Victoria Korotkov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Show "Bachelor" 2021



Already, more than one dozen girls who lived by the usual life, became one of the extent known thanks to the TNT Channel Show. Here and Victoria Korotkov decided to try happiness to arrange his fate in front of millions of spectators. The girl emphasizes that in everything that surrounds her, she finds something special, even his own "instagram" considers atypical, because in the photo and video puts the meaning only in the photo and video. And in the "Bachelor" came in search of feelings, behind a loved one and did not put the goal to conquer the hero's heart.

Childhood and youth

Victoria was born in February 1995 on the western part of Russia - in Kaliningrad. Directly about the orphanage biographies of slender brown, nothing is known.

Victoria Korotkov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Show

The girl received a diploma of the zootechnik at the Faculty of Bioresources and Naturaling the Kaliningrad Technical University, but did not work in the specialty - in the course of study, I understood how I was mistaken in my ideas about this profession, because by nature is closer to her creativity.

At the age of 16, Victoria participated in the Miss Kaliningrad contest, which entered the three winners, and at the age of 18 became the participant of Miss Russia, but did not enter the best.

Personal life

Love fell victory on a young age when she was still in 11th grade. As the girl says, completely turned off his head and gave himself to feelings. The chosen was older for 9 years, together the couple lived 5 years, of which 3 years of Vika was an exemplary wife. At first, the spouses planned to start the children, but then something went wrong, and, according to beauty:

"Someone saw from above that after the birth of the baby I hardly become the most happy woman on the planet."

As follows from the interview of the show, the husband began to change, went into the roast. On the nervic soil, Victoria lost 10 kilograms, while close, and the Folloviers in social networks did not say that she was increasingly similar to the victim of anorexia.

The girl took her hands and now slowly comes to himself, its parameters are quite consistent with the model - weight 53 kg with growth 173 cm. Occasionally on the page of the young wife in Vkontakte, the posts with sad poems and signatures for the photo, but in the last couple of years Optimistic frames from travel and fashion sessions appear there.

Separate Internet portals include Victoria Korotkov to popular Lifestyle and Beauty Bloggers, justice, noting that the first thousand subscribers the Beauty Account got long before the participation of the owner in the Show "Bachelor".

Victoria Korotkov and Egor Cre

And as if there were questions about the unrealistic thin waist and the chubby lips, the most popular of which, of course, about plastics and other third-party interventions into appearance. Vicky comments on this occasion has not yet followed.

Victoria carefully monitors the physical form, as in which volume eats, but special diets do not adhere to, although the veganism and raw food began to try. It loves seafood, sweets and meat does not refuse meat, "sins" then worries in the gym, but also irregularly.

Favorite classes of television show - spend time in the circle of interesting people. Alone, the girl walks in beautiful places or listens to music. Homes at Vika lives a cat oriental rock named Barca.

In 2013, it turned out that Victoria was afraid to fly by plane, after one day he fell into the air pit. To overcome the phobia, Korotov reads special literature and noticed that the more often you fly, the less you are afraid.


Answering questions for a profile in a television program, Vika noted that he did not consider himself a model in the full sense of the word. As such, the model experience is limited to two beauty contests. And in the shooting, shows and photo shoots, according to the girl, she participated for her own pleasure, and did not receive payment for work.

Nevertheless, Victoria responds about this kind of activity as a serious, requiring a responsible approach and a constant positive attitude, otherwise the next time simply will not be invited.

Show "Bachelor"

Victoria became the first participant in the sixth season of the Show "Bachelor", where to look for love a member of the BLACK STAR label Egor Crond was removed. Only Mom knew about the participation of his daughter in the program, the friends and relatives of the girl acts a lot of surprise. And in the fact that the popular singer will be a new bachelor, Vika at first did not believe, considered that this is a PR-move. For the musical creativity, the hero did not follow, but appreciated the last album.

As a gift for acquaintance, the girl grabbed a box of chewing gum. At the welcoming flower ceremony, Kukkkova had to wagon - she got a rose for the penultimate out of 17 participants. During the conversation, alone, Vika frankly stated that it was still not officially divorced, although he did not live with her husband.

One of the first Korotkov went on an individual date, which the producers "bachelor" were organized in Barcelona. Egor and Vika walked around the city, visited the art gallery, painted the walls of graffiti, at the end of the date the singer presented a rose member, thus providing immunity.

Lucky charming brownie and the next day, when Cred said that he invites for a date of those girls who would have time to gather in 30 seconds. Together with Victoria, the condition has completed three more participants - Dasha Klubina, Nicole Sakhtaridi and Galina Chibis.

In the assessment of other participants, Victoria was diplomatic, said that he did not see rival in them, but not because of self-confidence, but because he believes that he had qualities that allocate her among others. Moreover, Vika found three girlfriends on the show, but in an interview with the names they do not call them.

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If you meet people, it does not matter, men or women, first of all guided by the principle of "clothes" - if a person from the first minutes does not like outwardly, contact will not work. In men, Korotkov appreciates the sense of humor, confidence and purposefulness. For a girl, it is important that the native man was a friend and partner, and not just a lover.

About relations with Egor Victoria said that she was pulling her to the musician, she likes to learn and understand the artist. And I want to spend together more time so that there are general memories, "leave an outbreak" in memory.

During the entire show, Victoria Korobkov was invariably considered one of the favorite, but in the final fans were disappointed, because Egor chose Dashakin. When Crend gave Dari's ring, giving understanding that it was she who won the show, many were shocked by a impulsive decision of the hero.


On October 2020, the name Victoria appeared again on the pages of news publications. True, this time in a sad deal: a girl hit a pedestrian to death. The tragedy occurred in Moscow on Kutuzovsky Prospect. It is already known that the guilt of the short in an accident no, the man ran the road in the wrong place. Also in the media appeared information that the former participant of the "bachelor" was sober.

Victoria itself was also injured in the accident: because of the airbag, she received a concussion of the brain. Life girl outside danger.

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