Christopher Khiveye - biography, personal life, photo, news, films, without beard, "Witcher", height 2021



The Norwegian Artist Christopher Chiwheas is most famous for the roles of charismatic colorful bearded bearded with the flaming eyes and the accuracy of the acting game in combat scenes. But the militant savage in real life is also a big merry and kind family man, with trepidation and passion belonging to the beloved wife Grier.

Childhood and youth

Christopher was born December 7, 1978 in Oslo. Parents Eric Khivev and Liselott Holman by nationality Norwegians, and by profession artists. The spouses did not make the Son choose this profession and did not take care of the camera from childhood. Together with the father, Christopher starred in the Flax short film in adulthood. The family has another famous in the world of cinema relative: French actress and director Isabel Nanti has a star to a cousin.

Christopher Khivev in youth without beard

In his youth, Christopher entered the law faculty of the University of Oslo, and in parallel he studied at the Faculty of Journalism (in absentia). Hivers's vocational education mastered in the Danish branch of Gitis, located in the city of Aarhus. Diploma received in 2004, but he began to act in episodes of television serials still without a beard, being a student. In 2001, he received a small role in the Fox Grønland ribbon.


The artist filmography includes multiserious and short projects that have not translated into Russian, and in general outside of Scandinavia remained little-known. In 2008, Khivev starred in the Thriller "Massacre" director of Patrick Siversen. A good horror with blood puddles got into world rolling, and a charismatic actor - in the field of vision of American directors.

In 2011, the team under the direction of the director of Mattis Van Heinogen Jr. shot a fantastic fighter "Something", in which the team of Norwegian scientists discovers in Antarctica frozen aliens of the Werewolf. The role of Jonas, one of the brave researchers, successfully performed Christopher. The picture was noticed by critics and in 2012 submitted to the Saturn Prize in 2 nominations.

In 2012, Khivev again worked in a science fiction adventure tape. The scenario of the American director M. Knit Syamallan "After our era" gathered a whole bouquet of negative reviews. The project was nominated for 6 anti-ramp "Golden Malina": for the worst movie, the worst scenario, the director, the acting game of the first and second plan and the on-screen pair.

But the unsuccessful picture did not spoil the biography of celebrities. In 2013, the 3rd season of the "Games of the Thrones" was published, in which Christopher played one of the main roles - Skary Tormund Giant Death. The winner of the giants and in reality is not a miniature: the growth of Christopher 183 cm, and the weight is 83 kg. Khiveye is complicated proportionally and holds convincingly.

According to the plot in the tape there are scenes, where a romantic spark flarelves between the Tormund and the warrior of the shaved tart (Gwendoline Christi). Christie recalled in an interview, which enjoyed working with Khivev and barely restrained laughter. Humorist Christopher melted even the ice of closed Rory McCanana - in the breaks between the filming of men were entertained by singing under the guitar.

Christopher Khiveye - biography, personal life, photo, news, films, without beard,

The shooting in each season of the series occupied about six months, and during the rest of the time the artist implemented creative opportunities in other projects. The actor appeared in a black criminal comedy "stupid business is simple." The film participated in the competitive program of the Berlin Film Festival in 2014, but the prizes did not conquer.

The most successful was the work of Khivev in the Drama "Force Major". Rental in 2014, the Swedish film director Ruben Estlund received 6 Golden Beetle premiums in 2015. One of these awards ("The best actor of the second plan") rightfully went to Christopher Khivev for the role of mats - a divorced man who tries to build relations with a young girlfriend.

In 2015, the artist with a bright appearance got the image of the Viking in the historical adventure picture "Birkebainers". The plot of the film is unfolding at the beginning of the XIII century, and the audiences again see Khivev in fur and armor, with a sword and onions. Christopher Torstein Character Skven Lecho runs on skis and selflessly protects the young Norwegian King Hokona IV.

After the "Birkebainers" and "Games of the Thrones", the fans turned out to be a little unusual to see Christopher in the 8th part of the Furious franchise director Flucis Gary Gray. Hero Hive - the screen enemy of the wine of the diesel. In addition to the United States, shooting was carried out in Iceland and in Cuba. For the first weekend, cash charges in the world exceeded $ 500 million.

Christopher starred in the Joint Columbian and Norwegian Dram "Mango - Life Coincidences" about the adventures of a small unworker, according to the incredible coincidence of the circumstances of Columbia's slums into the prosperous Scandinavian family. Then followed the work on the "twin" ribbons and the "high-speed descent", but the main role of Khivue remains the savage of Tormund.

Personal life

Personal life of the actor is firmly connected with the life of Grew Merra Khivev - journalist, photographer and director. Wife older husband for 8 years. The lovers met in the youth, but in the official marriage entered in the summer of 2015. Now the couple lives in Norway and raises 2 children - the daughters of Nur and Strey.

In the summer of 2017, the family scandal of the spouses fell into the lens of paparazzi. Temperamental Norwegians quarreled on the street for more than an hour, according to eyewitness. In the pictures of journalists, the scene looked like a dramatic theatrical stage. But the exception has happened rather, harmony reigns in the house.

Together with his wife, Christopher visited Veliky Novgorod. Scandinavians arrived in Russia for inspiration: Grew shot a documentary about King Olaf. According to the legend, the konung stayed in Russia to see the beloved in Ingigerda (Irina), which became the wife of Yaroslav Wise.

Despite the status of a married man and brutal, sometimes frightening appearance, Khivev is popular with the "Games of Thrones". When the artist posted a long-fashioned photo in an instagram account with a smoothly shaved face, the fans first did not know in the young man of harsh Viking Khivev, but considered, assessed and threw as obscene proposals.

A strict contract forbade the actors of the "Games of Thrones" to change the hairstyles and other details of the appearance to their taste until the end of the project, but after the end of the shooting "Tormund" received the opportunity to transform beyond recognition. But Khiveye does not hurry to change the image.

Christopher Khivey now

In 2021, Netflix announced that the role of the human-like being of Nivellen in the 2nd season "Witcher" will get to Christophore. The decision on the shooting of the continuation of the fantasy series the authors of the project adopted before the premiere of the first season. The work was postponed several times due to the COVID-19 pandemic and Henry Caville injury.


  • 2008 - "Massacre"
  • 2011 - "Something"
  • 2013 - "After our era"
  • 2013-2019 - "Game of Thrones"
  • 2014 - "Stupid business is simple"
  • 2014 - Fors Major
  • 2014 - "Survive in the Arctic"
  • 2016 - Birkebainers
  • 2016-2021 - Commissioner Martin Beck
  • 2017 - "Fast and Furious 8"
  • 2019 - "twin"
  • 2019 - "Under Sun"
  • 2021 - "Witcher"

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