Chevi Chase - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Cornelius Crain Chase, famous to the audience as Chevi Chase, American actor, comedian and writer. It was from writing small comic stories that Cornelius began his career, and later, already in 1974, appeared on television screens as an actor. At the same time, the image of the actor was also formed - a sort of loser in kinicomedy with vulgar and vulgar humor. The acting skills of Chaise film critics appreciated by handing him twice the Ambi Award.

Childhood and youth

Cornelius Crane Chase was born on October 8, 1943 in Manhattan, New York, and grew up in Woodstock. Father of the future actor, Edward Tinsley "Ned" Chase, worked as a literary editor. Cornelius's mother - Yaraya Catholic, named Parker (in Maiden Browning), worked as a concert pianist and librettist.

Actor Crane Chase

Grandfather from the mother - Admiral Miles Browning, held the position of headquarters of the headquarters of the counter-admiral of Rimon A. Sprunas on the USS Enterprise aircraft carrier (CV-6) in the Battle of Midway in the Great Patriotic War. Grandfather Chase - Edward Lee Chase - worked as an artist and illustrator. His grandmother on the motherboard, Kastalina, sang in the Opera, including and performed in Carnegie-Hall.

The nickname "Chevi" from Cornelus appeared with the light hand of his grandmother - the descendant of the Scottish Clan Douglas, and it was taken from medieval English ballad called "Chevi Chase". Cornelius became the fourth generation of residents of New York in the family.

Crain Chase in youth

His mother's ancestors arrived at Manhattan in 1624 - among the ancestors of the actor, the mayors of New York Stefanus Wang Cortland and John Johnston are launched; Dutch family Scheler, John Morin Scott, General of the New York Police during the American Revolution; Ann Hutchinson, the dissident puritan preacher and healer and the leader of the colonial movement and the spiritual elder of Plymouth colony William Brewster.

The parents of Chevi divorced when the boy was only four years old. Soon, each of them created a new family. According to the biography, written by Chase himself, in childhood, mother and stepfather John Sederkist often used physical and psychological punishments in the upbringing of the boy. In 2005, the parents of the future actor died.

Crain Chase in youth

The general secondary education of Chase received first in the rustic boarding school of Riverdale, but soon he was excluded. In the end, he graduated from an independent boarding school Stockbridge. Then the young man studied in the Havverford College in 1962-1963, from where he was expelled for the anticipation and absurd sense of humor.

In the interview in 2009, the actor said that the true reason for the deduction was the content of the cow in his room in the hostel. However, David Felson Room neighbor in 2003 told that Chaise was expelled for academic debt. Then the young man moved to Bard College in Annandale-on-Hudzone, New York.

Crain Chase

Next, before a young man, a difficult choice arose: either to enter the university, or go to serve in the army. The University of Chevi did not do it, but he did not attract him the army. In January 1989, Chevi Chase became an invited guest in the television show of Pat Syak, where he told the TV viewers that he did not plan to go to the army, it would better recognize himself with a homosexual.

In college, Chevi tried his strength in music - played on shock and keyboard tools. But with a musical career never happened. Chevi Chase's film industry managed to work as a taxi driver, truck driver, builder, waiter, fruit collector, supermarket manager, sound engineer, salesman in the store.


At the dawn of his film director Chase in 1967, an undergraduate ensemble of a comedy was organized under the name "Channel One". 3 years later, Chevi wrote a parody of the film "Mission Impossible" for Mad magazine.

Crane Chase in the Saturday Night Live show

In 1973, Chase first thought about the career of the actor, becoming a member of the Satyric radio actacle The National Lampoon Radio Hour. In October 1975, NBC has launched a night comedy series "Saturday Night Live" with the participation of Chevi Chaise. At the same time, Chase wrote the show scenarios for the NBC TV channel.

In 1978, the actor received fame for the role in the movie Colin Higgins "Dirty Game". But the actor's wide popularity brought a role in the Dilogy "Fletch". In 1980, Chevi was filmed in the comedy "Modern problems" and seriously suffered with electric shock. As a result, the actor began a protracted depression, connected also with a divorce with his wife.

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According to information posted on the Internet, at the peak of the actor career, the Hevy Chaise fee accounted for about $ 7 million per film. In total, the actor's account now has more than 80 films.

Personal life

In 1973, Chevi Chase married Susan Hewitt, but the marriage lasted only 3 years. The second marriage of Chevi with Jacqueline Carlin was issued on December 4, 1976. In a year and five months they divorced. The unofficial cause of divorce in the media is called the abuse of chaise drugs, in particular cocaine, and side effects in the form of marshy, paranoia.

Chevy Chase and his second wife jacqueline kallin

In 1986, Chase appealed to the Betty Ford Clinic for the treatment of dependence on painful agents. And in September 2016, the actor was already treated from the problem associated with alcohol.

Chevi Chase - Father of three daughters: Sydney (born in 1983), Kali (born in 1985) and Emily (born in 1988). Now the actor lives with the Third Woman Jane (nee Luke) in Bedford, New York. On family photos of Chevi and Jane are invariably happy and harmonious married couple.

Chevi Chase with family

In addition, Chevi Chase is an active ecologist, initiator of charitable and political shares. The actor collected money and participated in the campaign in support of Bill Clinton in the 1990s and John Kerry in the 2004 presidential election.

Chevi Chase now

Now the actor is engaged in the shooting of the film Greg Nathers "The Last Laugh", whose premiere is expected in 2018. At the same time, Chevi is removed in Federal Offense film and "The Ogilvy Fortune".

Chevy Chase in 2018

At the end of February 2018 there was a scandal with the participation of Chevi Chaise and the company of young people. According to the victims, the actor, while driving his car, pursued young people, and then tried to attack them. The causes of aggressive behavior of the actor are not yet established. The trial on this issue is scheduled for March 2018.


  • 1974 - "Square box"
  • 1978 - "Dirty Game"
  • 1980 - "Oh, Divine Dog!"
  • 1980 - Golf Club
  • 1980 - "How in old good time"
  • 1983 - "Vacation"
  • 1985 - "Fletch"
  • 1985 - "European Vacation"
  • 1985 - "Spies like us"
  • 1986 - "Three Amigos!"
  • 1987 - "Dressurian from Psychoshushki"
  • 1989 - "Christmas Vacations"
  • 1991 - "Los Angeles History"
  • 1992 - "Confession of Invisible"
  • 1994 - "Divided!"
  • 1997 - "Vacation in Vegas"
  • 2004 - "Adventures of the Magic Goose"
  • 2009 - "Only calm"
  • 2011 - "Another comedy"
  • 2015 - "Vacations"
  • 2017 - "Last movie Star"

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