Yeshua Ga-Nochri - Biography of the Hero of the Roman "Master and Margarita", image, crucifix


Character History

The image of the traveling philosopher, the quotes of which affect the strings of the soul, is key in the Roman Bulgakov "Master and Margarita". Along with the main characters of the classic work of Yeshua Ga-Nochri, teaches a reader of wisdom, patience and understanding that evil people do not happen, and the devil is not the quintessence of vice.

History of creation

The name of the colorful character, like most novel details, has a certain meaning. Yeshua is one of the pronunciation of the name Jesus. Ga-Nozri is translated as "from Nazareth."

Michael Bulgakov

All this hints that the reader is a recognizable hero of the Bible. But the researchers found confirmation that represented by the philosopher Bulgakov portrayed Christ only partially. The task of the author of the novel was not to reproduce the events associated with the Son of God.

One of the prototypes of Yeshua was the Count Myshkin from the novel "Idiot". The characteristic of the hero coincides with the Character of Bulgakov. Myskin is a calm and moral man who seems to be surrounding eccentric. Researchers of Dostoevsky's creativity call the hero "the personification of Christian virtue."


According to Bulgakov's biographers, it was from this vision of Christ that the writer was repelled, creating the image of Ga-Nochri. The Bible presents Jesus as the Son of God, able to work wonders. In turn, both writers (Bulgakov and Dostoevsky) wanted to show in the novels that Jesus existed in the world and carried the light to people without using mystical abilities. Bulgakov far from Christianity, such an image seemed closer and more realistic.

A detailed analysis of the biography of Yeshua confirms the idea that if Jesus was used by a writer as a prototype of Ga-Nozri, then only in general milestones of history. The philosophy of the wise sage differs from the dogmas of Christ.

Prototype Yeshua - Jesus Christ

For example, Yeshua rejects the idea that a person may contain evil. The same attitude towards the neighbor is found at Don Quixote. This is another reason to argue that the image of Yeshua is collective. The biblical character argues that society as a whole (and each person in particular) can be evil or kind.

Yeshua did not put a goal to spread his own philosophy, the traveler does not encourage people to their disciples. A man comes to horror when the scrolls recorded by the companion finds. This behavior is radically different from the behavior of Christ, trying to spread the doctrine on all people encountered.

Image and plot

Yeshua Ga-Nochri

Yeshua Ga-Nozri was born in the town of Gamel, located on the western slope of the Golan Hill. Nothing is known about the parents of the boy, only casually is mentioned that the father of Yeshua arrived in Gamlu from Syria.

Men have no close people. The philosopher wanders in the world for many years and tells those who want to have their own look at life. The man has no philosophical school or disciples. The only follower of Yeshua was the Levy Matvey - a former tax collector.


The first in the novel Bulgakov, oddly enough, Yeshua mentions Woland. Talking with new acquaintances on the patriarch ponds, the magician draws a portrait of an enlightened:

"This man was dressed in an old and torn Blue Hiton. His head was covered with a white bandage with a strap around his forehead, and his hands are tied behind his back. Under the left eye, a man had a big bruise, in the corner of the mouth - the prick with baked blood ... "

It was in this form that appeared before the Roman prefect in Pontius Pilate Yeshua Ga-Nozri. In the drafts of Bulgakov mentions long red hair men, but later this item was removed from the novel.

Yeshua Ga-Nochri and Pontius Pilate

The inefficious philosopher grabbed and declared a criminal due to sermons who read Yeshua in the markets of Yershalaim. The representative of the law struck the insight and kindness of the arrested. Yeshua intuitively guessed that Pontius Pilate suffers from pain and dreams that the torment stopped:

"True, above all, is that your headache is hurting, and it hurts so much that you have a faint of death about death."

The procurator was no less impressed that Yeshua spoke freely at Aramaic, Greek and Latin. Interrogation with addiction suddenly turned into an intellectual conversation of two educated and non-standard people's thinking. Men argued about power and truth, kindness and honor:

"The time will come when there will be no cesarians or any other power. A person will go into the kingdom of truth and justice, where no power will not be needed. "
Yeshua Ga-Nochri

Realizing that the cause of the arrest was the stupidity and non-smile of the local population, Pontius Pilate is trying to reverse the judicial investigation. The procurator hints a philosopher that needs to reject his own beliefs to preserve life, but Yeshua is not ready to abandon his own look at the future.

In this act, everything, even the guards, see the courage of a man who remains faithful to the last breath. But the procurator is not ready to risk a career because of a smart and good traveler, therefore, despite the sympathy, the execution will take place.

Court of Pilate.

Surprised to death lead to a bald mountain, where the crucifix will occur. Herried with the fate and non-resisting Yeshua nailed to wooden boards. The only thing that was able to make Pontius Pilate is to give the order to the philosopher quickly hammer the knife in the heart. A similar act will relieve glorious Ga-Noesri from long torment. In the last minutes of the life of Yeshua speaks about cowardice.

"... he was not chosen this time. The only thing he said is that, among human vices, one of the most important things he considers cowardice. "

The body of the teacher removes from the Cross Levy Matvey. A man curses God and Pontius Pilate for the death of a friend, but do not turn around. The prefect of Judea gives an order to grieve the body of the philosopher, thereby rewarding the meritor of the wisdom.

Jeshua Ga-Nozri

But death is not the end for Yeshua at all. The philosopher visits a new acquaintance in dreams, where the prosecutor and Ga-Nochri talks about the exciting of them and seek the meaning of life. The last mention of the philosopher is again associated with wave. Ga-Nozri sends Levi Matthew to Black Magu with the order.

"He read the writing of the master and asks you to take the masters and awarded it to peace ... He asks that the one that loved and suffered because of him, they also took."


In 1972, director from Poland Andrei Waida presented to the viewers of Kinocarthin called Pilate and others. Inspired by the work of Bulgakov, Waid decided to screen a part of the plot dedicated to the relationship between Pontae Pilate and Yeshua. The action of the film was transferred to Germany on the 20th century, the role of a stray philosopher went to Wojöhki.

Tadeush Bradytsky in Yeshua

The classic film game of the famous novel was published in 1988. The director of Poland - Matsek Volyushko again took up the shooting of such a complex and multifaceted plot. Critics celebrated the talented acting game. The role of Yeshua performed Tadeutsi Bradetsky.

Russian filmmakers "Masters and Margarita" came out on screens in 2005. The director of the picture Vladimir Bortko did focus on the mystical component of the film. But the part of the plot dedicated to Yeshua occupies a significant place in the film. The role of ha Noesri got the actor Sergey Bezrukov.

Sergey Bezrukov in Yeshua

In 2011, the premiere of the screening "Master and Margarita" took place, the filming of which ended back in 2004. Due to disagreements about the copyrights of the film, the film premiere was postponed for 6 years. The long-awaited debut turned out to be failed. The actors and roles looked, according to modern standards, naive and unpretentious. The role of Yeshua in the picture went to Nikolay Burlyaev.

Recently, Hollywood filmmakers drew attention to the classic work. Most of the scenes of the American film will be removed in Russia. The planned screening budget is $ 100 million.

Nikolay Burlyaev in Yeshua


"There are no evil people in the world, there are only people unhappy." "The truth is to speak easily and pleasant." "The past does not matter, find yourself in the present and you will rule in the future." "I agree that only the one who suspected the hairs can probably cut the hairs?" "God is one. I believe in it. "

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