Meloven (Mülovin) - biography, personal life, photo, news, songs, "Vіtrila", "Instagram" 2021



Mülovin is a young Ukrainian singer and composer who attracts the public not only with its talent, but also bright appearance and shocking. The artist does not find a special difference between the way on the scene and by himself, assuring fans in the sincerity of their amplua.

Childhood and youth

Meloven was born on April 11, 1997 in Odessa. At birth, Konstantin Nikolayevich Bocharov received the name. His mother Valentina Vladimirovna worked as an accountant, and Father Nikolai Vladimirovich is a driver. A boy was brought up in an ordinary family, far from music and creativity.

At 4, the grandmother of the bone presented him with a gift - a music box with the composition of Beethoven "To Elise", which forever conquered the heart of the boy. She daily believed in the talent of her grandson. For all events, the singer carrying grandmother's beads with him is his talisman for good luck.

Soon, Mom took the dancing costume, and he, hitting the creative environment, realized that he was also interesting and other spheres. He began to sing in the school chore. He was the only boy involved in theatrical productions. Began to compose poems, write scripts.

Kostya studied in secondary school number 27 in Odessa. In school years, he was not a hooligan, however, she studied badly - the two-night was not, but he did not reach the good one. He was seriously given accurate science. Mathematics and physics, he did not even try to understand. But he was brought up so that he did not perceive the assessment as something important. The final and at the same time the entrance exams of Konstantin could not be handed over to the first time. Surprisingly, it's a chemistry, he is fond of this science so far.

Since 2009, he studied at the School of People's Theater "Gems". His first teacher became Stelmakh Maria Grigorievna. His second teacher on acting skills was the actress "Masks - Show" Natalia Evgenievna Buzko.

Women made a huge contribution to the development of the artist. Bocharov became the winner of festivals and contests, he was constantly invited to the role of leading urban events. All this time, he wrote music and songs, went to casting television projects.

In 2012, the guy graduated with honors theatrical school. In the same year, I got a job as an assistant administrator of the film crew series "The longest day".

And after a year, "born" by the pseudonym Melovin and the creative team Big House Melovin was formed. According to Konstantin himself, this is the name - the compilation of the word Halloween and the name of the designer Alexander MAKKUIN. In 2015, the young man entered the Kiev Institute of Music named after R. M. Gliera.


In 2015, Melovin participated in the 6th season of the Song TV project "X-Factor". By the way, it was already his fourth casting on this show. He received a refusal three times. Therefore, this time doubted whether he should go. But his main motivator - grandmother - convinced him. As a result, he successfully passed the selection.

His mentor was Igor Kondratyuk. During the Melovin project, I never got into a nomination for leaving the project. The fan army of the artist was the most numerous for all six seasons of the competition. In the finals of the show he performed a song in a duet with Jamala. And on December 26, 2015, Melovin became the winner of the "X-factor". After a deafening victory in the show Melovin, he recorded his debut single "not lonely".

In 2017, the artist filed an application for participation in the national selection in the Eurovision 2017 Song Contest. He performed the song Wonder. During the choice of the winner, the opinions of judges and television viewers were separated.

According to the results of the audience voting, Melovin scored 60 thousand votes, a strongly ahead of other participants. But the jury gave a speech by Konstantin low marks. He took the third place, and the right to submit Ukraine at the competition was given to the "O.Torvald" group. She took the team 24 place out of 26.

The composition "Wonder" quickly reached the top of the musical charts of Ukraine and settled there for a long time. In May 2017, the singer was invited to speak on the project "Ukraine is looking for talents. Children, "where he presented his new song" Unbroken ". Then Melovin went to his first touring tour.

In August 2017, the singer recorded the Hooligan track and removed the video clip. In the fall of the same year, Konstantin Bocharov recorded his first solo album Face to Face, it entered it six tracks - five songs in English and one in Ukrainian.

In 2018, Melovin decided to once again try his hand in the selection for Eurovision. He presented a new composition "Under the Ladder" to the Jury and TV viewers. The text of the song for him was written by the American author Mike Rials.

