Boris Chirkov - biography, photo, personal life, filmography, death



Chirkov Boris Petrovich - Soviet actor, was born on August 13, 1901 in Nolinsk Vyatka province. Since childhood, Boris Petrovich was in love with art. Being a little boy, he ran secretly to see the first, still silent films. Close to do not immediately approved the passion of the boy, because he was a cousin nephew Vyacheslav Molotov, and in the family they wanted little Borish to go in the stops of uncle.

Actor Boris Chirkov

At seven years, Boris Petrovich entered the secondary school society. In the high school grades, the father attracted Boris to theatrical amateur time, because he sang with his childhood and played on the harmonica. The first work on the scene was the place of the souflar, after him they gave episodic roles. Then this work was hobbies, and no one suspected that it would turn into a matter of life.

In twenty years, Boris Chirkov went to Petrograd to continue their studies. Together with the other, they passed the entrance exams in the Polytechnic Institute, but Boris Petrovich realized that his biography would not be associated with the exact sciences, and entered the theater university.

Boris Chirkov in youth

In 1926, the actor graduated from the Leningrad Institute of Stage Art and immediately went to work in the Leningrad Tyuz. The first successful role of the actor is the role of Sancho Pansa in the "Don Quixote" formulation. After the success of this performance, the actor began to invite to the main roles, and then invited to film.


In 1928, the first film was published with the participation of Boris Petrovich - "Native Brother". Seeing himself on the screen, Boris Chirkov was disappointed. The film came out of a dumb, the role was small, and the actor was sure that he failed to transmit the character of the character, was unnatural and inappropriate. He did not like his work so much that he ran away from the hall without watching the film.

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After analyzing the situation, Boris Chirkov realized that it was impossible to play the same on the theatrical scene and before the movie chamber. He was looking for an image for himself, the style of the game to continue shooting in the film.

Such a case was introduced by the actor in 1931. He was invited to an episodic role in Razintsyv and Trauberga "one". The work of Boris Petrovich liked the director, and he invited the actor to another ribbon - "Journey to the USSR". In this film he had no episodic, but still a small role of a rustic guy, but did not remove the film.

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Cooperation with Traberg did not stop at this, and when he began to create a ribbon with the sound of "Youth Maxim", then immediately invited Boris to the role of demo. During the first rehearsal, it became clear that Boris Petrovich would play not a secondary, and most important role - Maxim. The film was successful, so six years later, the second part of the "return of Maxim" came out, and another year later the world saw the third ribbon - "Vyborg Side".

Boris Petrovich simultaneously worked on several films. In 1937, he starred as an old peasant in the film "Chapaev". In 1939, there was also work on two ribbons: "Vyborg Side" and "Teacher".

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In the middle of the last century, the Soviet cinema worried a revival. Censorship became weaker, light humor and human warmth began to appear in films. It was at that time that the film "Faithful friends" came to the screens, where Boris Chirkov played with Vasily Mercury and Alexander Borisov.

All this time, the actor continued to work on theatrical scene. From the most vivid productions it is worth noting "the continuation should", "Boris Godunov" and "True - good, and happiness is better ...".

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Last ribbon in Boris Chirkova filmography - film-performance "Masha". After 1977, the actor went on peace, because Health did not allow him to be filmed and playing as before.

In 1955, Boris Petrovich became a teacher in the famous Vgika. For the eight years, he helped young talents to learn scenic skills, however, and this post was forced to leave due to health problems.

Personal life

Until 48 years, Boris did not find a companion of life, because he was a shy man, and all the time gave the profession. Love he met visiting his friend and colleagues. She became Lyudmila Yuryevna Genika (after marriage - Genica-Chirkova).

They filmed together in the film "Faithful Friends". The girl began his career in 1947, playing an episodic role in the film "The train goes to the east". A couple have a family project - they played together in the film "Masha".

Boris Chirkov with his wife and daughter

Spouses held together all the time: went to the premieres, performances, to friends. A lot of photos remained for memory, on which you can see how the actors are happy together, no matter what.

The only daughter Boris was born in fifty years. The girl was called Lyudmila, and in the family gentlely called Mila. The daughter went on the family footsteps and also became an actress. She together with her parents worked on the "Masha", and since 1973 he worked in the Moscow Drama Theater. Nikolai Gogol. Now Lyudmila Chirkova teaches acting skills in Vgika.


Boris Chirkova's health worsened in the mid-50s. At first he survived the heart attack, and then he had sharply worsened eyesight. The actor was shy and did not tell anyone for two years, did not see sense, it was impossible to help anything. When it became known about the problem, he decided to surpass and replaced the left eye with a prosthesis. The audience did not recognize this, but Boris Petrovich continued to shy his problem. Then three more infarcts followed, and the actor had to stop shooting, to leave the teacher's post.

Boris Chirkova's grave

Death of Nastagla Chirkova Boris Petrovich on May 28, 1982. The actor was invited to the Kremlin for the presentation of the Leninsky Prize. While the ceremony was going, he had a heart attack. The actor immediately caused an ambulance, but the doctors did not have time to take it to the hospital.

Buried the famous actor at the Novodevichy Cemetery. Even now, on his grave, fresh flowers are constantly lying, who bring not only relatives and close friends, but also fans who remember and love his work.


  • 1927 - "My Son"
  • 1931 - "One"
  • 1934 - "Chapaev"
  • 1934 - "Youth Maxim"
  • 1937 - "Return Maxim"
  • 1938 - "Vyborg Side"
  • 1941 - "Combat Cointer"
  • 1946 - "Glinka"
  • 1950 - "Cavalier of the Golden Star"
  • 1951 - "Donetsk Miners"
  • 1954 - "Faithful friends"
  • 1959 - "Lost Photo"
  • 1963 - "Live and Dead"
  • 1968 - "Seven old men and one girl"
  • 1977 - "Masha"

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