Sergey Skripal - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Poisoning 2021



Sergey Skripal is a military intelligence officer, until 1999 an employee of the GRU, colonel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. In 2006, it became known that he was recruited by the General Services of Great Britain. He was condemned for treason and espionage, as well as deprived the military rank. In 2010, he was pardoned.

Childhood and youth

About the childhood of Sergey Sriply, little is known. To date, he has double citizenship - British and Russian. Born in Kiev on June 23, 1951. According to other information, it was born in Kaliningrad, and childhood spent in the same area, the city of Ozersk, located near the border with Poland.

From childhood, the violinist dreamed of military service, probably due to the professions of his parents. Father stood at the head of the rocket military unit under Ozersky, and the mother in the district committee of the CPSU was the secretary.

After school, Sergey entered the Military School in Kaliningrad. He studied in the specialty "Supper-paratrooper". Later he studied at the Military Engineering Academy named after V. V. Kuibyshev, where he became an officer-paratrooper. Soon from the Airborne Forces was transferred to the GRU.

Personal life

With the wife of Lyudmila, the Military Affaire was engaged in his youth, in 1972. 2 years after the wedding, the pair had a first-mentioned son Alexander. In 1985, the daughter of Julia Skripal appeared per light. There were no other children.

Sergey Viktorovich's personal life was not so rosy. Lyudmila died in 2012 from the uterus cancer, she was buried in England, in Salisbury.

In 2017, the son of the screech died. It happened during a trip to St. Petersburg. The cause of death was hepatic insufficiency.

After the death of his wife, a sustainable departure from the life of his son became a heavy blow for a man. The daughter who moved from England to Russia in 2014, tried more often to visit his father in his house in Salisbury.

Military Service and Intelligence

Until 1999, Sergey Skripal served in the main intelligence department of the General Staff of Russia. Resign went to the rank of colonel. After worked in the Russian Foreign Ministry, in the Government of Moscow. The man also led teaching activities in the Military Diplomatic Academy. After 2003, it was engaged in business. He became co-owner of the company "Yuniekspl". The company was engaged in demining the terrain, the disposal of old ammunition, etc.

At the end of the summer of 2016, the company stopped its activities.

Conviction and pardon

In 2004, Sergey Viktorovich's arrest took place. FSB employees accused him of cooperation with the Secret Intelligence Service of the UK Mi-6. During the investigation, it was established that the screed was recruited in 1995. At this time, he just worked in the GRU. It happened in Spain, the Russian was a military attache at the Russian Embassy. The recruitment organizer became the British scout Pablo Miller.

Returning from Spain, Sergey Viktorovich headed the management of the staff of the GRU, so he knew Russian intelligence workers who worked under cover abroad. This data is screed and passed in Mi-6. Even after the resignation, he continued to work on Britain.

The necessary information received through former colleagues and colleagues. As a result, he managed to transfer more than 20 thousand completely secret documents. The violinist inflicted considerable damage to the security and defense capability of Russia.

As a result, Sergey Viktorovich confessed to espionage and gave detailed testimony. The court was accounted for, the screed was sentenced to imprisonment for 13 years with a period of time in a strict regime colony. Also, he was demolished from all the titles. Of course, he fell for state treason in prison with the labels "Traitor", "Spy" "Double Agent".

In 2010, the screech was pardoned, this happened as part of the exchange of agents of Russian special services arrested in the United States. The Government of Great Britain insisted on his release.

After getting out of prison, Sergei Viktorovich moved to England. The authorities of the country appointed him a pension and guaranteed support. The screed with the family settled in the city of Salisbury.


On March 4, 2018, a shopping center in Salisbury found Sergey Skripalya and his daughter Julia in an unconscious state. Eyewitnesses said that the man was not in himself, he chaotic waved his hands and looked untreasty eyes. The girl fell to his shoulder. They were urgently hospitalized, diagnosed severe poisoning and placed in resuscitation in a state of coma.

After multiple expertise, it was established that rare nerve gas was used to attempt to Sergey Sriphal and his daughter. By the way, after the incident, the police officer also got into the hospital, which the first was at the crime scene, and also examined the House of Sergei Viktorovich.

Footprints of the poison discovered in a cafe where the father and daughter dined on the day before. The special service was directed at the cemetery, where the wife and son of the screech are buried. The territory was hooked, there were suspicions that the flowers on the graves can also be poisoned. Later, the network has information that the bodies of relatives are exhumated, but there is no official confirmation.

On March 12, 2018, Teresa May reported that the poison, with which the crime was committed, was carried out in Russia. The newcomer class substance was really developed in the USSR in the 1970s.

For this reason, Vil Mirzayanov gave his commentary by the British media - a military chemist who claims that he is one of the immediate creators of the "Novice." True, with Russia a man has no relation to the relationship: he was twice arrested for disclosing state secrets. As a result, the man immigrated to the United States.

Mirzayanov said that there is no chance of recovery from the violinist and his daughter. Even if they remain alive, after poisoning, they will never get better. In the case of Sergey Viktorovich, it agrees the treatment and its no longer a young age.

Maria Zakharova reported that Britain leads to the Russian Federation an information campaign based on provocations. And the spokesman for Dmitry Peskov, in turn, said: the Kremlin is not surprised at suspicion of Russia's involvement in the occurrence.

Despite the low-promising predictions of doctors, 2 weeks after finding in resuscitation, the state of health Sergey Viktorovich improved, he was no longer in critical condition. At the end of March, Julia was already able to speak, and a week later he left the coma and her father.

On April 10, Yulia was discharged from the hospital, but she refused to give interviews. And all the comments on her behalf were published by the headquarters of the police office in England Scotland Yard. The recovery of the elder violinist went much longer. He was able to get home only in mid-May.

According to insiders, the bridegroom, Julia Stepan Vikeev disappeared immediately after what happened, everyone refers to that the reason for this was his unwillingness to be filtered into a similar story.

In addition, in the articles about the family, the violinist said, supposedly the mother of Stepan Tatyana Vikeeva was the employee of the security forces, headed the Institute of Contemporary Safety Problems. Her son worked there.

Sergey Skripal now

In the spring of 2020, Russian reporters decided to find out the fate of the cripples after discharge from the hospital. The issue that Sergey Viktorovich and Julia happens now, came out on the first channel on the ether of the next news. The journalist arrived at home, where a former military intelligence officer lived in 2018 and noted: the building looks like the same as 2 years ago.

At first, local authorities wanted to buy a house, then planned to demolish it. A number of living people convinced that he was allegedly saturated with a poisonous substance. But nothing from the planned was not fulfilled.

In the British press, they wrote that the scripts were settled in the secret refuge of Mi-6, somewhere in the kingdom, but in the future they are planning to move forever to Australia. However, John Halmer, who conducted his own journalistic investigation, was greatly doubted by the plausibility of this version. He outlined his guesses in the book "Sripl in prison", explaining: "Spy", most likely, was isolated by the British government, which fears that he will tell the truth.

For other information, father and daughter moved to New Zealand, where they settled on a permanent basis with new invented biographies. In the article The Sunday Times, with reference to the sources in the British government, it was supposed to be financial assistance and fully converted documents. At the same time, until the end of the life, the violinations will have to refrain from contacts with relatives and close people. New photos of the father and daughter have not appear in the press for a long time.

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