Movie "Red River" (2021) - Release date, Actors and Roles, Facts, Trailer


The premiere of the dramatic film "Red River" took place in the world in October 2018. The release date of the project in Russian cinemas - July 1. The rolling team was the company "Sat film". The main heroes of the tape will have to reveal the scandalous murder, in which the son of one of the dark-skinned judges was the victim. The higher authorities are trying to leave the perpetrators without punishment, because we are talking about police officers. However, the father of the killed guy seriously intends to fight the system and wants to restore justice at any cost.

In the material 24cmi - a selection of interesting facts about creating a picture, actors, roles and plot.

Plot and shooting

According to the plot of the film, the family of a dark-skinned judge named Charles Coleman happily lives in Texas. The son of Coleman Si Jay entered the university and began to live separately from his parents, although he often arrives at visit. One day, the terrible tragedy destroyed the happiness and well-being of the family: the son of the judge took a two police officers during the walk, there was a skirmish on the basis of racism. As a result, the guy died. However, I finally prove the murderers and, according to the law, I could not punish them: they skillfully furnished the case in such a way that weapons used to protect, alleged Coleman attacked them first. Cops remain free, and the case is closed.

The judge is shocked by the injustice of the current situation and intends to achieve truth, by all means. But its influences and connections are not enough to bring the case to the end. Soon it turns out that another guy, the father of which, Latin American Garcia, worked as a victim of unscrupulous polismen, is working on a simple mechanic. A successful detective, to whom Coleman turned to help, finds the way to collect a compromising on the police. By uniting, men declare war on the unfair unfair system and intend to restore justice.

The film company was engaged in the film company Sweet Unknown Studios, Optimad Entertainment Media, Premiere Picture, Starring Entertainment. The director's chair in the project went to Wesu Miller. The producers performed James Bruce, Jacqueline Fleming, Joel Shapiro, Abdul Ayad, Danny Chan, Brendan Cobb, Luke Daniels, Charles Dorfman. The author of the musical accompaniment was the composer Pierre Hit. Sharon Rodzho, Yunis Jera Lee, Jenna Yussman and Angela Lawson engaged in decoration of the painting.

Actors and roles

The main roles in the tape were played:

  • Tay Diggs - Charles Coleman, a judge who has a son from the hands of the police officers;
  • John Cusack - Choras;
  • George Lopez - Javier;
  • Luke Hemsworth - Won;
  • Gianni Kapaldi - Rory;
  • Briana Evigan - Marilyn;
  • Ar-Jay Mitt - Officer Thomas;
  • Stephen Brevy - Bran Van;
  • Jennifer Tao - Ivi.

Also in the film "Red River" starred: Jacqueline Fleming, Joseph Belk, Michael Clofine, John D. Hickman, Spencer Kingsley, Curtis Nikuls, Mei Novak and other actors.

Interesting Facts

1. Director WES Miller is also known as a screenwriter and producer. Among his creative works, such tapes like "hell on the border", "redemption", the scenario for the project "Justice powerless" and other films.

2. The slogan of the picture was the phrase of Vengeance Is The Only Justice, which means "revenge - the only justice."

3. Shooting the project took place in 2018 in the United States, in Oregon (Portland) and Kentucky.

4. The rating of the film "Red River" at the film soldiers stopped in the area of ​​4.55-6 stars out of 10. Cash taxes of the project amounted to $ 61,789.

Movie "Red River" - Trailer:

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