Nina Maslova - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Nina Maslova - Soviet actress, deserved artist of Russia. Fame she brought bright episodic roles in the iconic Soviet paintings, which entered the gold stock of national cinema. Maslova played Vika Korovyanskaya in the comedy melodrama "Big Change", Marfa Vasilyevna in the "golden" comedy of Delelia "Ivan Vasilyevich is changing profession", the beauty-neighbor Athanasius in the lyrical comedy "Afony".

Childhood and youth

The future movie star in Riga in November 1946 was born. Dad and Mom Nina Maslova broke up when the daughter turned 5 years old. Nina's childhood is happy not to call: the relationship with the mother did not work out. Later, the actress admitted that he felt like an unwanted child and did not find a common language with his native man.

Nina Maslova in youth

Nina Maslova did not care, I did not hurry home after the lessons - it seemed to be cozy on the street. At the age of 11, first learned the taste of Portwine. I did not dream of any profession, I did not think the artist.

After graduating from school, Nina went to Moscow, because the favorite guy rushed there. The capital accepted the rejanko welcoming: the girl became a student of the Institute of Hydrogenation. 2 years later left the university. A beautiful girl with a memorable appearance advised to try their strength to the cinema.

Nina Maslova in youth

In 1965, Maslova from the first attempt was held at the MCAT Studio School, but it was stayed for 2 years. According to the actress, it was expelled for the reluctance to write reports on fellow students and teachers in the KGB. But Nina already knew that the acting was her fate, and in the same year she became a student Vgika: the girl was enrolled on the course of Sergei Gerasimov and Tamara Makarova. In 1971, Nina Maslova was awarded a diploma of higher education and accepted a film actor to theater studio.


The cinematic biography of the actress launched in student years. Maslova entrusted episodes in the tapes "I loved you ..." Ilya Freza, "We wish Success" and "accused of murder." Mentor Nina Maslova - Gerasimov - gave a student a tiny role in his project "At Lake". Vasily Shukshin and Natalia Belokhvostikova starred in Kinodrame.

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In 1971, the artist entrusted the first prominent role in the Russian field cult drama with Nonaya Mordyukovka and Vladimir Tikhonov in high roles. Maslova played a girl in love with Tikhonov's hero - Philip Ugrumova. Not only talent helped play love: romance broke out between Nina and Vladimir on the set.

The taste of glory Maslov felt after the release of a wonderful comedy melodrama "big change". In the project, the director Alexei Korenev gathered the color of Soviet cinema of four generations: from Matrov with the titles of people to just left the walls of theatrical universities of students.

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The picture with the unpaid plot conquered millions of the country's viewers, and all its participants bathed in the rays of folk love. 26-year-old Nina Maslova got the role of Beauty Vika Korovyanskaya, which "everything about everyone always knows."

Maslova's popularity helped the comedy Leonid Gaidai, who came out in the next - 1973 - year. The actress played the beauty of the queen, who was seduced by the hero of Yuri Yakovlev on a banquet. The episode in the cult tape "Ivan Vasilyevich is changing profession" - short, but bright - remained in the memory of the audience, and the phrase "Marfa Vasilyevna I" became a winged.

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After 2 years, good luck smiled again by Nina Maslova: Georgy Delteius approved the artist on the episode in the Athous Comedy with Leonid Kuravlev in the lead role. A year later, a picture was released on the screens, in which Ryzhanka played a major role - the only filmography. And again comedy, this time Soviet-German production, called "smile, peer!". Maslova appeared in the form of sisters of Masha and Mary.

In the mid-1980s, Gaidai called the artist to the comedy project "Dangerous for life!". On the set of Nina Maslova again met with Leonid Kuravlev and Borislav Bronduukov. The constellation of Soviet film actors gathered in the tape, but the success of the film turned out to be modest history with Ivan Vasilyevich.

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In the future, Maslov was repeatedly called in projects, but no longer had no success. In the tragicomedy Alla Surikova "Two arrows. The Detective Stone Age "in the late 1980s Nina Konstantinovna played the mistress of the hero of Sergei Shakurov. The abundance of stars did not bring a film of loud success. In the comedy of Vsevolod, Shilovsky "Screws", the key roles got Rimma Markova and Nina Ruslana. Maslova flashed in the episode.

Perestroika years - the period of stagnation in the life of the artist. Maslova's roles were not offered, and when the money ended, friends were missing. The hopeless woman "Topila" in alcohol, until he heard a terrible diagnosis from the doctors: Nina Konstantinovna said that it remained to live - a few days. Maslov's consolation found in the church.

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Perhaps the doctors were mistaken, and maybe they helped faith, but a year later Nina Maslova felt better and spread with a detrimental addiction. In the new century, the Soviet queen episode was remembered and called in the series. Maslova starred in the melodrama "blessing woman", "Angel on the roads", "Captive children".

In the series "Russian roulette. The female option "Nina Konstantinovna appeared in the image of the actress, retired, and in the Black and White Drama-Noir director Stanislav Govorukhin" Weekend "she got an episode. The premiere of the picture took place at the Sochi "Kinotavra" in the summer of 2013. In 2014 and 2016, director Olga Belyaeva invited Nina Maslov in his projects "Mystery of the Dark Room" and "Dangerous Vacation".

Personal life

Family life Beautiful-actress did not work out: marriage ended with partings. The child Nina Maslova never bore.

Bulgarian became the first spouse of the artist: the meeting occurred in Vgika. Having attached incredible efforts, Maslova escaped in Bulgaria, to his beloved. But during the Time of Volokat, with the design of documents for departure, the Bulgarian husband found himself another beloved.

Nina Maslova and Vladimir Tikhonov

Romantic relations with the son of Mordyukov ended at the moment when a pregnant wife Natalia Varley arrived at the shooting of the "Russian Field" to Tikhonov. Nina Maslova did not want to destroy the marriage and leave a child without a father.

The second husband was the official with whom the young colleague introduced Mordyukov favorably. Nina could not live with an influential husband, the marriage did not hold on and six months. All other marriages of Maslov does not want to remember, says that

"They differed little from each other: drunks, quarrels."

Nina Maslova now

In the past 20 years, the actress lives alone, his free time devotes to reading spiritual literature, goes to monasteries and temples.

Nina Maslova in 2018

In the spring of 2016, the premiere of a children's detective "Dangerous holidays" was held, where the oil was getting an episode. And next year, Nina Konstantinovna was called to be filmed in the 4-serial comedy melodraman "Gull Party" with Irina Rozanova and Elvira Brugovoy. The premiere of the tape took place in 2018 on the TV channel "Home".


  • 1967 - "Wish Success"
  • 1969 - "accused of murder"
  • 1971 - "Russian field"
  • 1972 - "Big Change"
  • 1973 - "Ivan Vasilyevich is changing profession"
  • 1973 - "Comrade Brigade"
  • 1975 - "Afonya"
  • 1985 - "Dangerous for life!"
  • 1985 - "Beauty Salon"
  • 1989 - "Two arrows. Detective Stone Age »
  • 1992 - "Old young people"
  • 1999 - "D.D.D. Dossier detective Dubrovsky "
  • 2010 - "Russian roulette. Female option »
  • 2014 - "Mystery of the Dark Room"
  • 2017 - "Girlish

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