Oksana Stashenko - Photo, biography, personal life, news, actress, "DBM", "Instagram" 2021



The creative talent of Oksana Stashenko is reflected in many manifestations. The celebrity always has time to shine as an actress, TV presenter and even singer. Friends and colleagues compare it with the Sun, which can warm in their rays of anyone. The artist itself does not deny this, especially since the most important love of the audience considers the most important for himself.

Childhood and youth

Oksana Mikhailovna Biography originated in 1966 in Samara (at that time Kuibyshev). She was born in the family of Olga Fedorovna, who brought up a daughter alone. The older-senior, who survived in childhood in Ukraine, the occupation, at one time performed with the Volga People's Choir, although it was an ordinary working and worked on the metallurgical plant.

As the star of movies and television admits, she never felt the lack of her father, and the mother stayed near his closest other and tireless support. At the age of 15, Oksana appeared stepfather, her daughter insisted at the mother's wedding.

The thrust for creativity manifested itself in the future actress in early childhood. On archival family photos, an elegant little girl arranges concerts for loved ones, participates in matinees in kindergarten and school. At the age of 5 began training a game for piano. Brilliantly graduating from a music school at 12, she was fascinated by the theater, entered the theater studio. Stashenko with warmth recalls childhood and trips with concerts on pioneer camps.

Oksana Stashenko - Photo, biography, personal life, news, actress,

At the age of 15, he entered the Saratov Theater School, graduating which, in the direction, went to serve in the Lipetsk Theater, and then Kamensk-Uralsky. Two and a half years spent on the stage of provincial theaters.

High and slim artist (height 175 cm, weight 55 kg) during the work in the Urals played 17 main roles. She coped not only with characteristic images, but also organically looked in other roles. As the actress is recognized, I didn't want to move to Moscow: the metropolitan turmoil did not attract her at all.

In 1989, having arrived at the meeting of classmates, unexpectedly received an invitation to play in Antenpuriz Mikhail Zadornov "The Last Attempt." It was after this that the metropolitan career went on increasing. In the youth of Oksana played on the stage of the Moscow Regional Drama.

In 1991, she was invited to the Opened Theater "Benefis", in which the actress occupied leading roles. Then the movie broke into life, which was taken away all the time, participation in theatrical life became impossible, so the Stashenko theater was forced to part.


The first film with the participation of the future star viewers saw in the early 90s. This is the role of tank in the picture "Moscow Zlatagnaya". And in 1996, her filmography was replenished with a multi-sieuled Chinese film project "History Hong Kong". In an interview, it is often mentioned that after half a year the eastern country became beloved, and the actress even learned the language. Until now, the PRC remains one of her favorite travel places.

Huge resonance was part of Oksana Stashenko in the first Russian erotic films "Features of the Russian Bath" and "Features of a Bannal Policy, or Bath - 2". The actress is calm and without constraint recalls roles in these projects.

The new Russian cinema of the 2000s favorably met the actress by the role of widow in the most popular Comedy "DBM". Later, other roles in films and TV shows followed. A special popularity was brought by Jenetecspert Zhanetta Rural - the heroine of the TV series "Return of Mukhtara", which participates in all parts of the film project. For many years, the artist tied creative relationships and friendships with other major roles by Alexei Moiseyev, Natalia Junnikova, Konstantin Kostyshin, Anastasia Garenkova.

Oksana Stashenko - Photo, biography, personal life, news, actress,

In 2006, Oksana was invited to shoot in Hollywood to the main role of the film "Perestroika" of the Glory of Zuckerman. At the site, the work took place with Sam Robards, Murrey Abraham and Ellie. Later, in 2008, Stashenko played a characteristic stepmome in the film "Cinderella 4 × 4. Everything begins with desires. "

Next followed the roles in the series. In addition to filming with Mukhtar, the actress participated in several telepostects, such as "native people", "Sasha" and others. In parallel, it was working on television as a leading transfer to cooking "Tasty with Oksana Stashenko". The star of the screen with inherent optimism and hinds is preparing casual dishes, divided by unusual recipes.

Oksana Stashenko - Photo, biography, personal life, news, actress,

At the end of 2017, the celebrity played a role in the Sniplers series. In addition, the theater scene has not remained forgotten. The main role of hopes in the entrepreneurs "adventuretical, or how to find a husband" from the 2015th invariably belonged to actress.

