Nikolay Roerich - biography, photo, personal life, paintings, death



Nikolai Konstantinovich Roerich is an outstanding figure of Russian and world culture. Artist, philosopher, writer, scientist, public figure and traveler. After herself, he left a huge creative heritage - over seven thousand paintings, about thirty volumes of literary works.

Childhood and youth

Nikolay Roerich was born in St. Petersburg on October 9, 1874. His father Konstantin Fedorovich Roerich was influential in the city of the lawyer. Mother Maria Vasilyevna was a housewife, brought up children. Nikolai had an older sister Lydia and two younger brothers - Vladimir and Boris.

Artist Nikolai Roerich

In childhood, the boy became interested in history, read a lot. Sculptor Mikhail Mikeshin, who was a frequent guest in the family of Roerich, noticed that Nicholas had talent for drawing, and began to train him with artistic craft. He studied Roerich in the gymnasium of Charles May. His classmates were Alexander Benois, Dmitry Philosophers.

At the end, he entered the Imperial Academy of Arts. And in parallel he studied at the university on a lawyer. At the Academy worked in the workshop of the famous archite Archka Ivanovich Quinji. At that time, closely communicated with Ilya Repin, Nikolai Roman-Korsakov, Anatoly Lyadov and others.

Nikolay Roerich in childhood and youth

In the student years, traveled to archaeological excavations, and in 1895 he became a member of the Russian archaeological society. On these trips, he recorded the stories of the local folklore.

In 1897, Nikolai Roerich graduated from the Academy of Arts. His diploma work was a picture of the "messenger", she acquired Pavl Tretyakov for his gallery. At the same time, the young artist received the position of assistant to the head of the Imperial Museum, and in parallel worked in the publication "Art and Art Industry".


In 1900, Nikolai Konstantinovich Roerich decides to go to Paris, he studied in the studios of the artists of Fernan Kormon and Pierre Piges de Chavanna. Upon returning Roerich, he preferred to write historical stories. The early period of his work includes pictures of "Idols", "build the roasters", "elders converge", etc. The artist worked in the field of monumental and theatrical and decorative painting.

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Starting from 1905, Roerich worked on the design of ballet, opera and dramatic performances. During this period, Nikolai Konstantinovich conducts active activities to revive artistic Russia and the preservation of antiquity monuments.

In 1903, he organizes a journey through ancient Russian cities. At this time, he writes a series of etudes with monuments of Architecture of Russia. The artist also creates sketches for churches and chapels. In 1910, he participated in archaeological excavations, in which he managed to detect the remains of the Kremlin of ancient Novgorod.

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In 1913, Roerich began working on two panels - "Sword with Kergents" and "Conquest Kazan". The size of the canvas were impressive. "Conquest Kazan" was created for the design of the Kazan station in Moscow. But because of the war, the construction of the station was delayed. Temporarily panel was transferred to the Academy of Arts.

But her new leader from his personal considerations decided to destroy the Museum of the Academy and all the exhibits, in it were. As a result, the canvas of the Roerich was cut into pieces and distributed to students. That's so irretrievably killed the work of the Great Artist.

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Nikolai Konstantinovich worked on the design of book-magazine graphics, for example, he participated in the creation of publication of Pieces Moris Meterlinka. In 1918, Roerich moved to the United States. In New York, he created the United Arts Institute. In 1923, the Roerich Museum began to operate in the city - it was the first museum of the Russian artist, open outside of Russia.

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But, perhaps, his expedition in Himalayas left the greatest footprint on the work of Roerich. In 1923, he came to India with his family. He immediately began to prepare for the most important journey in his life - on an expedition to hard-to-reach Central Asian places.

These territories were interested in him not only as an artist. He wanted to explore and solve problems related to the world migration of the ancient peoples. The route was long and complicated. He passed through Sikkim, Kashmir, Sinjiang (China), Siberia, Altai, Tibet, and even the faded areas of transgimalayev.

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In terms of the number of material collected, this expedition can be bolden by the largest expeditions of the twentieth century. She lasted 39 months - from 1925 to 1928.

