Igor Moiseev - biography, personal life, party, cause of death, ballet, ensemble, dancing



Moiseev Igor Alexandrovich is the greatest balletmaster and choreographer of the twentieth century. He managed to make a revolution in dance. He made a folk dance of world culture.

Childhood and youth

Igor Moiseev was born on January 21, 1906 in Kiev in the family of impoverished nobleman. His father Alexander Mikhailovich was a lawyer, led to legal practice. Perfectly owned French and often attended Paris, where he met the future wife and mother Igor - Gran Anna Alexandrovna. By profession, she was a modist.

Since Alexander Mikhailovich worked in Kiev, the spouses decided to move to live there. But soon after the birth of the son of Igor, his father was put in prison for the civilian statements towards the authorities. At this time, the mother took the boy to Paris and arranged him in the guesthouse. And he returned to Russia herself to rescue her husband from imprisonment.

Living in the boarding house was not easy. He was for 2 years younger than the rest of the children, so they were constantly offended by him. Yes, and caregivers did not take into account his age, presenting the same requirements for him as to the senior guys. For example, they punished, planting into a dark carpenter. As soon as in Kiev, the father was justified and he came out of prison, mother took Igor and returned to Russia with him, to Moscow.

Alexander Mikhailovich was afraid that the Street would adversely affect her son, so he tried to interest him with history, oriental culture. Mother taught Igor music and drawing. When the boy was 14 years old, his father decided to give him to the ballet studio. So he began to take ballet lessons at the faith of Ilinnya Masola - the former ballerina of the Bolshoi Theater.

After 3 months, the teacher took Igor to the choreographic technique of the Bolshoi Theater. The woman was sure that the boy should learn exactly there, and no entrance exams are terrible to him. So it came out, he was enrolled in the class of the main balletmaster of the Bolshoi Theater - Alexander Gorsky.

At this time, the Moses family lived extremely poorly. The father earned a living by the fact that he taught French, and the mother was taken for any work suggested to her - the old things have changed more often. The money was catastrophically lacked. Igor sat off and against the background of this began to root. For this reason, it was forced to skip the school year, although it was propheted by the end of the technical school a year earlier.

As a result, he was 18 when he was taken to the Bolshoi Theater's troupe. The first roles were poorly tasteful, danced in the crowd, and the salary was appropriate. Having received the first money earned, the young man immediately went to the store and bought a new kettle. Their old has long been disgusting and constantly tech, they had to sink him every time the window grout. This purchase in the family caused pride and adequacy.


Soon the theater came a new balletmaster Kasyan Golayovsky. His productions in the team caused stormy discussions, and they were indignant about the design of performances, and due to the novelty plastics, and the chosen theme - the conflict between the person and power was not satisfied. Many leading artists simply refused to work with him. Therefore, young artists danced mainly in his production.

First, the main party in the play "Legend of Joseph Beautiful" was given to Vasily Efremov. Igor Moiseev was allocated the main role in the second composition. But due to Efremov's disease, Igor Alexandrovich began to dance the main batch. Later he got a batch of soloist and in the ballet "Theodolinda".

But there was an unforeseen. He had to go against the will of the leadership of the theater and stand up for Goleyovsky. For this reason, he was first fired, soon restored, but the parties were not given. For a whole year, he was without work. "OPAL" ended randomly. The partner of the Ballerina's Ballerina Ekaterina Gelzer drank his back, he urgently searched for a replacement. Chose Igor Moiseeva.

However, this creative simple made artist think. If earlier he believed that the whole world spins around the dances, now he wanted to personally put performances. In 1926, Igor Alexandrovich, together with the director Simonov, put ballet "Beauty from Liu-Li Island". And it became a bright event among the Moscow public.

And a year later, he received a proposal to become a football player's director on the scene of the Bolshoi Theater. At that time he was 24 years old.

In 1937, he organized the first ensemble of national dance. In 1943, the ensemble opened a studio school. Later, according to his example, the ensembles of people's dance were created both in the former republics of our country and abroad.

Long-life Moses managed to become a legend. He combined countries and continents. From every tour, he "brought" a new dance - Yugoslav Jury, Argentine Gaucho, Venezuelan Horopa, Mexican Suite.

He was not afraid to remind about the forgotten roots not only Russia, but other countries. In Holland, he was applauded standing, and the local newspaper after the concert wrote that the Russian dance as devils. Moiseeyev's ensemble was waiting in France, China, Italy - any of their performance was held with the manschlage.

Igor Alexandrovich has a whole Museum of Prizes and Awards. But this is not surprising, because Moiseeva can safely be called the inventor - it was he who created and developed his own dance genre - the stage folk dance.

Personal life

Igor Alexandrovich Moiseev was married three times. The first wife of Nina Borisovna Potthettsky became his first wife. Their relationship lasted not long and ended up with a divorce.

The second wife of the balletmaster became Tamara Alekseevna Zeefert - dancer, deserved artist of the RSFSR. She was younger than Igor Alexandrovich for 10 years. In marriage they had a daughter Olga.

The girl decided to go in the footsteps of the parents and also filed a ballet, where he achieved great success. Her son Vladimir - Grandson Igor Moiseeva - also tied his life with a dance. He is a soloist of the Bolshoi Theater and the creator of the Russian National Ballet Theater.

In 1974, the balletmaster married for the third time. His chosen was Irina Alekseevna Chagadaeva. The difference in the age of spouses was 19 years old. In the ensemble she danced since 1943.


The great choreographer lived a long and significant life. He died on November 2, 2007 in Moscow. He was 101 year. Igor Alexandrovich died in the hospital from heart failure. In recent years, a man suffered from ischemic and hypertension.

Panhid and Farewell to Igor Moiseev took place in the concert hall of Tchaikovsky - on stage, where he put more than 300 productions. This figure entered the Guinness Book of Records. Buried the artist at the Novodevichy Cemetery.


  • Joseph - "Legend of Joseph Beautiful", setting K. Golayovsky
  • Raul - "Theolinda", setting K. Golayovsky
  • Slave - "Corsair", setting A. Gorsky
  • Mato - "Salambo", setting A. Gorsky
  • Footballer - "Football Player", Staging L. Latchilina and I.Miseeva
  • Uzbek - "Light Creek", Stopping F. Lopukhova

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