Evgeny Satanovsky - biography, photo, personal life, news 2021



When it comes to issues of the policy and economy of Israel, the name of Evgenia Yanovich Satanovsky comes to mind immediately. He dedicated himself to the study of Oriental Studies, received a degree of candidate of economic sciences. The speeches of Eugene Yanovich are full of irrefutable facts, and the interviews pay attention to the making statements.

Childhood and youth

The future scientist was born in the summer, June 15, 1959, in the capital of the USSR. Boy parents by nationality Jews. Father Evgenia - Jan Efimovich - the famous engineer designed for metal, is known to developments in the field of metallurgy. Alexander Lvovna's mother knew foreign languages, but left a career for the sake of the family. Before the appearance of a small zhenya, Satanovsky was already brought up by Victor's firstborn.

Evgeny Satanovsky in youth

Evgeny Yanovich rose a painful boy and missed school classes because of a cold. But the skips did not affect the progress. After the fourth year of study, he passed the exams in advance and switched immediately to the sixth grade. The young man read a lot of books, studied history and ethnography, wanted to enter Moscow State University and become an archaeologist.

But in the end, continued the tradition of the family and went to the Institute of Steel and Alloys. Evgeny was a brilliant student, with ease of learning new items. In parallel, engaged in public operation and became interested in karate. Practice from the Institute allowed the young man to travel a lot and drive around the half.


Coming out of the walls of the educational institution, Evgeny Satanovsky went to earn to dad and brother. The salary was tiny, but the possibility of career growth appeared. In 1982 he went to the Hebrew study circle. Changes occurred when a favorite father of the young man suddenly left his life in 1984. At that moment, a new round began in Evgenia's life biography.

Evgeny Satanovsky

There was little money, and to live, the young man went on earnings in the shop of the Sickle and Hammer plant. There Evgeny Yanovich worked for four years. Having earned the right amount, he founded his own business - the Metallurgical Firm "Ariel". After receiving independence in financial plan, Evgeny plunged into science.

At the beginning of the nineties, the idea of ​​creating the Institute of Israel appeared due to changes in the country. For two years, he collected expert scientists on orientalistic. The idea succeeded. Later, the Scientific Center became the Institute of Middle East. Evgeny Yanovich himself since 1993 - a permanent director of the institute.

Speech by Evgenia Satanovsky

In 1996, Evgeny Yanovich joined the membership of the Russian Jewish Congress. Three years - from 2001 to 2004 - consisted of the head of the Congress. Then again with his head went into science, but remained as part of the directors. In 1999 he defended the degree of candidate of economic sciences.

Evgenia Satanovsky can be found at the Department of Judaiki Institute of Asia and Africa at Moscow State University. There, the scientist teaches geopolitics and the economy of the Middle East region. Led teaching activities in MGIMO.

Political analyst Evgeny Satanovsky

Evgeni Yanovich is the post of Deputy Head of Teaching the Jewish Civilization of the Jewish University in Jerusalem.

Satanovsky is part of the Council of the Russian Society of Friendship with Arab countries. He is a member of the editorial councils of the journals "Diaspora", "Bulletin of the Jewish University" and "Eastern Collection", the Academic Council of the Iudaiki Library.

Evgeny Satanovsky and Sergey Korneevsky

The Candidate of Sciences actively participates in scientific conferences, appears in television and radio broadcasts Vladimir Solovyov, together with Sergey Korneyevsky leads the program "from two to five". Yevgeny Yanovich Satanovsky is known to the statements that the terrorist attacks on September 11 in the US and Nord-Ost organized no one else like Saudi Prince of Turkish Ibn Faisal Al Saud.

Personal life

In the personal life of Evgeny for a long time and happily married. Satellite of the life of Eugene Yanovich is the name of Maria. She made two children - daughter and son. Evgeny himself never ceases to confine that the family is the most important thing in the life of a man.

Satanovsky - happy parents and grandfather with grandmother. Children presented the parents of three grandchildren. Evgeny Yanovich thoroughly hides the details of a private life, the network does not find joint pictures of a man with his wife.

Evgeny Satanovsky

Friends with Vladimir Solovyov. He gave Evgeny Yanovich nickname "Armageddonch". The sonorous surname of Satanovsky does not apply to the biblical motive. The surname comes from the name of the city of Satan, which is located in Ukraine.

According to the application of familiar Eugene, Satanovsky kind and disinterested person. About me a man says he is too foul. Calls himself a Russian Jew.

Evgeny Satanovsky now

Now Satanovsky is the author of books and science and political articles. In his writings, the author focuses on the geopolitical device of the planet and the role of Eastern countries in this matter. The book "If I were Russian Tsar" built on the advice of President Vladimir Putin. The publication "Would I ..." offers new visions of the ideas of the Russian Federation. The essay of "boiler with troubles" reveals the external political relations of the Russian state with the countries of the East.

Evgeny Satanovsky in 2018

In 2017, the Book Publishing House "Eksmo" released two days of Satanovsky at once. The first - "WORK Books" - tells about what is happening events in the world and in the country. The second - "dialogues" - focuses on the topical matters of the policy of the world. It is written in co-authorship with Yakov Kedmi.

Evgeny Satanovsky often appears in news feeds. For 3, March 20, 2018, an expert statement appeared on the information portal "Economics today" that the US is afraid of an open conflict with Russia, as they know what a weapon has a Russian country in his hands.



  • 1999 - "Israeli economy in the 90s"
  • 2001 - "Israel in modern world politics: probable strategic opponents and strategic partners"
  • 2012 - "Russia and the Middle East. Boiler with troubles "
  • 2012 - "If I were Russian king. Tips for President "
  • 2013 - "My life among the Jews. Notes of the former underground "
  • 2014 - "Would you ... Would you ... Notes on the National Idea"
  • 2015 - "Israel Book. Travel notes about the country of saints, paratroopers and terrorists »
  • 2015 - "There was a people ... allowance for survival in genocide"
  • 2016 - "The boiler with trouble. Middle East for "Teapots" »
  • 2017 - "Dialogues"


  • 2001 - "Globalization of terrorism and its consequences"
  • 2006 - "Big Game - XXI Century"
  • 2005 - "New Middle East. Russia and Muslim world "
  • 2008 - "The world on the ruins of what will remain ..?"
  • 2008 - "Five years of war for oil and democracy"
  • 2015 - "Fighting on a patchwork blanket. The future of the Arab world will determine events in Yemen "


  • 1998 - "Actual problems of the Middle East. Conference Materials »

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