Larisa Baranova - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Lorny, sparkling, full vital energy Larisa Baranova with something similar to the heroine of the series "Univer" Lily Volkov, played by the actress and presented her popularity and fame among the viewers. This role made Larisa with the star of television screens. In the biographies of the actress and successful roles are present, and the best friends are parents and a favorite daughter.

Childhood and youth

On April 14, 1982, a girl appeared in Sterlitamak in the family of musicians of the Aquarius group. Mom and dad babes not only sang in the pop team, but also worked in a creative environment. Father led the Palace of Culture, and the mother held the position of artistic director in the same institution.

Actress Larisa Baranova

Of course, in such a family, the daughter rose a creative person. Larisa's favorite school object remained literature, and the compositions of the schoolgirl were set by an example for other students. In general, Larisa succeeded in his studies, only unsatisfactory behavior and conflicts with teachers who did not like the style of clothing and the appearance of the girl did not excelly. Creative nature manifested itself and here - Baranova adored army boots and leather koshuhi, which did not meet school standards.

The schoolgirl was actively involved in the work of the theatrical mug, played in artistic amateur activities and setting school performances.

Larisa Baranova in his youth

From early childhood, the actress adored animals and tried to help brothers smaller. Once found and cured by her street cat lived in the family of Baranovy eight years.

After school, Larisa became a student of the Republican technical school of culture, where he received a specialty director of mass events. Baranova admits that the technical school led not a calling, but love. Classmate Anton, to whom the schoolgirl feeds tender feelings, went to study just for this specialty, and Larisa did not want to part with her beloved for a minute.

Larisa Baranova

Followingha, the future actress went to the Schukinskaya School in the capital, although initially planned to enter the Faculty of Directors in St. Petersburg. Baranova was really lucky - her teacher for artistic reading in the school was the People's Artist of the USSR, brilliant Vasily Lanova. In 2006, the diploma was obtained, and the actress began the creative path in cinema.


At first, the student, trying to settle and settle in the capital, worked on the organization of children's holidays, conducted entertainment events for children and adults. Diploma School with a specialty director justified himself fully.

Actress Larisa Baranova

Frankly, to shoot in the films of the actress began, while still a student, which was not welcomed by the leadership of "Pike". Thanks to small episodic roles in the directing and production environment, you managed to notice young artist. Baranova's filmography begins with Arina in the painting "Ryazanski" Picture, the role is inconspicuous, but for Larisa has become good starting experience.

The next step in the career is a serious real role of Martha in the series of Russian director Nonna Agajanova "Bloody Mary". After the project is released, the Larisa screens becomes recognizable, will acquire the first fans of the talent.

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Following the invitation to the role of Gali in the series "Princess Circus". The heroine is characteristic and ambiguous. 1,500 contenders passed through samples, but none satisfied the requirements of the director Alla Plotkin. I found my actress for this role in this role myself, she personally called Larisa Baranova and invited to casting. It was the role of Gali that brought the girl the first universal fame.

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In 2010, the work of the actress in the television series of the TNT "University" canal. Heroine Baranova - eccentric and extraordinary lily Volkova. According to the girl, the image of the student is close to the character of the actress, so the role did not become difficult. Although before the start of filming, the producers were experimed with the appearance of Baranova - they changed the hairstyle, makeup and style of clothing. The series for a long time was at the peak of ratings, which, of course, raised an artist career to a new level.

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In the future, cooperation with the canal continued. The actress plays Lily in the Sashatany project, and also took part in the shooting of the series "Moms".

In 2012, the serial star starred in the full-length film "Flying". This is a social drama on the meaning of life and the intake visibility of happiness and success. The Baranova, which the audience knew mainly on the comedy role of Lily, participation in the picture made it possible to shine creative talent from the new side.

Personal life

Larisa Baranova is not married. The girl has no serious family relationships yet. Larisa believes that the future spouse should make a queen from his beloved woman to feel indirectly happy and adored.

The actress has a little daughter Alexander, cute photos from which often appear on the network. Sasha was born when a young future mother still studied. Baranova remembers that he learned about the pregnancy in the break between lectures. There was no doubt about the birth of a child.

Larisa Baranova with her daughter

Parents also supported daughter in choosing. During the beginning of the beginning of the creative path, Larisa Sasha lived in the homeland of the artist in Sterlitamak with loving grandparents, and later moved to Mom to Moscow.

The attachment towards the family and parents remained so far, in every free minute Larisa tries to go to his hometown, visit close.

Larisa Baranova now

In 2018, Baranova continues to work in the Sashahatany series in the role of Lilius, which brought her wide fame. In addition, he is engaged in the upbringing of his beloved daughter.

Larisa Baranova in 2018

Creative life actresses hits the key, and the career promises new ups. Numerous fans can with confidence to wait for new roles and incarnations of the favorite stars on the screens.


  • 2006 - "Patenkin Son"
  • 2007 - "Fight with shadow 2: Revenge"
  • 2007 - "Blood Mary"
  • 2007 - "Ryazan Square"
  • 2007-2008 - "Princess Circus"
  • 2008 - "Very Russian Detective"
  • 2010 - "Icon of the season"
  • 2010-2011 - "Univer"
  • 2013-2018 - Sashahatany
  • 2014 - "Queen of the game"
  • 2015 - "Moms"
  • 2015 - "Painted"

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