Rory McCang - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



In the works of Scottish actor, Rory McCang has more than 30 works in art films and serials, but the starry hour of this incredibly high man came with the role of cynical and cruel Sandora of the culigan from the TV Saga "Game of Thrones". Rory loves this ambiguous image, however popularity. In 2019, fans of fantastic saga will be able to enjoy the game of a talented actor - owner of a bright appearance.

Childhood and youth

Rory McCann's indigenous Scotman was born in April 1969 in the city of Glazko. The man is very secretive and reluctantly shares with journalists in detail of life, so there are few actors about the early years. The boy grew thin and low, so peers constantly teased. In his youth suddenly reached out and reached the impressive dimensions - Rory's growth is 198 cm.

Full Rory McCang

Excessive thinness in childhood led to the gym with which McCann has never parted. Another favorite occupation was rock climbing. When young man mature, classmates and friends gave him the nickname "Big".

Over the shoulders of the future star of Television Education in the school, where he received a forensic profession. Rory managed to work with a raw bridges, a carpenter and even a landscaped designer. Once a young man was invited to play in the porridge advertising "Scott's Parage Oats".

This episode remembers this with pleasure - in a funny video McCann appeared in a Scottish national costume. Such a colorful debut on television became the beginning of the creative path as an actor of British cinema and TV shows, because Rory then met the representatives of the industry.


Rory McCann was seriously engaged in climbing, and he went to the mountains alone. From this hobbies and began the path to the acting profession. Going to the next trip, a man took partners to the familiar director Lynn Ramsey. She was so impressed by the colorful stories about the climbing exploits of a friend that six months later called and stated that for Rory was treated a small role in a new film.

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As the actor told, at that time he cut the trees in the forests of the eye and did not think about his career in the cinema, even tried to resist. However, the director insisted, and the man starred in the film "Rats" (1999) in such a tiny role, which was not even noted in the credits.

This was followed by episodic appearance in the films "London burns", "Brothers in Mind", in the TV projects "Master of the Valley" and "Detective and Bringing". Rori began to enter the taste and decided to associate life with a movie, especially proposal from the creators of films came with enviable regularity.

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The first work, which brought a novice actor success, became a multi-sized comedy "Book Club". Rory, who played a former dismissant-disapperary named Kenny Mackelood, received the British Bafta Prize, and in 2002 the man called the best television actor. Another brilliant role went to the television series "Shamelessnniks", which was awarded place of the bonuses. In him, Rory reincarnated in the priest. In the piggy bank of the creative biography of the artist, there is even the role of Peter I in the television film "Peter in Paradise".

Hollywood Debut McCanna happened in 2004. The brutal man appeared in all the magnificence in the film "Alexander" directed by Oliver Stone. Here, Rori tried the image of the crater, the leader of the footpaths in the army of Alexander Macedonsky.

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American directors continued to actively invite an artist on shooting. Rori McCanang took a modest role in the blockbuster "Battle of Titans", a man met with Nicholas Cage and Ron Perlman on the shooting area of ​​the adventure tape "Witch Time".

A breakthrough to the film career of Rory was 2011 - he joined the filming team of the fantasy epic HBO TV channel "Game of Thrones", filmed based on George Martin's novels cycle "Song of Ice and Flame". The role of a cruel, ruthless killer with a tragic destiny Sandora Cleaning named Dog brought McCanna world famous.

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Rory managed to be ingeniously conveying a multifaceted image of a strong and dangerous kolyan: the bodyguard of the King Joffrey with a frightening appearance, the winner of the knightly tournaments, the rudder, wandering around the world, a noble knight and the Savior of little girls.

SSA, unlike many characters, managed to stay alive until the end of the 7th season. One glance is enough to understand - Sandor Krigan easily breaks a person in half, but he is not alien and romantic traits. Such an ambiguous hero turned out from Rori great, recognize critics.

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Casting on the role of the clip was held dozens of actors, but George Martin himself stopped on McCanna. The dimensions of the men were the determining point for choice: they were looking for a strong and frightening clergy. Nevertheless, not only appearance influenced the choice. The author of Saga shared his impressions of listening:

"In Rory, I saw an exceptional, stunning Sandor. We had good applicants, but none did not reach him. Scene, where Sandor tells Sanse Stark, where he has scars. At first I was afraid (when he shouts: "Look at me!"), Then lambing (when he says that this is not the dragons of fire), then tears began to have in my eyes (when he told his story). I suddenly understood, it is a real Sandor ... "

Shooting in television epopea McCann combined with work in other film projects. He managed to play in the films "Strictly to the West", "Exhaled" and "Three Iksa: world domination."

Personal life

Personal life from the public Rory hides carefully. In order not to ask unnecessary questions, the actor recently gave an interview in his homeland, where he put everything around the shelves. McCann said that he had no wife, children and mortgages, why was very happy. I am sure that he is married, the way to the acting path would be ordered:

"The wife is too hard. It would have to work hard to provide a family proper material level. I am alone, not tied to anyone, and I am glad that I have the opportunity to do what I want. "

In the work you have to intersect with beautiful women, but 80% of them, a man considers "insane" and tries to avoid close contacts. Rory never raised novels with actresses. He lives on two houses - in London and Glasgow, dreams of his own castle. In his fleet, a powerful X-BOW GTR car.

Rory McCann.

It is recognized that much energy takes work, sports training and hobbies. Still still conquers mountains, most of the year lives on a yacht in the sea. Rory is hard to pass popularity, even dreams of becoming invisible when fans, meeting idols, shout "This is a dog!". Judits that the boat saves the obsessive attention of fans - as soon as someone approaches too close, sits on the yacht and floats.

Rory McCann from his youth is passionate about music, still sings and plays mosteing musical instruments, including on beaman and piano. However, no one has mastered perfectly. The actor's house is filled with speakers, amplifiers and wires so much that it is difficult to move.

On the set of "Games of Thrones", Rory organized a music group called "Brotherhood Without Banjos" ("Brotherhood without banners" from the series), in which the actors play and sing rock. For example, Caris Wang Howen (performs the role of Melissandra) perfectly solids, and John Bradley (Samvell Tarlley) is controlled with drums. After the project put a point, the group members plan to write down the album. Rory jokes:

"Our ambitions do not extend further than concerts on the premieres, on the occasion of the end of the filming or our birthdays. If you want to ruin the holiday, call the "Brotherhood without Banjo"!

Rory McCann now

Now McCann is involved in the shooting of the continuation of the fantastic Saga "Game of Thrones", the eighth season is planning to show the audience in 2019.

Rory McCann in 2018

Fans hoped that the dog will again meet with Aric Stark and will revenge Brother Mount to injury from his hands in childhood. But in an interview, the actor, of course, does not open cards even slightly.


  • 1999 - "Rats"
  • 2000 - "Detective and Ghost"
  • 2000 - "Master of the Valley"
  • 2002 - "London burns"
  • 2003 - "Big Game"
  • 2004 - "Alexander"
  • 2006 - "Shamelessness"
  • 2007 - "Type steep leg"
  • 2009 - "Solomon Kane"
  • 2010 - "Battle of Titans"
  • 2011 - "Witch Time"
  • 2011-2017 - "Game of Thrones"
  • 2015 - "Strictly to the West"
  • 2015 - "Exhaled"
  • 2017 - "Three Iks: world domination"

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