On the official website of Stashenko talked about the written book telling about the journey on Nepal and the impressions of the author received after the visit of this mysterious country. Career Singer is also not forgotten: 5 albums are recorded and released. Songs performed by Oksana, romantic and melodious, make the listener think and fracture.

Now Stashenko pays attention to communicating with fans and fans on the "Instagram" page and on the official website. Based on what it is divided into these sources, the life of the actress entered a quiet happy harbor of family joy and measured creative work. Often the performer becomes a guest of the TV shows. In 2012, she visited the studio of the program "Mistress of Fate", where he talked with TV presenter Ganic, and in 2020 he gave an interview with Tatian Ustinova in the transfer of "my hero".

Personal life

Talking about the personal life of the actress does not like. But her biography is saturated and full of different events. Vlad Frolov became the applicant for the first husband of Yuna Oksana. Couples began when she turned 19 years old. Lovers divided the distance, because they worked in different cities.

Vlad was an actor in Tyumen, but it did not bother in love. Everything remained romantic and exciting until Oxana caught the alleged spouse with his mistress, deciding as a surprise suddenly come to visit.

Igor Kitaev, an actor who met Stashenko in the capital became the first official husband. Marriage was not happy for a young family. The feelings destroyed the addiction of Igor to alcohol. Unable to divide the spouse with a green zmiem, Oksana gone.

The second marriage, according to the recognition of the actress, remains a terrible navation, which she prefers not to remember. The man was tough with his wife, even reached the point that he raised her hand and threatened, and she, as in the fog, loved and forgot. Attempts to establish relationships were made twice, but the story ended without happy-end. Threats to the husband forced Oksana to pay off, changing the apartment.

Without losing faith in true feelings, the actress once again married the owner of the private hotel Igor Sheppovsky. But the spouse demanded the impossible: to devote himself to the family, leaving the work and career who took a lot of time and effort.

Today Oksana Mikhailovna is happy again in marriage with a musician - the owner of the audio recording studio of Vlad Mina. In an interview, the actress told that the loving traction was brought to travel and a trip to India.

Having become acquainted with the shooting of the series about Mukhtar, future lovers supported exceptionally working relationships. And then Vlad shared health problems with which the man helped to cope Stashenko.

For rehabilitation, the couple just went to India. By the will of the case, they got one room for two. After the trip Oksana and Vlad no longer parted, and in 2010 marriage was officially issued.

Together, the spouses built a house, equipped with modern appliances. Much of construction was made by Vlad himself. The actress calls him a man who loves and can learn, know the new one and then apply it in life. At the same time, the wife for him remains unreasonable authority. Together with Mina Stashenko leaves for solo concerts, they had a talented creative tandem performer and sound engineer.

A celebrity with love refers to all fans. She finds time to visit orphanages. Going to a meeting with children deprived of parental care, every time buys a lot of gifts.

Since in the family of Mother Oksana, all relatives supported close relationships, the actress communicates with cousins, secondary and even fourrudal brothers and sisters. She sincerely rejoices when children and grandchildren appear in their families, and even posts photos of newborns in their account in "Instagram".

Oksana Stashenko now

Oksana Stashenko collaborates with a fashion designer Olga Glenik. Reviews of the designer collections appear on the Youtyub Channel Actress. A favorite form of celebrity communication with fans - holding creative evenings. She has something to surprise his admirers. Such concerts consist of musical numbers, monologues and interviews of the artist with an auditorium. Sincere meetings are held in many cities of Russia, including in the capital.

In 2020, the repertoire of Stashenko was replenished with two works - Ukrainian projects "Prejudation" and "Game in Fate". Now the artist continues to cooperate with a culinary show. The best releases "tasty from Oksana Stashenko" included transitions to the preparation of meat and fish dishes, mantans, light salads.


  • 1990 - "Moscow Zlatagnaya"
  • 1996 - "History of Hong Kong"
  • 2000 - "DBM"
  • 2001 - "Under the Polar Star"
  • 2002 - "Russian Amazons"
  • 2003 - "Three against all-2"
  • 2004-2015 - "Return of Mukhtara"
  • 2006 - Perestroika.
  • 2008 - "Cinderella 4 × 4. It all begins with desires. "
  • 2008 - "Native people"
  • 2017 - "Mukhtar. New trace »
  • 2017 - "Father's two sons"
  • 2017 - "Love Recipe"
  • 2017 - "Sniper"
  • 2018 - "Initigans"
  • 2019 - "Curly"
  • 2019 - "The Worst Friend"
  • 2020 - "Game in Fate"
  • 2020 - "Prejudation"

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