Princess Jasmine - biography, dress and hairstyle, image and character


Character History

The independent and proud daughter of Sultan, Jasmine became the first princess in the Universe "Disney", which is endowed with Eastern appearance. In the piggy bank of the heroine - a few more distinctive features. Of the 11 official girls of blue blood, invented on the legendary film studio, Jasmine The first married the poor man. She is the only of the princesses acting as a minor cartoon character. And even except the black-haired girl, no one from these cartoon beauties did not have to kiss the main villains of its history.

History of creation

Jasmine was born in the Epoch of the "Disney Renaissance", when the studio already twisted the world a restless little mermaid and a charming girl from the fairy tale "Beauty and the Beast." The development of another female character for a fairy tale, created by the motives of the magical stories about Aladdin from 1000 and 1 night, was engaged in Animator Mark Hennes.

Princess Jasmine

The appearance of the princess presented three weak floor representatives. Random meeting presented to the artist the main prototype for the future princess. One day, walking on the "Disneyland", Henne saw the young girl of Eastern blood - an incredible beauty. Especially the brand was struck by the long hair of the color of the Voronov wing, which the artist had a fabulous heroine. In the future, Jasmine will wear a beautiful hairstyle: the hair is collected in the tail and are pulled in several places with ribbons, the head decorates Tiara with a gemstone.

An actress Jennifer Connelly became another inspirational to create an image - a dark-haired long-legged beauty. And the features of the animator borrowed a Beth's own sister (Mark Hennes allegedly sought jasmine from her photo).

Actress Jennifer Connelli

In the draft sketches, the Arab princess looked extremely eastern. As a result, some moments smoothed, and the girl gained common with other princesses of the Universe "Disney". A distinctive feature of Jasmine also became the fact that she was the first who wears instead of a dress shortened top and pants - chiffon sharovari. After the premiere, the Muslim world was indignant to the girl too open outfit.

Aladdin's adventures

In the debut cartoon Aladdin, children get acquainted with the proud heir to the throne of the kingdom of the Agreb, the beloved daughter of Sultan, who will soon be 16 years old. A girl who dreams of free life and not wanting to marry without love, escaped from the palace in the robes of the poor peasant. On the market from ignorance of trade laws tried to feed the boy with an apple, for which he almost lost his hands. But the girl Aladdin's beggar came to the aid of the girl. So Jasmine got involved in an amazing story, during which he learned what real love was.

Jasmine and Aladdin

The eastern beauties before the time before the time did not know the name of his own Savior, until he fell to her on the carpet-plane under the guise of Prince Ali Ababua. A new look gave him genie from a magic lamp. During the journey over the world, the girl noticed the features of Aladdin in the prince, but the young man did not open the truth. And Jasmine fell in love.

A cunning Vizier Jafar intervened in fate, which became the new owner of the lamp. The villain seized power in the state, Aladdin seated the land of the Earth, and Jasmine turned into his servant. Brave Aladdin saved and beloved, and the state. The fairy tale, of course, ended with a victory over evil and complete Happy Endom: Sultan, touched by strong feelings of the couple, changed the law of the kingdom, and now the daughter has the right to marry the chosen one.

Jasmine and Sultan


The Pearl of the East became the heroine of four cartoons and one series:

  • "Aladdin" (1992)
  • "Return of Jafar" (1994)
  • "Aladdin and the king of robbers" (1996)
  • "Follow the dream" (2007)
  • Aladdin (animated series, 1994-1995)

The beautiful woman who revived in the pictures spoke in the voice of Larda Larkin. However, the actress was not going to claim this role, just appeared on auditions along with her friend. But, having acquainted with the scenario, was not kept and also entered into the struggle for the right to voice such a colorful character. And she won, however, I had to change the voice, because the authors of the cartoon considered the natural timbre of the girl too high. In Russian dubbing, Princess is voiced by Evgeny Igumnov.

Jasmine on the carpet-plane

Staging rich in wonderful musical compositions. In the first cartoon songs for Jasmine performed singer Lea Salong, and then the vocals gave Liz Calloweway. For Russian children, the Music Party Princess embodied Anna Plynyakov.

The most important role is assigned Jasmine in the debut picture, who received two Oscars at once, and in the tape "Follow the dream", in the rest, the emphasis was placed on the adventures of Aladdin.

Jasmine and her hand tiger rage

In the cartoon of 2007, the main roles are divided by Eastern Princess and Aurora from Sleeping Beauty. Here Jasmine by the will of the Father turns into an education advisor and proceeds to work at the Royal Academy. However, the teacher from the girl comes out unimportant.

Jasmine is also seen in modest roles in Hercules animated series (1998) and Mouse House (2001-2003). The cartoon character came to life in the TV series "Once in a fairy tale" - in the 6th season, published on the screens in 2016, the princess played Karen David.

Interesting Facts

Illustration of Yirka Vaaiatene
  1. Once the Finnish Illustrator and Designer Yirka Vaaiatenen thought about how Disney Princess would look in life, and painted her favorite heroines in the image of people. It turned out realistic and very beautiful. However, sultry eastern beauty Jasmine looks like in the works of the artist too adult.
  2. The popularity of Jasmine after the release of the first cartoon still remains at the height. The character and her beloved Aladdin is devoted to the scattering of computer games and fan fiction, and recently the light saw even porn comics "Princess Jasmine and false gossip."


"How dare you? All of you! Standing around, solve my future? I am not a prize that you can win! "


- You're a princess!

Princess Jasmine:

- Then I no longer want to be a princess!


- A! .. Do not give you Allah to have daughters ... "" No, do you know how he called me?! Princess! "

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