Igor Vdovin - biography, personal life, photo, news, wife Elena Nikolaev, businessman, Anastasia Volochkova 2021



Lawyer, Doctor of Science, Businessman and Chairman of the prestigious investment centers - is only far from this merit, Igor Vdovin became known to the public. The halo of scandalies threw the star companion Anastasia Volochkova on a man. Just thanks to the relationship with the ballerina, or rather loud separation, the businessman became the hero of the secular chronicles.

Childhood and youth

Igor Alexandrovich was born at the same time the capital of Kazakhstan Alma-Ata (now Almaty) in 1964. The childhood of the boy did not differ from the usual weekdays of Soviet schoolchildren. The future lawyer studied diligently and diligently, after school entered the Kuban Law University.

In 1995 he received a diploma of a lawyer. Without completing scientific activities in this, the young man joined the ranks of graduate students of the Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in St. Petersburg. 4 years after receiving the diploma, he defended his thesis and became a candidate of science. Doctoral degree obtained by vowy in 2002.


Career an active guy began to build early. In 1992, being still a student, started working. After 6 years, she took the prestigious post of the Chairman of the Direct Investment Council of the Non-Profit Partnership in the Center for Legal and Investment Programs.

Further success in business was also associated with investment policy. In 2001, the entrepreneur went to the post in the investment agency. Businessman and is now directly related to the structures of power, taking the position of Deputy Chairman of the Public Council at the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation. In addition, the widow remains a member of the Board of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs.

Over the years of work in the investment business, Widowin has become an experienced specialist in this area. To the opinion of Igor Alexandrovich listens his colleagues.

Now the businessman is conducting teaching activities at the Higher School of Economics, performs on various forums and economic conferences.

Personal life

The meeting with Volochkova Igor was already married, three children were born in the family. As Anastasia assured, she supported relations with chief chiefs from the first marriage, never resisted to communicating his father with them. The history of lovers began romantic and beautifully. Igor threw the cloutes of roses to the legs of the Bouquets of Roses, was present at the players of the ballerina.

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In 2005, a couple had a daughter Ariadne. After 2 years, Cheta Volochkova - Widowin decided to legitimize the relationship and played a gorgeous wedding. The bride changed outfits and shone sincere happiness. Just a year after that the family broke up. After parting, the former spouses admitted that the ceremony was played by fictitious and official signatures and seals in passports.

Anastasia Volochkova was divided by the details of family life and parting with the press. One of the first recognition was the shocking statement about the entry of a husband in the Yoga-House sect, which moved to the background and family, and love. It soon turned out that a woman was the reason for the breaking of the relationship, and not yoga.

Another loud scandal is associated with a large sum of money, which, according to Volochkova, owed a former lover. According to the celebrity, the couple met not the most profitable for businessman times. Because of the economy crisis, the entrepreneur decreased. Igor persuaded the spouse to take a loan of $ 3 million. Madly in love Anastasia agreed on the condition that a million of this money will be spent on the wedding ceremony.

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Volochkova shared with journalists, that after parting, Igor did not consider it necessary to return the debt, and this put the Ballet to the Deploy Financial Position. She mentioned in an interview that, having gone to the businessman to meet, offered to "work out a monetary service", depicting a similarity of family reconciliation for PR.

Then the photo of the family appeared in the "Instagram", happily conducting joint leisure. The businessman himself commenting on the accusations of the ex-wife, noticed that a monthly paid a ballerina $ 50 thousand. In addition, the money was embedded voluntarily in certain investments, no loans and debts did not have an entrepreneur before the dancer.

Another scandal caused by the next loud statement of the ballerina was accused of videos in organizing a robbery of the house in which a star with his daughter stayed. At that time, while the family was in departure, an attack was attacked to the house, the safe was revealed and kidnapped the values ​​of the ballerina.

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Some time later, the entrepreneur met a new love. The whaling of Igor Vedin was the beginning of the rock singer Varvara Demidov, who came to conquer the musical bond of the capital from Perm. By the way, the singer is under the entrepreneur for 17 years.

A couple of years lovers retained relationships in secret, trying not to advertise and not to give publicity their own happiness. Vddin gave the girl with gorgeous gifts, surprised by romantic surprises and went crazy from love. A bouquet of daisies in the middle of a harsh winter, a noble deer under the windows of the house - the businessman was ready to turn the mountains, just to the girl was pleased.

In 2015, the couple played a wedding. This time the marriage was real, with rings and seals. However, in 2017, the spouses divorced without explaining the reasons for the press. Children this time did not bring the Union.

Later it became known that a new muse appeared in the life of the entrepreneur. I met Vddovin from the TV presenter of the program "Morning Russia" by Elena Nikolaeva randomly. A businessman had no idea that the person was known in television circles in television circles, Elena also did not suspect Igor's scandalous past. The girl perceived a new acquaintance as a professional lawyer and a competent teacher.

According to Nikolaeva, the widower courted perfectly, giving the beloved by all sorts of surprises and arranging her unexpected meetings and trips. Later, the couple began to live together in the Moscow apartments that Igor Alexandrovich removed specifically for the new chosen.

Relationships they began to advertise only in 2019. Together, the couple appeared at the solemn events, often with them was the daughter of Igor Ariadne. Elena settled contact with the girl, and she today corresponds to her reciprocity.

In September, the engagement ring appeared on the nameless finger of the TV presenter. In Strammy, Nikolayev, I gladly reported that I received an offer to which I consensus. In the speed, Elena began to call his satellite with her husband, giving understanding the press: the official marriage took place.

Obviously, lovers did not want a lush celebration. Elena said in an interview that she didn't want to wear a white dress at all.

Igor Vdovin now

In 2021, Widowin took the position of Chairman of the Council of the National Association of Infrastructure Companies. The main activities of the Max have become the presentation and protection of the interests of the infrastructure construction industry, planning and implementing large projects. Also, the tasks of the association included the provision of expert support for state bodies in the process of adoption and changes in regulatory acts.

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