Minotaur - character biography, image and character, quotes


Character History

Character of ancient Greek mythology, monster with human body and bullhead. Pacifia was born, the spouses of the Cretan Tsar Minos, after she entered into an intimate connection with the bull. King Minos settled the monster in the Knos Maze. Minotavra fed a human flesh to him to him into the maze of criminals. Once at nine years also came the party of boys and girls from Athens, who were given to the confusion of the monster. Killed the son of the Athens Tsar Teshem. The name "Minotaur" means "Bull Minos".

History of origin

There are several interpretations of the image of a minotaur and its possible origin. Historian Vladimir Borukhovich indicates the similarity of the Minotaur with the gods of ancient Egypt, which also portrayed in the form of people with animal heads. Another similar version states that the image of a minotaur in ancient Greece is a variation on the Phoenician Divine named Moloch, which also looked like a bull and man in one body. This deity was sacrificed to children. The murder of Minotaurus symbolizes the elimination of the cult of the milk.

Minotaurus Labyrinth

The ancient Greek philosopher Plutarch rationalistly interprets the myth and believes that the memory of the Minotaur has embodied the memory of the once permitted existing person. Allegedly at Tsar Minosa was a fierce Guardian Guardian named Tavr, and he took part in the battles that arranged in a labyrinth with the prisoners of entertainment. Later, this Tavr was killed by the Athenian Teshem during the battle in the harbor.

The English writer Mary Reno created the Roman "Teskey" on the basis of the myths of ancient Greece. In this literary version of the history of the appearance of the image of Minotaur, the tradition of the tradition of "bull dance" was transformed into the myth, the nature of the sacrifice existed on the island of Crete. On Cretan frescoes allegedly you can see the images of "bull dance".

Minotaur and Centaur

In Greek mythology there are many characters, in the appearance of which human and animal features are combined. Minotavra is sometimes confused with a centaur, but these are different characters. Centaur is a creature with human torso, which "grows" from the body of a horse, mythologized image of the rider. Minotaurus the bull head "sits" on the human body. Another animal character is Favn. Man with goat legs, horns and beard, patron of shepherds and cattle breeders.

Legend of Minotaur

The God of the Seas Poseidon (or, as an option, Rudverzz Zeus) sent the king of the island of Crete Minos of White Bull, so that the king would be sacrificed to the gods. Bull so liked Minos that the king was a pity to kill a luxurious animal. An ordinary bull was brought sacrificed. The gods were revengent Minosu: the king's wife, Pacifa, walked to the bull of passion and faced the beast. To attract the attention of the bull, the queen lay in a wooden cow, which was made specifically for this purpose. From this unnatural union and the Minotaur was born.

Testa and Minotaur

The monstrous son of Pacifia demonstrated the nature of the beast and a little was like a man. Minotavra lived in a labyrinth built for him, and people preferred for lunch. Minotaurus was given criminals. Once at nine years, the ship came from Athens, which carried on board fourteen boys and girls. Athens thus paid the crit tribute. These young people threw the minotaper on the ripple.

Once with a group of youth from Athens, the son of the Athens Tsar Teshek arrived. The young man decided to put an end to the payments of the monstrous tribute and deal with the minotaur. The daughter of Minos Ariadne fell in love with the Tereus and gave that tangle of threads. The Athenian Hero tied the end of the thread at the entrance and unwound the tangle, while it became made through the labyrinth, and then on this thread, Ariadna came back along with the saved tribesmen. In the labyrinth, the Teshe managed to kill the Minotaur with bare hands or, according to another version, a sword.

Ariadne and Minos.


The image of the Minotaur appears in the cinema and cartoons created based on Greek myths, but the character usually appears there in the guise of a monster, the enemy of the heroes - without a replica and meaningful role in the plot.

In the adventure film "Syndbad and Minotavr", in 2011 in Australia, King Minos turns into captain of Pirates Minos, who keeps the unprecedented treasure - the head of the colossus of Rhodes, cast out of pure gold. The main character of Sindbad wants to get this treasure, but for this Sindbad will have to face a monster minotaur that protects Misos Mazinist.


In the same year, the American fantasy fighter "War of the Gods: Immortal" came out. The film was removed based on the ancient Greek myths about the object and the minotaur and about the wars of Titans. Mythological plots in the scenario have undergone strong changes. For a start, the protagonist of the Testa in the film is not the son of the Athens Tsar, but a simple peasant young man. The hero is opposed to the despotic king of Hyperion. This king in one of the episodes sends a monstrous minotaur against the Tereus, whom the hero wins.

In 2006, the horror film "Minotaur" with the English actor Tom Hardy in the role of the theo - the main character, which becomes in the scenario in the place of the Tereus. Athens in the plot is replaced by a certain settlement, the inhabitants of which killed the heir to the Kratsky king and are now doomed to pay tribute to young men and girls who are sacrificed to Minotaur.

Actor Tom Hardy

Theo - the Son of the elder of this settlement and is in a privileged position in relation to the rest of the young people. "Getting under the distribution" does not threaten the hero, the father peers the hero. Theo, however, himself secretly makes his way to the ship, who brings the next party of victims to the minotaur, because the bride of the Teo fell into the previous batch. The hero wants to fight with a minotaur and return the bride while that is still alive.

An animated embodiment of a minotaur can be seen in the Soviet multiplication film "Labyrinth. Penitions of Teasy ", released in 1971.

Minotaur in cartoon

Minotaurs as the people are present in the books and films of the series "Chronicles of Narnia". This is a humanoid type of creature with a human body and a bullish head. Consist in service at the White Witch. In the film "Lev, Witch and Magic Cabinet" (2005), the Minotaur Omina appears, which the actor Shane rank is played. In Prince Caspian (2008) and "Conqueror Dawn" (2010) there are also characters from the people of Minotaurov. All these minor heroes, even though they represent "different" minotavrov, playing the same actor.


"We will build a labyrinth in which I can get lost with those who want to find me - who said that and what?"

(Viktor Pelievin, "Helm Helmet: Creature about Tales and Minotaur")

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