Mark Anthony - biography, photo, personal life of the commander, death Mark Anthony: personal life, love story, Cleopatra, Caesar, Rome, death



Defender of the people's right, the consul, a member of the triumvirate, a friend of the Great Caesar, a talented warrant who won the heart of Cleopatra's tsaritsa. All this is about the brand of Antonia, the political figure of ancient Rome. The scale of the personality of this man made it a hero of the old legends and modern series, a key object of scenic cavifles and literary works, a sign figure of the Populi Romani sunset.

Childhood and youth

Judging by the pedigree, the biography of Mark Anthony could not work out otherwise, as in the field of politics or on the battlefields. The future commander, according to one information, was born in 83 BC. In the records left by Plutarch, it is indicated to the existence of some documents, according to which the military leader died at the age of 56, that is, the birth of famous Romans is likely to be 86 to N. NS.

Mark Anthony

The family belonged to the aristocratic genus, which had made a significant contribution to Rome's social life. According to legend, the second part of the names of sons originates from Anthony, the descendant of the legendary herakla. Grand's grandfather, he received a nickname speaker for eloquence, - censor and consul, an ardent follower of the ideas of the Sulla reformer, for which he paid for life. Consulate members were also relatives: from the Father - Guy Anthony Hybrid, Lucius Julius Caesar - along the mother's mother.

Mark Anthony's father Cretsky is a military leader, but he received the nickname not in honor of the feats, but in a mockery for "acts" at the post of governor on the island of Crete: He left bad memory of herself. Yulia's mother had a relative of Julia Caesar, which could not not affect his career advancement. The family grew another two younger sons - Guy and Louchies. Father died in 71 BC, leaving a family with huge debts.

Mark Anthony in the chariot, harnessed lions

Mother married Pretor Publishing Cornelia Lentula Sura. But the wife of the representative of the authorities, Julia stayed for a long time: in 63 BC Lentula was executed for participating in a conspiracy under the leadership of Lucius Sergius Callean. By the way, in the disclosure of the conspiracy, the philosopher Cicero played an active role, whose execution is attributed to the brand of Anthony.

The initial formation is small Anthony at home, as was taken in noble families. In the Cicero works, it was noted that the young man managed to in the sciences, although he lived according to a common aphorism "every age is inherent in its own characteristics." Young years Mark spent on idle and entertainment, aggravated the financial position of the family and soon was expelled from the house. The Romans went to Greece to study philosophy and rhetoric, but soon this occupation was bored, and he joined the Legioneers of the Abula Gabinia, Proconsula Syria.


Soon Avl suggested the Anthony to head Cavalry, the young commander showed non-free abilities, courage and courage, distinguished himself in the suppression of the rebellion of Tsar Aristobul second in Judea, and later helped Ptolemye Xii Avlet back to the Egyptian throne.

Thanks to the brand Ptolemy, he cleared over the defeated and gave tribute to their leadership Archela - the deceased commander buried with the honors. The sympathies of the Egyptians were on the side of the Roman commander, and the finding of his troops in Egypt did not meet resistance. The legend says that then Mark first met with Ptolemy's daughter - an excellent Cleopater.

Arrival Mark Anthony in Ephesus

Returning to Rome, Anthony got close to Julia Caesar and became his indispensable assistant. Many times in the battles of Anthony came out of difficult situations, inspiring the troops with his own example. Caesar did not just sympathize with the descendant of Patriches, he highly appreciated the personal courage and the courage of the brand, during his absence trusted to fullly control the subordinate territories. And after the conquest, Gaul Mark is finally rich.

At the initiative of his patron, Mark Anthony also received the place of the questor - a manager for financial economic issues, and then posts of August and the People's Tribune. Before him there was a task not to allow the Senate to make decisions infringe upon the rights of Julia.

