Jonathan Swift - biography, photo, personal life, books



The sharp pen of the Irish and English philosopher and Satirik Jonathan Swift made a lot of noise during his life. Contemporaries The writer was remembered as the author of pamphlets endowed with a deep irison, and in the world he was famous for the Roman "Travel of Gullyer". Swift always hidden under pseudonyms or did not point the authorship at all, but readers certainly recognized him in exceptional style.

Childhood and youth

The future writer was born in Dublin on November 30, 1667 - two months after the death of the father, a small judicial official. The boy got the name of the parent - Jonathan. The widow of the elder swift remained with two children in her arms and without livelihood, besides, the newborn turned out to be an extremely painful child with congenital pathology.

Jonathan Swift in youth

Peaceful for a while, Mom decided to give Jonathan to the upbringing of the secured brother of the late spouse, Godwina Swift, who was on a good account in the lawyer.

The boy graduated from the best in Ireland the gymnasium "Kilkenny", school years worried hard - I had to forget about free, but poor life, adapting to strict gymnasics. At the age of 14, Jonathan entered the Tiniti College at Dublin University, from where he left the degree of bachelor and resistant disgust to the sciences.


The creative biography of the writer began during a forced relocation to England. Uncle broke up, and the civil war broke out in his homeland. Jonathan Swift had to independently earn money, and he began to protrude to the secretary for the secretary to the rich and diplomat William Temple. The novice writer provided a free skip to the Solid Library of the Employer.

Writer Jonathan Swift

Visiting the Temple was prominent figures and representatives of Bohemia of that time, communication with which also prepared the soil for the writing talent of the Swift. The young poet, namely, from poetry and short essay, Jonathan went into literature, in the future he helped his benefactor to write memoirs.

From Britain, Swift returned to his homeland twice. In 1694, a young man, graduating from a magistracy in Oxford, accepted the spiritual San of the Anglican Church and became a priest in the church of a small Irish village. And a little later continued to serve in the metropolitan cathedral of St. Patrick. In parallel, it becomes the author of bright, sharp political pamphlets on the angry of the day.

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However, the responsibilities of the priest Jonathan are quickly tired, and he again arrived in England. Here, from under his pen, a series of poems came out, as well as the parables of the "Battle of Books" and "Fairy Barchk". The last work has become very popular - the people loved him, and the church condemned, although the writer did not think to criticize religion, just paroding pride.

Interestingly, the writer's own creativity was not going to advertise - all works were announced anonymously. In the future, this idea Jonathan Swift has not changed. However, everyone knew who was the author of these satirical books, poems and opuses.

Portrait of Jonathan Swift

The heyday of the Satyric Talent of the Writer fell in the 1710s. Jonathan Swift gained financial independence, stating the post of dean of the Cathedral of St. Patrick, and quietly enjoyed literature. His poems, pamphlets and articles were filled with anger about social injustice, reigning in society, criticism of power and religion. In 1720, the problem of the autonomy of Ireland becomes the central theme of creativity, which the British mercilessly tried to ruin.

Folk love and reverence collapsed on Jonathan after the anonymous "Letters of the Sukrobrik", which came out from under typographic machines by many thousands. They called for ignore English money and not buy goods produced in Britain. A wave of indignation rose, so that London was forced to change the governor, who appointed a remuneration to the one who will indicate the author "letters."

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Attempts to find the perpetrators were in vain, and England had to go on economic concessions. After these events, the swift was built into the rank of the National Hero, his portraits were spanking all Dublin. Soon another scandal happened, this time about sharp statements on poverty. The writer advised the government, which is unable to feed the younger generation, sell children on meat and skin.

For the work on the most famous novel about the travels of Gullivier Swift sat down at the beginning of the 20s of the 18th century. The first two books of a fantastic work, ridicuing human vices and imperfections of society, came out in 1726, and a year later, the readers received two more volumes. Gulliver's ship doctor meets the bushes and customs of the countries of Liliputs, giants and reasonable horses, falls on the flying island, the state of sorcerers, immortal people and even in the closed in those days for Europeans Japan.

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The tetralogy had a deafening success, in the future becoming classic literature and inspiration for tens of directors. Even in Russia, the books fell relatively quickly: in 1772, they translated from the French writer Yerofey Karkhavin. Initially, the novel had a surround name, however, it is an almost accurate translation of the original - "Traveling of Gulliverov to Liliput, Brodinaga, Laputa, Balnibarba, Guiggong Country or Horseback."

Personal life

Personal life of Jonathan Swift looks rather strange. The writer associated romantic relations with two girls whom the name was the same - Esther.

During the years of work, the Temple, a young man met his house with an 8-year-old daughter servant Esther Johnson. The age difference in 15 years did not interfere to make friends: Jonathan became a mentor and teacher of the girl, which was called Stella, and in the future and beloved. In the separation, the author of Gullivier wrote daily tender, penetrating letters, who turned after his death in the book "Diaries for Stella".

After the death of the mother, the orphaned Esther moved to Ireland, settling in the house of her beloved, although the girl was no more than the pupil of the writer. Biographers suggest that in 1716 the couple even married, but did not receive this fact on official confirmations.

Jonathan Swift and Vanessa

Another woman with whom Swift was seen in love relationship since 1707, called Esther Vanoveri. The orphan girl with Jonathan's mild hand wore Vanessa nickname. She is also dedicated to touching, sad letters.

Vanessa died from tuberculosis in 1723, and five years later Stella died. The writer was seriously worried about the loss of beloved women, these tragedies undermined health as physical and mental. But the man still had to go a long life path.


A few years before the death of Jonathan Swift suffered from mental illness. In letters, friends complained about the poor mood and all-consuming sorrow. The mental disorder progressed, and in 1742 the writer survived the stroke and turned out to be incapacitated at all - he could not move, lost speech. The man was appointed guardian. Satiri died in his homeland in October 1745.

Tomb of Jonathan Swift

Swift prepared for death back in 1731 by writing the poem "Poems to the death of Dr. Swift", in which he identified his own credo - "to treat the spoilness of human" with a cruel laughter. In the 40th year, an epitaph was reached from the writer's pen, engraved later on the tombstone, and he also bequeathed almost all accumulations for the construction of a hospital for mentally ill. Soon after the death of the writer built the "Hospital of St. Patrick for Imbecilov", the doors of which are still open.


  • 1697 - "Battle of Books"
  • 1704 - "Fairy Tale of Barrel"
  • 1710-1714 - "Diary for Stella"
  • 1726 - "Travel Gullyer"

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