Alexandra Trussov - biography, personal life, news, figure skating, photo, Russian Championship 2021



I did not have time to lie down the Euphoria from the victory at the Olympics in Pyonchhan 15-year-old Alina Zagitova, as a new star named Alexander Corusov was lit in the world of figure skating. This young figure skater won the final of the Junior Grand Prix, and then continued to collect gold at international tournaments.

Childhood and youth

Sasha, the eldest of three children, was born in Ryazan in the summer of 2004. Girl's parents support the cult of active lifestyle in the family. Father - Master of Sports on judo, hand-to-hand combat and sambo. Mom was engaged in athletics, now Svetlana devotes all the time to upbringing Alexandra and her two younger brothers - Egor and Ivan.

At 4 years old, the girl learned to ride on the rollers, almost with them did not part, and somehow came out that he came into figure skating. According to the first coach, Larisa Melkova, a talented student in the group quickly overtook the rest of the children, turned out to be very musical and jumped.

Soon, his father moved to Moscow and transported the family, Sasha continued to go to a sports school, and then hit the skating center "Crystal" center of sports and education "Sambo-70". However, Eteri Tutberidze Cowvian came to the vertex of sports biographies.

Three years old girl trained at Alexander Volkov and his wife, Choreographer Martin Dugené, then moved to Anna Tsareva. But Sasha wanted to have a good example for imitation, like Evgenia Medvedev or Alina Zagitov. So she was in the Tutberidze group.

Figure skating

Jumping, glorified Alexander, is what the young athlete and loves figure skating. Single learned quickly, then Axel is one and a half turn and double. By 11 years old, Coworka mastered a cascade, including a triple jump, tried to make the most difficult triple axel, but did not work with departure.

Then, her coach switched to the student to work out four jumps, and in April 2017, according to Sasha, she performed Salkhov. Russian Troopsov became the first figure skater that completed two quadruple jumps in one program.

Alexander's multi-turn jumps love very much. So at the training session to the final of the Grand Prix, a cascade of six triple jumps was performed. According to the athlete, she simply fulfilled the request of the coaches - "so that there were a lot of jumps." Trusov does not feel fear of what falls are possible, and before entering the jump, he developed his own "chip" - looking straight into the eyes of the judges so that they could not break away.

The first serious tournament in the sports life Alexandra is the Moscow Championship of 2014 (28th place). A year later, Sasha is already the second on the same competitions and the third in Russia's championship in its age group. In 2015, the girl fulfilled the candidate's standard for the master of sports.

At the country's championship in early 2017, according to the results of which participants of the World Junior Championship were selected, Alexander did not have enough six points before the pedestal. Then Alina Zagitova won.

In the same year, the young figure skater went to the first international start - the stage of the Junior Grand Prix in the Australian Brisbane, where he first struck the judicial team by the execution of a four-third jump and took the 1st place. Then followed by regular victories in the stage in Minsk and in the final of the Grand Prix in Japan.

In March 2018, at the World Junior Championships, Alexandra has already performed two quadruple jumps - Salkhov and Tulup. And the latter, according to the girl, began to learn only in December. Immediately after a short program, it became clear to the specialists that the competition between the representatives of the Ice School of Tutberidze - Sasha and Alena Kosostna, a bronze medalist of the Russian Federation of Russia will again be launched on the rink.

By the way, Alexander, due to very young age, did not let the country's championship. As a result, a miniature figure skater (Sasha's height - 155 cm) in Bulgaria established a world record in an arbitrary program, in the second part of which the branded "Zagitovsky" Cascade from Lutz and Rittberger demonstrated.

In September 2018, in Lithuanian Kaunas, Alexander Corusov embodied his dream, making the most difficult jump in the history of female figure skating on the planet in the history of female figure skating. Sasha became a record holder in a short (74.74), arbitrary programs (146.70) and for the total amount (221.44). Coward, besides the record, also noted with the most difficult cascade of the quadper Tulup + Triple Tulup.

In the fall of 2019, the trouses brilliantly started the season. For the first time with the participants of the Europa team, the girl visited Japan at the Japan Open tournament, where, together with Alina Zagitova, Denis Vasilyev and Javier Fernandez, she became the winner. On his speech, Sasha performed four fourth jumps in the same program, which happened in the women's single skating for the first time.

In October, Alexander won the Skate Canada Grand Prix. At the tournament, the figure skater set two new records by the number of scored points for an arbitrary program (166.62) and for 2 programs as a whole (241.02).

On the warm-up, the Russian woman surprised the fans with joint execution with another winner of the tournament - Japanese Yuzuru Khanyu parallel fourth Toulup. Alexander video posted in "Instagram".

Personal life

Sports at all prevents Sasha in school. A figure skater goes to school in the evenings, loves mathematics. Free time spends like an ordinary teenager: reads books in the genre of fantasy, communicates in social networks, there also hosts photos from travel. In travel, the girl takes with him the live "Talisman" - Chihua-Hua Tina.

In training and abroad, the coward is accompanied by a mother, and in the country tournaments mostly grandmother. About the personal life athlete for young age is still not thinking.

Already, Alexander is building plans for the future. In an interview, she said that he wants to tie life with animals. When Between the performances in Australia visited Koala Park, he distorted and releasing all the animals who could be taken on the hands.

Alexandra Trowan now

The athlete continues to surprise the public and judges. In March 2020, the figure skater fell out of honor to present the country at the World Cup in Canada. Also in the Russian national team included singles Alain Kosostna and Anna Shcherbakov. Shortly before the coward competitions admitted in an interview, which focuses on the development of complex elements and seriously counts on a good result. Unfortunately, due to the coronavirus pandemic, the competition was canceled.

In the spring of the same year, it became known that the athlete replaced the coach, choosing Yevgeny Plushenko as a mentor. Under his beginning, the figure skater became the winner of the steps of the Russian Cup in Kazan and Moscow.

But the Championship of Russia, held in December 2020 in Chelyabinsk, became a little less successful for Alexandra. She ranked third by losing to the pupils Eteri Tutberidze Anna Shcherbakova and Camile Valiyeva. Now, in order to take part in the World Championship, which is scheduled for the spring of 2021, the subcontal one has to go through additional selection.

In anticipation of world competitions Sasha took part in the Cup Cup. As part of the event, a jump tournament took place, in which the team of girls challenged the young men. Together with Alexandra, Camila Valiyev, Elizabeth Tuktamysheva and Anna Shcherbakov participated in the contest. And their opponents became Mikhail Kolyada, Dmitry Aliyev, Maka Ignatov and Andrei Mozalev. The stars of figure skating Alina Zagitova and Evgenia Medvedev were chosen by the teams of teams.

In March 2021, the athlete went to Stockholm on Figure Catania. She won the bronze championship of the world by typing in the amount of 217.20 points.


  • 2017 - Gold medals of three stages and the final of the Junior Grand Prix
  • 2018 - Golden Medal of the Russian Championship among juniors and the World Junior Championship
  • 2019 - Gold Medal Japan Open
  • 2019 - Gold Medal Steps Grand Prix. Skate Canada.
  • 2019 - Golden Medal Challenger. Ondrey Memorial Nesheless
  • 2020 - Silver Medal of Championship of Russia
  • 2021 - Bronze Medal of the World Cup

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