Perhaps the most popular pictures of Roerich were created precisely under the impression of this journey and the Great Mountains. The artist created a series of paintings of the "teacher of the East", "Mother of the World" - a cycle dedicated to the Great Women's Beginning. During this period, he wrote over 600 paintings. In his work, philosophical searches came to the fore.


Great and literary heritage of Nikolai Konstantinovich Roerich. He published a collection of poems "Flowers of Moria", a few prosaic books - "Firm Firemen", "Altai-Himalayas", "Shambala", etc.

But perhaps the main literary work of Roerich is the spiritual doctrine of "Agni Yoga" or "Living Ethics". It was created with the participation of the spouse of Nikolai Konstantinovich - Helena Roerich. First of all, this is the philosophy of cosmic reality, the natural evolution of space. According to the teachings, the meaning of the evolution of mankind is spiritual enlightenment and improvement.

Signing Roerich Covenant April 15, 1935

In 1929, thanks to Roerich, Nikolay Konstantinovich began a new stage in the history of all mankind - a Pact of the Roerich was adopted. It was the first document in history, the speech in which was about the protection of world cultural heritage. The agreement on the protection of art and scientific institutions, as well as historical monuments was signed by 21 countries.

Personal life

The significant year for Nikolai Roerich was 1899. He met his future wife - Elena Ivanovna Shaposhnikov. She came from the family of the Petersburg intelligentsia. Since childhood, he was fond of drawing and playing the piano, later began to study philosophy, religion and mythology. They immediately imbued with each other, the same looked at the world. Therefore, soon their sympathy has grown into a strong feeling. In 1901, young people got married.

Nikolai Roerich and his wife Elena

All his life, they complemented each other in creative and spiritual terms. Elena Ivanovna shared any endeavors of her husband, was a reliable companion and a faithful friend. In 1902, their firstborn - son Yuri appeared. And in 1904 the son of Svyatoslav was born.

In his books, Roerich Elena Ivanovna called not otherwise as "inspirational" and "the other". New pictures he showed first of all to her, trusting her intuition and taste. In all journeys and expeditions, Elena Ivanovna accompanied the spouse. Thanks to her, Roerich met with the works of thinkers of India.

Nikolay Roerich with sons

There is a version that Elena Ivanovna was sick with a mental illness. This was testified by their family doctor Yalovenko. He wrote that the woman suffers from the epileptic aura. According to him, such patients often hear voices and see invisible items. The doctor reported this and Nikolai Konstantinovich. But it perceived this information cold. Roerich often fell under her influence and even believed in its extrasensory abilities.


Back in 1939, Nikolay Konstantinovich was diagnosed with a heart disease. In recent years, the artist wanted to return to Russia, but the war began, then he was denied an entry visa. In the spring of 1947, still came so long-awaited permission. The Roerich family began to prepare for departure.

Stone on the site of cremation Nikolai Roerich

December 13, 1947, when things were packaged and over 400 paintings, Nikolai Konstantinovich wrote the picture "Order of the teacher." Suddenly, his heart stopped fighting. Buried the great artist in Indian custom - the body was burned and dispelled in the wind from the top of the mountain. At the site of cremation, there was a monument with the inscription:

"The Grand Russian Friend of India."


  • 1897 - "The messenger (rebelled the genus)"
  • 1901 - "Overseas guests"
  • 1901 - "Idols"
  • 1905 - "Treasure of Angels"
  • 1912 - "Angel last"
  • 1922 - "And we work"
  • 1931 - Zarathustra
  • 1931 - "Fires of Victory"
  • 1932 - "Saint Sergius Radonezh"
  • 1933 - "Path to Shamball"
  • 1936 - "The desert ship (lonely traveler)"
  • 1938 - "Everest"


  • 1931 - "Power of Light"
  • 1990 - "Night Hearts"
  • 1991 - "Gates to the Future"
  • 1991 - "Independent"
  • 1994 - "On the eternal ..."
  • 2004 - "Agni Yoga in 5 volumes"
  • 2008 - "Era Sign"
  • 2009 - "Altai - Himalayas"
  • 2011 - "Flowers Moria"
  • 2012 - "Myth of Atlantis"
  • 2012 - "Shambala"
  • 2012 - "Shambala shining"

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