Pabl.a - biography, photo, personal life, news, songs 2021



A native of Kiev, Ukrainian Pabl.a performs rap in Russian. A young man with difficult fate managed to courageously survive the injury that had deprived him of his feet, and return to active creative activity. The performer of his own texts known in the narrow circles decided to sharply expand the audience of fans and became a member of the music TV show "Voice".

Childhood and youth

Alexander Pabla was born in Kiev in 1995. The biography of the future musician began in the dysfunctional area of ​​the city. The courtyards of the friends of Alexander fought with the guys from neighboring houses, decorated graffiti fences and read rap. Teen began to compose the rhymed texts in 12 years. Pabl.a considers his childhood and youth an ideal start for a street poet, which Raper calls himself.

Pabl.a (Alexander Pabla)

Pabla parents do not share his hobbies, but do not interfere with the son to engage in music. Rapper says that in childhood she dreamed of becoming president, but then I realized that the musician lives more fun. The young man is studying at MGIMO in Moscow, where he moved in 2013. And in his native Kiev opened recording studio.


Pabl.a compiles songs and musical compositions in Rap and Hip-Hop styles. Rapper framed the skills of execution to a high level and continues to be improved. It is able for rap to choose the right speed, drags the listeners to the lyrics of the rhythm of chutka and intonation even in the absence of music. The author is committed to extreme sincerity in verses, believing that the poet should write only that he knows well.

Rapper PABL.A.

Collaborates with the Street Dreams Music Label, together with which both album released. EP "My City" The author characterizes as a quintessence of the feelings of the young Soldier of the XXI century, living here at the moment of time. He is about the influence of the city on the fate and the ability of a person to revive from the ash, like the mythical phoenix, and reach the stars.

The composition of My City mini-album entered the composition of the same name, as well as the songs "Welcome", "here and there", "I go ahead." The album was recorded back in 2015, but was published only two years later.


EP 360 consists of six songs: "Intro", "Sleep", "Earth", "Cosmos", "I do not remember where I was" and "Phoenix". The last two - in collaboration with Anton Blame. Both albums are estimated at 4.5 - 5 points target audience, judging by the rating on musical resources. According to Pabla, he is ready to record the next mini album.

Personal life

Having moved to Moscow, a nineteen-year-old guy met the ex-participating in the reality of the "House-2" show Anastasia Kiushkin. Nastya was then 23 years old, and the novel of the young couple was developing rapidly. The lovers saw together in secular parties and concerts. They traveled together with the popular Rapper Motom and his wife Maria Gural in Dubai - to rest and take a video clip.

Pabl.a and Anastasia Kiushkin

Having matured, pabl.a became more secretive and lifting the personal life. In August 2017, rapper fell into an accident in Kiev. He is with a friend of Nestor Shufrich-younger (the son of the famous Ukrainian politics) rode returning a Bentley car dealers rented for shooting clip Pabl.a. The car that Shufrich managed, drove on a pedestrian. Rapper and pedestrian received multiple injuries.

As a result of this tragedy, PABL.A lost both legs and now goes on prostheses. But the injury did not break the young artist, he continues to stubbornly move to the tops of the musical Olympus.

Pabl.a now

February 24, 2018 Pabl.a came to the scene of the song "Songs" on TNT. Before coming in front of the person, the jury and the audience, the participants of the competition had to pass the casting, on which more than 15 thousand people declared. Two authority - producer Maxim Fadeev and Timati Rapper - choose among young singers of the best performer.

The winner is waiting for a prize of 5 million rubles and a contract with Russian Music Labels Black Star and Malfa. Pabl.a successfully overcame the first stage of the competition, presenting the jury on the court composition "Phoenix". Spectators who are interested in the work of the young Rapper will find his clip on this song on the Internet. Pabl.a and Anton Blame recorded it with Street Dreams Music Label.

The third invited member of the jury during the PABL.A speech was Vera Brezhnev. The singer honestly admitted that he had little disassembled in the rap direction, surprised the Rapper tradition to hide the face during the performance, but nevertheless voted for Pabl.A. Votes for the transition of the young Rapper in the next round and the main members of the jury. Timati even spent a small excursion in the tradition of style for beginners.

Pabl.a in the show

After the speech, the artist talked with the judges and frankly spoke about take-offs and falls of his fate. Maxim Fadeev admired the courage guy, both producer look forward to meeting with a promising performer in the following programs of the program.

You can get acquainted in detail with the work of the artist on the Internet. Pabl.a leads microblogging in "Instagram", laying out fresh records of performances and photos there. Tens of thousands of people are signed on the blog. The rapper page in VKontakte is less unlocked - perhaps because it is signed by a non-scenic pseudonym, but by the name. But there also collected a collection of video and audio records of Pabla songs.


  • 2017 - 360.
  • 2017 - "My city"

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