Valery Commissioners - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Transmissions 2021



Valery Commissioners - a versatile person, known both both the TV presenter, and as a director, and as a gear author, and even as a politician and a deputy. The surname of the Commissar for the Russian-speaking viewer is associated with the TV project "My Family", "House-2", "Mom in Law".

Childhood and youth

The man was born on April 12, 1965 in Kharkov, on the sign of the zodiac Aries. Exactly his nationality is unknown. At first, the parents wanted to call Son Yuri, in honor of Gagarin, then by Herman, as Cosmonaut Titov, but considered this name unrealized and stopped at Valeria. He grew up in an intelligent family: Mom taught astronomy and mathematics, the grandmother was a librarian and instigated his grandchildren to read.

The early biography of the Commissioner is associated with his hometown: here Valery graduated from school. It is noteworthy that he originally chose a profession not creative, enrolling in the Institute of Steel and Alloys in Moscow. In 1987 he graduated from the institute, becoming a certified specialist.

In parallel with this, the Commissioners decided to get another specialty and at the same time began to study at advanced training courses for television staff and radio. Valera received the second profession and the right proudly call himself director.

Immediately after the Institute, the young man went to work on the steel plant in Lublino, but the dreams of television did not give rest. In his youth, he wanted to try himself as a journalist, actor and had his own ideas for new gears and a talk show. He managed to start implementing them.

Personal life

In the personal life of the Commissioner was two marriages. The first chosen of the wife of his daughter Valery Komissarov. Some time later, this marriage broke up. The second wife producer met on the set of "my family" - the girl worked as part of the film crew, after marriage, she took the surname of her husband, becoming Alla Commissioner.

The feelings broke out at first glance, and twins have been born in 2001. The girl called Maria, the boy received the name Valery, in honor of the dad.

Also in the network there is information that later Valery Commissioner has two children have been born - Alexander's daughter and Elizabeth.

For a debt of "Service" Valery Yakovlevich started the page in "Instagram", where it publishes different pictures and photos, and also communicates with the subscribers. To this day, it remains recognizable and a rapid character, which, not shy expressions, expresses his own thoughts of a relative one or another situation. High and Static (height 198 cm, weight of 90 kg), with the appearance of a psychologist, at all times he caused the trust of the audience, which continues to do and now, telling reporters about the state, career and life outside the cameras.

Career and politics

The path to the glory of Valery began with the administrator of the youth editorial board of the central television of Goseradio. In this post, he showed himself as an intelligent employee and soon received an increase, taking the place of the Special Center at the time of the TV show "Look."

Here, the Commissioners worked for 3 years, until 1992. It is noteworthy that then the organizational abilities and responsible attitude to work allowed Valery to take the place of secretary of the Komsomol organization of the editorial office, which was considered honorary.

Since 1999, Valery Yakovlevich is also known as a serious politician. Then a man ran into the State Duma as a deputy from United Russia. Until 2011, she was engaged in public activities, he worked at the Radio and Television Broadcasting Commission and even made a collaboration of the media amendment, and in 2011 there was a deputy authority.

Tele Show

Since 1993, the name of Valery Commissioner has appeared in the Tutors of the Channel Illusions, "Male and Women's Stories" and other projects. Each of these shows instantly became popular, collecting thousands of viewers from the screens. The reason for such folk love is simple: each transmission disassembled questions and problems actual for people.

Apotheosis of this genre was "my family", which started on television in 1996. The stories of workers and housewives, told in the transmission studio sympathizing Valery Commissioner, were attracted to the screens of viewers.

Situations were understandable to ordinary people, which made the show even more interesting. Of course, the program of the program was the rubric of the "Revelation Mask". Family problems, complex situations at work, the issues of education of children and love - this was discussed and was considered literally under a magnifying glass in the Commissar Program Studio.

The following transmissions, in the titles of which the name of Valery appeared, became the "perfect man", "Maryina Grove", "On Health!". In addition, the Commissioners worked on the creation of the Klotovoy Window, which Dmitry Nagiyev led. It was completely staged to understand this, the audience took several years. For participation in the project, unprofessional actors, "heroes" he was looking for in stores, parks and the streets of cities. They became workers, housewives, sellers and other representatives of ordinary professions that dreamed of going to television.

In parallel with the work on TV Valery Yakovlevich tried forces and as a director. In 1997, he removed the film, called the "Double Ship". The events of this comedy detective unfold on board the ship, which takes the shooting of the TV show twins.

In 2011, another bright show appeared, the idea of ​​which belongs to the Commissioner. We are talking about the program "Moms in Law". The essence of the project is simple: future mother-in-laws come up with funny and complex tasks for girls who will be their daughters. The latter will have to prove beloved mothers that they are worthy to take a place in the life of their favorite sons.

