors. All characters are simple teenage girls with their problems and concerns. But, reincarnated in the defenders of the Earth, the heroines forget about their own needs.

One of the first to Sailor Moon joined Sailor Mercury (Ami Midzuno). A shy girl has a high intelligence, but the closure does not allow her to show talents. Mercury is in one class with Sailor Moon and often helps the main heroine with lessons. Power and ability Girl draws out of the water.

Sailor Mercury

The second to the team joined Sielor Mars (Ray Chino). In his free time, the girl serving in the temple and trains the hand of the crows. A beautiful heroine often quarrels with Sailor Moon, as it believes that Usagi behaves too infantile. Energy and strength Syilor Mars receives thanks to the element of fire.

The strongest warrior in the team, besides Sailor Moon, Sailor Jupiter is considered (Makoto Movie). The girl helps Usagi to cope with the attaches of the gangsters and becomes the third warrior in the sailor pack. Jupiter owns self-defense techniques and one of the young age lives one - the parents of the girl died in a car accident. Sailor Jupiter controls plants and manipulates electricity.

Sailor Mars

Sailor Venus (Minako Aino) first of the team realized that he had unusual skills, but the latter joins the team. The girl is better than others remember the events from the past life, therefore refers to the duties of the warrior much more serious.

The main characters are constantly faced with dark forces. And the enemies of excellent warriors pursue different goals. The queen of non-adventure, for example, wanted to take possession of a gold crystal. For this, the villain captured Gelios - the Treasure Guardian. However, Sailor Moon prevented the Queen to implement a plan.

Warriors in sailors

Many hassle soldered the moon delivered the Demonian Metria. The kingdom, which the rules of Serenity, destroyed by order of the villain. And later the enemy Sailor Moon will turn the beloved girl in the incarnation of evil.

After the victory over the Government of the Dark Kingdom, the throne took Queen Beryl. The former Right Hand of the Queen Metria will unite forces with Mrs. to erase the warriors from his way.

Queen Beryl

Sometimes Sailor Moon manages to redirect the representatives of the evil to the good side. Galaxia is a warrior fighting with chaos in the galaxy. To defeat the enemy, the girl absorbed the power of the villain. But chaos, being inside the warriper, influenced the mind of Galaxcia. Only Sailor Moon managed to prevent a disaster and save the girl from death.


Mercenary Anime dedicated to the adventures of Usagi Zucino, came to screens in 1992. The cartoon is designed for girls from 12 to 18 years. Sailor Moon consists of 200 episodes, broken into 5 full-fledged stories. The voice of the main heroine presented two Japanese actresses - Kae Araki and Cotono Mitsuisi.

The popularity of the character began to release the full-length cartoons:

  • "Beauty-Warrior Sailor Moon: Dangerous Flowers" (1993)
  • "Beauty-Warrior Sailor Moon Es: Princess Snow Kaguya" (1994)
  • "Beauty-warrior Sailor Moon Super Es: Black Hole Dreams" (1995)
Japanese screening

In 2003, the story of superheroids again flewed on the screens, this time in the format of television series. The plot "Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon" duplicates the first season of the famous anime. Film has reached the rental exclusively for the Japanese viewer. The role of Sailor Moon performed Miu Savai.

Interesting Facts

  1. Anime about the beautiful warrior is so popular in Japan that fans independently removed the sequel. The sixth season called "Sailor Moon: Sacrificed" released a little-known company "Kaosu Studios".
  2. Sailor Moon and Tisciedo Mask has a child. The girl was called the baby. The hazardous daughter of the heroes will move to the past so that the soldiers in the sailors helped the future princess to cope with the villain named Dark Lady.
Sailor Uran.
  1. The team of warriors in sailors is constantly updated. Sailor Uranus (Haruka Tanno) will enter the ranks of the Earth's defenders (Haruka Tanno) and Sailor Star Warper. And Harik, and Sayia openly admit that they are interested in guys and girls. This is one of the first caming-outs in Anime.

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