Tutsi Group - Composition, Photo, Songs, Clips, News



"Tutsi" - the Russian pop group, created at the "Star Factory" Viktor Drobysh. In 2004, the girls declared themselves about themselves, but they failed to repeat the success of the debut hit "the most" success. In 2012, the team's dissolution was announced.

First composition

The first team, which was remembered by the viewer, included four participants of the "Star Factory". Initially, the producer of the collective Victor Drobysh conceived Quintet. But even before the official submission to the public of the new group, he dismissed Sophia Kuzmin, the daughter of the singer Vladimir Kuzmina, due to constant disorders of the discipline.

The first composition of the Tutsi group

Thus, Irina Ortman, Anastasia Khorinov, Maria Weber and Lesya Yaroslavskaya entered the initial composition of Tutsi.

Irina Ortman comes from Kazakhstan. Music girl was fascinated at 4 years old, as her whole family was musical. At the "Star Factory", the girl came with a good baggage. She studied in the music schools of Barnaul and Moscow, at the Institute of Arts.

Irina Ortman

He worked in the group "White Eagle", in the teams of Alexander Malinina and Alexander Buynin. He participated in the musical "Dracula". By the way, by this time she even recorded a solo album at the father's studio.

In 2003, Irina performed in Jurmala at the New Wave Competition. She was never afraid of a solo career, so successfully combined work in the group and individual concerts. It is noteworthy that Ortman is the only one who was in Tutsi from the beginning to the end.

Anastasia Krainov

Anastasia Khorunova was born in the city of Gvardeisk, which in the Kaliningrad region. Since childhood, she went to his goal - to become an artist. She danced in the choreographic school "Street Jazz". In 2007 he entered the Russian Academy of Music named after Gnesini. The team of Khorins left in 2011. She terminated the contract with Victor Drobysh and began a solo singing career.

Maria Weber

Maria Weber, like Irina Ortman, has been in music since childhood. She finished music school in the class of piano, in his youth he learned to play the guitar, sang in the choir. After school entered Gitis.

"Tutsi" she left the first, in 2006. The cause of her care was her spouse Parviz Yasinov and pregnancy. The girl gave birth to a son, but the relationship with his spouse did not work out, he left Mary to the former soloist of the group "T.A.T.U" Yulia Volkovkov. Exactly a year later, Maria returned to the group and sang in her before decay.

Lesya Yaroslavl

Lesya Yaroslavskaya also brought up in the musical environment, her mother taught vocals. Therefore, at 4 years old, I began to sing with my mother at concerts. The girl graduated from the Moscow Regional Higher School of Arts, and later entered the Institute of Contemporary Art.

In 2008, Olesya temporarily left the group due to pregnancy. But in 2009 he returned and remained in the team to the end.


The appearance of the Tutsi group on the Russian stage was bright. In 2004, the debut song of the team was published - "most-most". Later it became known that this composition belonged to the Estonian singer Vika Fresh. Russian version was a remake. But in any case, in Russia, she quickly became a hit, hit the tops of the charts and constantly spinning on all radio stations.

In 2005, the same album was released. But the public he was asked cool. Music critics accused of this Drobysh - in their opinion, the producer works with his wards without interest and enthusiasm. For their first album, he wrote only one song - "I love him."

Despite the fact that Tutsi had new songs and filmed clips, the group began to lose popularity rapidly. In 2007, the second album was released - "Cappuccino". Critics to this record reacted even more categorically.

The fact is that everyone noticed the absence of Victor Drobysh songs on the disk. Many regarded it as cynicism. A PR-agency "Intermedia" published a negative review in which they reported that Tutsi has large problems with taste and repertoire.

Increasingly, the girls began to pierce the compositions of other performers - "cool" singers of glory, "all incoming" broken groups "Ultraviolet", the song of the Soviet period "Sing, soldiers, sing."

The group lasted for some time for a way, speaking at public events, but in 2010 the soloists faced the creative crisis. In 2012, the group ceased to exist.

Tutsi Group now

In its original composition, Tutsi did not fully last. Girls went on maternity leave, they took new participants to their places. For example, in 2006, Maria Weber replaced Adeline Sharipov. But after a couple of months, she left the team due to misunderstanding with Dr.. Sabrina Gaggikaibova came to her place, but was forced to leave when Weber returned to the group.

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In 2008, Tutsi leaves Lesya Yaroslavl. She is replaced by Natalia Rostov. But the forest was absent only six months and soon returned to the team. Therefore, there were five people in the group until Anastasia Krainov decided to do a solo career.

In 2012, the producer and the girls themselves announced the dissolution of the group. Today, Irina Ortman more often than the rest of the girls appears on television screens. She writes new songs, shoots clips. Irina is a frequent guest speech show and television gear. In 2014, the singer released a solo album "Plagiat". Also, the girl devotes a lot of time charity.

Tutsi Group on stage

Maria Weber after a long break also took up a solo career. In 2017, she presented her new song "He" and appeared at the concert of the "New Star Factory". Lesya Yaroslavtseva also did not leave the musical sphere. While still in the group, she began to work on solo projects. Since 2011, he recorded 5 solo plates.

Anastasia Krainov, after leaving "Tutsi" mastered the profession of DJ and began to speak in the clubs of Moscow. As an experiment, she began not to simply compile music, but also to sing at the same time. It is noteworthy that the girl still associates himself with the Tutsi Group and performs the team's hits at the concerts.


  • 2005 - "most-most"
  • 2007 - "Cappuccino"


  • 2004 - the most
  • 2004 - I love him
  • 2005 - Bitter Chocolate (FEAT KGB)
  • 2006 - by itself
  • 2006 - one hundred candles
  • 2007 - Cappuccino Cup
  • 2009 - It would be bitter

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