Movie "Jetlag" (2021) - Release date, Actors and Roles, Facts, Trailer


Russian audiences saw a new film "Jetlag", whose release date is July 1, 2021. The main characters of the painting, two loving hearts that were in different directions of the world, are to overcome not only the geographical boundaries and distances to meet again and return their feelings to each other. The authors position the project as extremely frank, places a romantic and funny story on the theme of human relations, careers, creative paths and searching themselves.

In the material 24cm - interesting facts about how they filmed the picture in the genre of the Dramati, involved actors, roles and plot.

Plot and shooting

According to the plot of the tape, the main characters of the paintings are a couple of lovers of young people who have greatly waged in a taxi on the way to the airport, from where they were going to go on vacation. Amented by emotions during the clarification of relations, Eugene and Nikita decided to fly into different ends of the world.

Zhenya goes to Berlin, where he meets a talented director, goes off with him to shoot another masterpiece and becomes its main assistant in work. Nikita at this time is having fun in the company of new friends in Thailand, and his life is changing radically. However, the desire to return the favorite girl and be with her near, despite all distances, borders and barriers, it turns out the strongest in the world. Spectators will learn whether loving hearts will be able to find each other again and will be able to preserve the former feelings and relationships.

The production of a dramatic comedy was engaged in the company, STS and Metrafilms. The director became Mikhail Idov, and the author of the script was made by Lily Idova. Asya Davydova and Lyudmila Fishhalko were engaged in a decoration of the project. Artem Vasilyev, Vyacheslav Murugov, Maxim Rybakov, Denis Gorshkov, are chosen by producers.

Actors and roles

The main roles in the film "Jetlag" played:

  • Irina Star'shenbaum - Zhenya;
  • Philip Avdeev - Nikita;
  • Maria Ivakova - Chandra;
  • Daniel Shake - Gleb.

Also in the picture were filmed: Ksenia Rappoport, Egor Koreshkov, Polina Dolindo, Polina Aug, Maria Smolnikova, Alexander Gorelov, Pavel Vorozhtsov and other actors.

Interesting Facts

1. Director Mikhail Idov is also known as an actor, screenwriter and composer. In 2018, he filmed a picture of the "humorist", in addition, Idov appeared in the tapes "Dah" and "Optimists," wrote scenarios for projects "Troy", "Summer", "Optimists", "Londongrad. Know ours! " and others.

2. Ironically, the filming of the film "Jetlag", the main topic of which were traveling and flights, were held in the fall of 2020, in the midst of the Pandemic COVID-19 with all its restrictions and prohibitions. In this regard, there were certain difficulties and disagreements in the process of filming.

3. According to the creators, American colleagues could not believe that the film was removed in such a difficult period and in fairly short time. And about the fact that two versions of the picture are created: 6-serial for television and 107-minute to display in cinemas - cinematographers and decided to keep silent at all so as not to cause even greater distrust.

4. Slogan Dramed-project has become the phrase "love with transfers". According to the authors, several parallel plot lines are closely intertwined in the film "Jetlag", so it was decided to expand the project and present it in the series format to reveal the details in more detail.

5. The authors of the project told in a conversation with journalists that in the process of filming was surprised to realize that they were making a picture in retro style: after all, the characters were thoughtful in the realities of 2019, when to fly away half of the planet for a conversation with a close man was considered ordinary. However, the "iron curtain" fell in 2020, and the world as if "fell pause." Therefore, cinematographers decided to rebuild the scenario, spreading the time frame in the frame.

6. Mikhail and Lily Idovy noted that in the process there was a dilemma in the process: to transfer characters to the parallel world without a raging pandemic or rewrite and change the script during work, adjusting to new conditions. However, an understanding came that the spectators are unlikely to be interested in a movie on such a topical theme, and there was no special desire to take a similar desire to the cinematographers. The decision was found spontaneously and perfectly fits into the life of on-screen heroes.

Nevertheless, in the process of filming, the creators had to be rebuilt and change some technical details, move to other locations. Also, a number of scenes decided to make more chamber, removing the actors of the extras.

7. The shooting took place in the capital of Russia, Turkey, Detroit. Because of the pandemic, it was necessary to suspend the process, but the work was able to complete the scheduled time. In addition, the creators had to move the release date.

8. The script writer Lily Idova said that for her special pleasure it became for the transformation of his text to the format of cinema. Lily noted that the result turned out much better than she imagined, thanks to actors and teamwork.

9. The audience became interested in the film "Jetlag" of the novice director Mikhail IDOV, despite the fact that his first filmmaker "Humorist" did not meet hope in 2018, although received positive feedback. The commentators noted that the novice author raises topical and topical topics in his projects, so his new picture deserves it to see her.

Movie "Jetlag" - Trailer:

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