Mark Anthony and Julius Caesar

In 50 G. BC, at the end of the term of Caesar's stay as Gaisar's post, he wanted to return to Rome to try to get the position of consul of the Eternal City. However, the meeting of the "best people", led by Gneuke Pompei, was opposed and demanded the powers from Caesar.

The actions of Anthony in defense of Caesar were condemned and the actions were also kicked out of the Senate, and from the city. Restricted by such acts, Julius announced the Senate outside the law. In the future, the collision has grown into the last civil war of the Republic of Roman Republic. At the same time, an event was occurring, known in history as a transition of Rubicon. In 44, Mark Antonius was elected a consul, his brother Guy - Pretor, and Lucius - People's Tribune.

Mark Anthony over Caesar's body

After the murder of Caesar, Anthony hurried to intercept the initiative, for some time he took a dominant position in Rome. The ability to beautifully state thoughts came in handy consul in the fight against the authorities for power. His fiery speech with bloody clothes Julia in his hands practically conceived people to war with supporters of Caesar's killers.

In order to avoid conflict with rivals, Anthony formed the Political Union "The Second Triumvirate" with the grandchildren of Caesar Oktavian, who later became the emperor, Mark Emily Lipid, Master of Connection. Union has existed for 10 years. The insurmountable disagreements between Octavian and Anthony poured into another military collision, where in the end the latter suffered defeat.

Personal life

The first wife of the commander was Fadia, the daughter of the slave released. Mesallians was explained by the disadvantaged behavior of young Anthony, because of what he could not find a significant bride.

The second spouse of Triumvir - Fulvia, the widow of the Sicilian proparer, which unleashed Peruzian War to take away her husband at the rival. In the family, the sons of Yul Anthony and Mark Anthony Antille were born.

Mark Anthony and Cleopatra

After the death of a woman in 40 BC Mark married Octavia, sister all the same Octaviana Augustus. In marriage, two daughters were born - Anthony younger, the future mother of the ruler of Claudia, Grandma Caliguly, and Anthony Senior, the future grandmother of Emperor Nero. Well, and about the love of their father and seductive Cleopatra known to everyone who at least someone knows about the ancient Roman history.

The commander settled in the city of Alexandria, he later declared the Queen of the Nila his wife, without bold with Octavia. Egyptian gave birth to the Roman commander of children - twins Cleopatru Selena, Alexander Helios and Son Ptolemy Philadelphus.


Managing the eastern part of the empire, the triumvir turned into a self-container, crushed possession of the Egyptian queen and children. Now even complacently customized compatriots believed that the insidious woman was winning the commander and he lost his mind. Moreover, Mark demanded that the legitimate spouse left his home in Rome. Pulled oil into the fire The will of the Roman Consul, in which he asked to bury himself in Alexandria.

Such a policy caused the indignation of the Roman public, and Octavian skillfully ordered the situation. Senate removed the brand from power and declared war Egypt. According to contemporaries:

"Anthony and Octavian plunged fellow citizens in the disaster of the Internecial War, one - from the love for a woman, the other - because of the offended pride."

In 31 BC A decisive battle occurred near the share of shares, during which, despite the impressive numerical superiority, Anthony suffered a complete defeat. A year later, Oktavian's troops joined Egypt. Anthony, without being able to resist, committed suicide.


  • 42-42 AD. - Detail of the altar relief with the image of the members of the Yuliyev-Claudiyev family (kept in the National Museum in Ravenna)
  • 69-96 AD - Roman male portrait bust (presumably Mark Anthony). (stored in Vatican museums in Rome)
  • Bronze head from Kilicia. (Paris, Louvre)
  • 1578 - Robert Garnier, tragedy "Mark Anthony"
  • 1594 - William Shakespeare, Piez "Anthony and Cleopatra"
  • 1669 - Jan De Bray, "Day Anthony and Cleopatra"
  • 1747-1750 - Giovanni Battista Tapolo, "Meeting Anthony and Cleopatra"
  • 1900 - Arthur Strasser, sculpture "Mark Anthony in a chariot, harnessed by lions."

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