Anastasia Rusova - biography, personal life, photo, news, "What? Where? When? ", Ilya Novikov 2021



Anastasia Grisov's his biography proved that the phrase about the division of women in smart and beautiful no more than an unsuccessful joke of envious. For no one year, it is successfully fighting in the fields of intellectual fights of the cult transmission "What? Where? When?". Spectators Nastya was remembered not only to a brilliant game, but also novels with colleagues in the project.

Childhood and youth

The future expert was born on October 23, 1986 in Kolomna near Moscow. The mental abilities of the girl manifested themselves at school age: Nastya studied with honors and struck teachers with the speed with which the new information was mastered. She graduated from the school with a gold medal and easily entered the highest school of the economy.

"What? Where? When?" It appeared in the life of the jam is no coincidence. Even at school, the girl gladly watched the issues of this program and even participated in the city tournament, arranged by local program fans. Then the team, which included Anastasia, took the 3rd place. The connoisse itself remembered later that he considered himself and his comrades weak and was pleasantly surprised by the result.

After school Nastya did not lose interest in the past hobbies. The girl even gathered his own team, and on the 2nd course he joined the strong composition of the national team of the university. It was considered a serious achievement, but Grisov dreamed of more: to become part of the elite club of intellectuals, which the whole country calls not otherwise as connoisseurs.

"What? Where? When?"

As you know, a dream, multiplied by effort and purposefulness, can not be not fulfilled: Already in 2011, Anastasia Jusova proved that he decent to join the group of experts and fight in the legendary intellectual casino live. The girl became part of the team of Andrei Supyanovich, and later he continued to play the team of Rhushan Askherov.

Over the years of Games, Anastasia has repeatedly proven to comrades, and the audience, that the title of the connoisseur was not in vain. She demonstrated encyclopedic knowledge, as well as a smelter, a quick reaction and, of course, the skill to play the team. Jesova is not afraid to take responsibility and knows how to support friends in acute situations.

In an interview with journalists, the connoisseur was repeatedly recognized that an excitement was experiencing before each game, but the on the eve does not prepare for the upcoming intellectual battles.

According to the participants, the preparation for the game is a constant reading of the news of science and culture, as well as scientific and documentary books. And although not every match of the experts ends in favor of recognized intellectuals, Anastasia believes that each time the team is playing stronger and stronger.

The game does not cost anyway without excesses: in 2017, the team of Roman Askherov began defeating in one of the rounds of the program due to the tip of Kim Galachyan. He stood among the audience in the hall and, apparently, tried to help his beloved and prompt the right answer. However, the lead show noted this, and the team had to give way to the opponents.

Spectators are still waiting for the next series of games with the participation of Anastasia jokes and favorite team. In September 2018, due to the departure of the captain of the team of Roshovan Askherov, for which Jesot played, experts (and this, in addition to Anastasia, Alena Plinka, Natalia Kulikova, Ekaterina Meremeinskaya and Inna Semenov) temporarily dropped out of the game.

The 2019 season was discovered in spring an unusual release. Places of participants of the game were taken by married couples, which have developed on the project: Anastasia Rusova and Kim Galachyan, Catherine and Stanislav Mereminsky, captain of the team Inna Semenov and her spouse Mikhail Malkin.

In the 2020th team of Balash Kasumov, which turned out to be Anastasia, reached the final of the autumn series.

Personal life

It turned out that satellites of life Anastasia met in the club. The first chosen one from the number of players "What? Where? When?" Ilya Novikov became the repeated owner of the cherished "Crystal Owl" and part-time professional lawyer.

The relations of two smart people quickly shone in the heart plane, and in 2013, Ilya made a long-awaited suggestion. Anastasia Rusov did not refuse Novikov, and in the summer of the same year, a happy couple went on a trip to the North Pole. There, on board the icebreaker called "50 years of Victory", young people played a wedding. The solemn ceremony spent the captain of the vessel.

Despite the fact that the bride had to wrap in the down jacket, the snow-white veil looked at touching and romantic, and the photo from this non-standard wedding was "walked" on fan pages in "Instagram", in Vkontakte and other social networks. The guests of such an original event became 150 people who were not frightened by harsh weather conditions.

Of course, the ceremony carried out by the captain of the icebreaker did not have a legitimate force. Therefore, returning from the edge of the eternal ice, the lovers were re-combined with marriage. This time the event passed traditionally - in the registry office, and Anastasia became the real wife of Ilya Novikov.

Unfortunately, the family life, started so bright and non-standard, did not set himself. In 2015, Anastasia Rusova and Ilya Novikov broke up. The causes of divorce former spouses chose to leave secret, leaving fans, viewers and journalists in bewilderment. Couples did not happen to the couple.

But in the personal life of Anastasia, the smoothness reigned loneliness: she had a novel with another intellectual of the Club of experts. This time the chosen is Kim Galachyan.

Anastasia Rusova and her husband Kim Galachyan

The new Beloved Anastasia Rode from Yerevan, moved to Moscow to enter MGIMO, who graduated in 2015. And a year later Kim married Anastasia jokes.

In a frank interview, Galachyan admitted that he had long laid an eye on Bright Anastasia, but her novel with Ilya Novikov had a cold of a young man. And only when Grudov again became free, Kim dared to romantic courtship and achieved a dream.

Now Anastasia Jesova is happy with her husband, however, the details of the family life still prefers to leave behind the scenes. It is known that a child has a child - a son, her house affectionately call him. In the frame of the same, the audience see the expressive and exciting game of Nastya in the Studio of the Transmission Studio "What? Where? When?".

Anastasia Grisova now

At the end of March 2021, the next season of games began. Anastasia became the companion of Elizabeth Odeenko, who first made a captain. The first game of experts lost, but the fans celebrated their decent and bright game.

In the new season there will be no rating - past merit will not affect the result, the chances of the teams are equal. The final is a team of experts with the largest score in the qualifying game.

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