The singer won at the first stage of the selection, first became in the final. Thus, Melovin was chosen to represent Ukraine at Eurovision 2018 competition in Lisbon. True, according to forecasts of bookmakers, the Ukrainian occupied only the 23rd place.

On May 13, the final of the competition took place, in which the victory won the Israeli Netta representative. Meloven became only 17th.

Failure in the international competition did not become a reason for the artist to despair. He returned to his work and soon introduced new tracks - Oh, No, Expectations, "Vіritila".

Personal life

Melovin is an outstanding personality. For the first time, seeing the singer, the audience wondered - that the guy with his eyes. And with his eyes and vision, he is all right. In order for the image to be bright and memorable, Konstantin decided to use lenses. At the same time, he pasted only one, in the left eye. Sometimes it was blue, sometimes green. More often, he preferred a contrasting - white-blue lens with a dark halo. As Melovin himself says, one eye he has real and belongs to reality, and the second is art.

However, after years, the artist abandoned such an attribute. In an interview to the question, he retained at least one lens for memory, he answered negatively.

The hairstyle at the singer is also extravagant. One day one half of his head was painted in a platinum blond, and the second - the colors of the Voronov wing. Today, he continues to experiment with hair, using brighter colors, including pink.

There are several tattoos on his body. One singer devoted fans - the inscription Brave. Love. Freedom (courage. Love. Freedom). Another tattoo is located on the hand - the wheel of the fortune and four letters inside it. Translated from Jewish, this means that the Universe and God is all that exists. On the left hand of the artist, cosmonaut and telescope is naked.

It is noteworthy that Konstantin is a producer itself. Of course, he came up with his own image himself. Sometimes the artist even personally develops scenery for his own performances.

Also, the young man has an unusual hobby - perfumery. Love for chemistry has grown into such a passion. In "Instagram", he even posted a photo of the process of creating a fragrance. In 2020, he launched his own part of the perfume. Melovin is an active user of social networks. On its page, new photos and videos regularly appear.

The musician calls her fans of "melaninators". Of course, among his fans, the mass of girls, they make idols and constantly confess to him in love. The singer himself says that one day he still twisted the novel with his fan, but soon realized that it was a bad idea. Other fans literally arranged to betray her girlfriend, turning her life to hell. Therefore, he tries not to advertise a personal life.

Also, the guy admitted that at the moment he is alone, but his heart is busy. He found his love, and this is music. BUT In general, the celebrity is called himself strongly in love, so often comes into relations.

Meloven now

On July 5, 2021, the artist took part in the Atlas Weekend Music Festival. On the eve of this day, the singer wrote in Instagram account:"Atlas Weekend. The day from which we will start our new era! July 5, 5 years of my career. A happy number 5. The day that each of you will remember! Prepare your cameras! We are charged! "

But even the most loyal fans did not expect to see in the final of the artist's speeches to his camining out. A young man in front of a thousand audience kissed a girl, and then a guy. Under the approving hum of the crowd, Meloven demonstrated the flag of LGBT, thereby confirming its bisexuality.

The channel, which was engaged in the broadcast of the concert, cut out this moment from the ether - in the media commentators accused the editors of M1 in homophobia. In the meantime, on the personal page of the singer, where he put a video with his caming auto, the user was divided by the user.

Some supported the guy in his desire to show their true face. Other negative reacted to the outdoor of the artist, recalling the absence of the need to connect work and personal life.


  • 2014 - Single Play This Life
  • 2015 - Single "You, you, you"
  • 2016 - Single "Not Lonely"
  • 2016 - Single "on takeoff"
  • 2017 - Face to Face
  • 2018 - Single Under The Ladder
  • 2019 - Single Oh, no
  • 2019 - Single EXPECTS
  • 2020 - Single "Vіtrila"
  • 2020 - Single Dance With The Devil
  • 2021 - Single "I wanted Koja"

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