Denis Shtengelov - biography, photo, personal life, news 2021



Denis Shtengelov is a Russian entrepreneur from Tomsk, whose state of evaluating Bloomberg in 2017 reached $ 1 billion. By 45 years, Sibiryak managed to build a business empire to scale, which allowed Forbes to introduce it to the hundred top companies in Russia.

Businessman Denis Shtengelov

The Beneficiary "KDV Group" Shtengelova is called the Confectionery King: he owns 11 factories in the country. And another Tomsk billionaire built a ski resort in Australia and a sports and entertainment complex for those who professionally playing golf or tennis.

Interest in the name and biography of Stengeelov, avoiding publicity and PR, arose in March 2018 due to a fire in the shopping and entertainment center "Winter Cherry" in Kemerovo, who claimed tens of people.

Childhood and youth

A future billionaire was born in the spring of 1972 in the Siberian outback - the village of Rubino, where half a thousand people lived. Childhood Denis and Brother Igor - like all Soviet children in the village.

The head of the Nikolai Shtengelov family worked as the director of the state farm "Nelyubinsky". Mom Denis and Igor died after childbirth. Soon stepmother appeared in the family: the woman helped put two young children on his feet.

Denis Shtengelov

Denis has two step sisters - Oksana and Julia. Big family lived together. With brother, sisters and parents of Stengelov supports a warm relationship, although their life scattered in different parts of the planet.

Igor Schtengelov's education received at the University of Tomsk, at the Faculty of Economics. In the mid-1990s, after a diploma, a novice entrepreneur, together with former classmates, made the first steps in the business.


The first object of the attention of former fellow students has become household appliances, but soon young entrepreneurs threw the idea, which brought only losses, and switched to raw seeds. The first business partners of Denis Shtengelov and the company - grandmothers: pensioners small wholesale bought products and sold it in fried in crowded places.

In the "Liche 90s" grandmothers, who tried to take a special set, turned out to be a great set. In less than 2 years, Denis Schtengelov, with partners, built a small plant in his native village, produced and taking sunflower oil. The thing flourished and gained momentum.

Denis Stengelov in his factory

In 1997, Stengelov made another step towards prosperity - acquired a Yashkini foodstone under Kemerovo. The deplorable state of the enterprise was not embarrassed: taking loans, the businessman brought him out of the crisis and turned into a prosperous. Soon the factory entered the leaders among the competitors: in 2004, KF Yashkino was awarded the award as the largest manufacturer of waffles in the Russian Federation.

2 years before the award, in 2002, Denis Schtengelov established the Holding "CDV Group". It includes 5 siberian food plants. In 2008, the Director General of the Shtengelov Holding has expanded the business empire by buying the Bridgetown Foods and Siberian Beach enterprises, which produced snacks and fish snacks. In 2010, the Holding Factory "Golden Term" and the Brand "Barents" joined the holding.

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For 2017, the "KDV Group" included over 100 thousand country outlets. Denis Shtengelov took care of logistics: branches of its enterprises moved closer to railways and administrative centers. But the main office of the "KDV Group" is still in Tomsk.

In 2013, Stengelov remembered the "Lidh 90s" and the dawn of entrepreneurial activity - bought the Babkin seed factory. The deal turned out to be profitable - the established production after modernization and expansion enriches the owner by 5 billion rubles annually.

Businessman Denis Shtengelov

In the same year, Denis Stengelov acquired a confectionery factory "Red Star" in Tomsk. The decision to purchase a businessman accepted spontaneously, as soon as possible. Stengelov has invested funds in modernization and turned the enterprise to prosperous. The staff and technology was changed, the chocolate recipe was improved. The famous bar "Sprint" is a favorite delicacy of Russian sweets.

The general director planned to build a sports center in Tomsk, but the plans changed: the complex appeared in Australia, in Queensland, where the entrepreneur transported the family. The place is called Paradise for life.

Sports Center Denis Shtengelova in Australia

The center is 20 tennis courts and 40 golf courses. He heads the Sports Complex Schtengelova - Julia, who previously lived in Switzerland, but in the 2010th-held green continent. On the territory of the sports center there is a swimming pool, shops and restaurants.

According to the "Forbes", the holding of Denis Shtengelova on income took the 90th place among 200 enterprises applying for leadership. "KDV GROUP" left behind Yandex and Pegasus-Touristik.

A quarter of products produced by the facilities of Denis Shtengelov's food enterprises in Russia is exported to 4 dozen countries. In addition to residents of the former Allied republics, its taste is known to the Germans and Americans. Collaboration with China is developing. According to Shtengelov, 30% of the revenue bring snacks, 70 - confectionery.

Personal life

Denis Schtengelov built not only a successful business, but also a happy family. Wife gave him two sons and daughter. Older children learn. Son Ivan - Professional tennis player: He graduated from a prestigious male pension Southport in Australia.

On pages in social networks, Ivan lays out photos of relaxation at expensive ski resorts, posing near private aircraft.

Denis Schtengelov and his son Ivan

The younger son Alexey, like a brother, is studying at Southport and also fond of tennis.

Since 2010, Stengelov has been living in Australia, and the head of the business empire is broken between the two countries.

Denis Schtengelov After reading the books of healthy nutrition specialists, Colin Campbell and John McDougall adheres to vegetarianism, leads a healthy lifestyle, morning starts from jogging.

Denis Shtengelov now

Tomsk billionaire is called the co-owner of the TRV "Winter Cherry" in Kemerovo. When a large-scale tragedy happened, the death of children and their relatives, Shtengelov was not in Russia. On the second day after the fire, he had a connection and gave an interview with the publication of Vedomosti, promising to return from Australia in the near future. Denis Schtengelov said that the TPC does not have a relationship to "KDV Group".

"This is my private investment, I am a beneficiary of part of this shopping center. 9-10 years ago I was the main investor of the shopping complex. "

According to the entrepreneur, in the "winter cherry" he owns less than half of the square, and it is not engaged in the operational control of the shopping center, which has many owners.

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Stengelov expressed condolences to the families of the dead Kemerovs and promised to pay for each deceased 3 million rubles.

The Investigation Committee of the Russian Federation will interrogate the billionaire, since according to preliminary data of Stengelov, the owner of the shopping center, in which dozens of people died.

State assessment

For different estimates, the billionaire employed more than 16 thousand people. The staff of the business empire of Denis Shtengelov is growing, and the revenue from the work of the CDV Group is 40 billion rubles.

Forbes appreciated the state of the co-owner of the TRC in Kemerovo at $ 600 million per night of the enterprise, which is included in the holding of Shtengelov, produce 50 tons of products. In the near future, the billionaire plans to achieve a mark in half a million tons.

Denis Shtengelov in 2018

In 2017, Bloomberg appreciated the state of Siberian magnate at $ 1 billion.

The Holding "KDV GROUP" today includes 11 factories, several dozen logistics centers. In addition to these enterprises in the Kemerovo region and Tomsk, Denis Schtengelov owns confectionery enterprises in Moscow, Tver, Ulyanovsk regions, agrocooperative in the Altai Territory.

Products of food enterprises "CDV Group" are sold in mass market. Buyers are known brands "Kirieski", "Yashkino", "Babkin Seeds", "Three crusts", "Barents", Beerka.

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