In 2015, Valery Yakovlevich appeared on the Russia-1 channel as the leading program "Our Man." In the spring of 2019, he became a guest program "The Fate of Man" with Boris Korchevnikov, and in the summer he visited the Studio Lera Kudryavtsevaya "Secret by Million", where he opened the most secret stakes of stars - where I found Olga Buzov, how much I paid Nikolay Baskov and why not congratulated Ksenia Sobchak with the second wedding.

"House 2"

Another bright project, whose creation put the hand of Valery Commissioners, became "House-2". More precisely, everything began with a short project called "House". Nikolay Baskov's transfer, Svetlana Gorcina, as well as Dmitry Nagiyev, who got the honor to spend the final edition. Family couples that have already found love built a house of dreams and fought for the right to get keys from him.

After the 1st season of the "House", the editorial group appeared the idea of ​​modifying the project. So, in 2004, the audience for the first time saw a show, which was destined to become the longest project in the history of reality programs. Ksenia Sobchak and Ksenia Borodin were the first leading "Houses-2", and among the first "households" there were Olga Buzova and Alena Vodonaeva, Stepan of Menshchikov and Olga Sun, Roman Tretyakov and May Apikos.

Many of the participants eventually became the stars of TV, and some even gained the second half on the project. Initially it was assumed that one pair of lovers would win, however, in the course of the action plans changed.

The first couple of years everything went according to the plan, the Commissioners combined work on a project with life in the United States, where he tried to promote another Russian-speaking show. Financing a realistic show was engaged in TNT, and therefore the right to format and the name belonged to the channel, Valery was listed on paper only as a producer. But in 2014, rumors crawled around that the commissioners were going to sell the territory where the shooting was held, secretly from the rest of his colleagues.

When it became known, the management of the canal decided to be reinforced and, not to say the Commissar, who lives at that time in America, began to build a new platform for filming. Former executive producer "House-2" Alexander Mikhailovsky said that Valery himself is to blame for this: besides frauds from the sale of the site, the man was accused of excessive greed.

Allegedly Valery Yakovlevich did not consider it necessary to invest in the technical equipment of the film crew with modern equipment. The apogee of his actions was the refusal of newly arriving "households" from participation in the project due to the low level of comfort, which they were offered.

According to Mikhailovsky, many beds in the bedrooms were broken, pastel underwear was not updated, and due to the lack of cutlery, the guys even had to eat hands. Commissars all these accusations call in lie, saying that he highlighted funds for all household items.

2014 became for the Commissioner fateful. Returning to Russia and arriving at the "House-2" platform, a man discovered that she was transferred to another place. According to the producer, he was not warned about it in advance. And when he learned about the plans of the leadership of TNT, Valery Yakovlevich was reported that in its services no longer need. He told Xenia Sobchak on the air of her Youtyub program "Caution, Sobchak!" In March 2020.

Valery Commissioners now

Despite the already elderly age, Valery and now fount the new ideas, which, in his opinion, will attract the audience. Having a platform in the property, where "House-2" was previously shot, producer decided to act. Commissioners began to shoot a new show "Battle of Thrones", overlooking the MEGOGO video service from the beginning of 2020.

The creator of the project and this time did something like "House-2", but for the new reality built the fortress, which settled 24 participants. They imagine that they are in the Middle Ages, are divided into ministers, jesters, kings and subordinates and change the roles every week. The goal is to overthrow a competitor from the throne, because once a month the king and queen receive a million rubles.

Without television rotation, the producer allowed himself much more than if the project went out on some channel. For example, there are no censorship. He also made the choice of leading. Actress Nastasya Samburskskaya is famous for acute tongue and rigidity, as well as familiar to many on scandals blogger Daria Zotehev, famous for the pseudonym instasamka, also with his audience on the Internet. Their colleague was both Lyudmila Gurchenko, which appeared in the first ether in the form of a hologram. Make it Commissar decided to upset the public even more and attract attention to the show.

From the first issues of the "Battle of Thrones" it became clear that the Commissioners would surprise the audience throughout the project. And already in March, on the ether of the next series, he enlightened an instassion from the show for the fact that on the eve of the transfer of Nastya Ivleyeva, he stated that she had been "not just so", having in mind a good salary, and does not plan to linger there for a long time .


  • 1989-1992 - "Look"
  • 1996 - "My Family"
  • 1998-1999 - "Maryina Grove"
  • 1999-2001 - "On Health!"
  • 2001 - "The perfect man"
  • 2002-2005 - "Windows"
  • 2003 - "House"
  • 2004-2014 - "Dom-2"
  • 2011 - "Moms in Law"
  • 2015 - "Our Man"
  • 2020 - "Battle of Thrones"

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